Some monumental things I learned in 2010
1. Just because someone calls themselves your friend, or offers you help, does not mean they really are and have your best interests at heart.
2. The best things are worth waiting for, no matter how long it takes.
3. Hard work and sacrifice do pay off.
4. To believe in myself.
5. Not to have blind faith in anyone but God.
6. I do not have to carry the burdens of my past into my future.
7. Mom was always right
8. Not to settle
9. To protect myself above all others
10. To not feel guilty about decisions made to protect myself, even when it hurts someone I love.
11. To think before I speak, some things cannot be unsaid.
12. Appreciate the little things.
13. Share Gods love
14. Never forget to tell those who you love, that you love them…often.
15. No matter how bad you want something, it may not be what you really need.
16. Forgiveness |