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*** : Because you don't want the Geek Squad knowing how much of a perv you are, have a fellow perv fix your PC problems. ;)***

Likes to pounce, huggle, cuddle, snuggle, snuzzle...on the flip side, like to tease, torment, and leave you panting for more.

Is looking for people like myself to talk with, occasionally molesticate, and maybe ridicule the masses with.

If you tend to start emails off with either:

A. Would u lke to worship me??
B. Will u own me and let me worship ur toes, mistress???1

I highly suggest you not contact me.

So, in conclusion, if you have an IQ over that of a household sponge, feel free to drop me a line, my box is always open.

Wait, did that sound dirty?

Oops. ;)

UPDATE: I feel I should clarify some things on what I'm not looking for on this site, for the people who don't bother to read my journal entries.

1. I currently have a 24/7 live in slave. He is my love, my life, my world, and NO I'm not looking for another live in. His name is darknemus on here, feel free to message him to see how awesome I am. I wish you the best of luck in your search for those who are.

2. Pictures of your cock/shoving things up your ass in your initial email will irritate me and you WILL be blocked.

3. Yes, I'm a smart ass. Yes, I'm young. Emails pointing out the obvious wil be laughed at and deleted.

4. Speak english!! If I can't read what you wrote or it's so illegible that you sound like a m pounding a keyboard, you will get NO RESPONSE. Or a mean one. Possibly sarcastic. Either way, nothing good will come of it.

5. 44DD, so stop asking already, jeebus.

That is all, I'm off like a prom dress. ;)

Money grubbing cunts make me laugh. A lot. :D

To all you boys (and yes, 99% of you are male) who INSIST on telling me how you want to be my slave, and are ready to submit, and you live in another state, let alone country, pay close attention:

1.) I'm truly happy that you have found this deep seeded submission within yourself. I really am. It's a matter of logistics, really: Unless you've broken the space time continuum and can magically teleport to me on a dime, you will not be serving me. I do not do long distance.

2.) So, assuming what you know of me is a picture of myself and some text, the fact that you would choose to submit to someone YOU'VE NEVER FUCKING MET (can you tell this is a sore spot for me?) also lowers my opinion of your intelligence. You're ready to submit to me, guy-in-California-while-I-live-in-Florida? Excellent, because I just happen to be a serial rapist cannibal and I need someone to dispose of the bodies. What flight were you coming on, again?

3.) I have a live in slave boy already. I know that many of you fucknuts have no idea what proper protocol and etiquette is, but NEWSFLASH: you would approach him to make sure you're not stepping on any toes prior to contacting me. This goes for local people as well.

4.) If I can look past the fact that you live in Zimbabwe and want to give your life to me, you type like a monkey pounding it's head on the keyboard. I make typos, everybody does. But if my brain hurts trying to decipher what the fuck you've written, chances are I won't talk to you.

5.) I'm so fucking sick and tired of seeing "I want, I want, I want, me, me, me" in initial emails. I understood as male with a dick you tend to think with it, but I promise you mine's bigger and so let's get that out in the open from the get go and get to know each other as people, and not talk about your fantasies.

Got all that? Good. Now you can hit "Send". ;)
In this day and age where everyone and their mother owns a digital camera and YOU have 1 blurry face pic that looks like it's from 1987 is beyond me...
When the hell did the collarme admins start getting so lax with picture approvals? I don't want to see unsolicited pictures of cocks thrown in my face.


If they keep this shit up, I'm deleting my account.
A rant about when boys message me going "I want to be your slave, Mistress. Completely, no limits, I'll do whatever you say."

I go "Perfect, you'll have a mat on the floor, do all the household chores, do my errands, and the only gratification you'll get is my happiness and what morsel I decide to give you of satisfaction."

Since it's not "Perfect, I'll fuck you in the ass, you can prance around with a feather duster in a slutty outfit, and be lazy the rest of the time" they run away.

People think slavery is what THEY think it should be, not what the Woman says it should be. Well color me silly, this is FEMALE DOMINATION, right? Where the FEMALE (whether genetic or you identify as one, mentally) makes the rules, lays down the law, and rules with an iron fist. GOD FUCKING FORBID we make boys actually WORK to get our attention rather then saying "Yes, of COURSE I'll fulfill your fantasies, of course I'll be decked out in leather ALL DAY EVERY DAY, following you around with a crop and speak in a russian accent ALL FOR YOU. Because I really just PRETEND to be Dominant, I'm just an object to be used for YOUR fantsay."

Fucking people need to get a fucking clue that this is a LIFESTYLE for some of us. This is INGRAINED in who we are. It's not an act, we don't play dress up on the weekends, we live it 24/7, and we're not here to suit YOUR needs. You're here to cater to OURS.
Is it cynical of me that every time someone says they're "quitting the lifestyle for good" I start taking side bets on how long until they're back? :P
I can't think of anything more obvious/annoying then getting messages from "Dommes" from across the country asking me to "take over their slave" for them.  How DUMB do these people think I am? "Oh, let me guess, he's sitting right there! I can talk to him right now?? How lucky am I? Wait, he'll get on cam, too? Ohhh, but you're leaving. How unfortunate."  *facepalm* -

Our new venture (don't worry, we still have for your vanilla friends)

go, spread the word. ;)
My pet and I have launched a new business venture:

Completely kink friendly and discreet, we can help you with pesky computer issues. :)
So, emails from people like this make me throw up in my mouth a little:

hello im a married man from eastern ky , im looking to be made a full time slave and disapear , im 6'0 300lbs my pic is on my profile , i have no limits and i love pain of all kinds , im looking to be a full time live in house slave , and hoping to never be found again by anyone but my owners , im 100% for real and i would love to talk to u so please message me back thank u , thank u

To which I replied:

Did you even bother to read my profile?

And for the record, I think it's disgusting that you would up and leave your wife to fulfill a fantasy of yours.

How selfish.

Astonishing to think there are people like this out there.

For the record, I'm not amused when "Dominants" message to be their submissive.

Fucking annoying. 
I'm totally diggin' the free clips of porn when you view a person's full profile. >=)
I crack myself up. Since darknemus and I tend to play poker alot, we get the "Are you guys dating?" and "Are you guys related?" questions alot.  Well, the other day, a kindly gentleman asked me:

Kindly Gentlemen:  "Are you guys dating or related?"
Myself: (completely deadpan) "Both."

Man, I'm hilarious. :D
One thing that I've noticed on this site that bothers/confuses me and I've seen it primarily on female submissive profiles is the not being able to talk to any males of any orientation (Dom/swith/sub). The infamous "All blue messages will be deleted" line.

Are their owners so insecure that they don't even want their submissives not even conversing with men? Do they forbid their submissives to not talk with males in real life as well?

It's never made any sense to me. Anyone with any opinions on the subject are welcome to message me. Be forewarned you may/may not get a reply that you like. ;)
Ever notice when you drink entirely too much caffeine, your skin feels electrified? What the fuck is up with that??    
It's not really forced bi when you message me going "PLZ GODDESS, MAKE ME TAKE COCK UP MY ASS 4 U!!"

Some people are  like slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you can't help but chuckle when you see them fall down a flight of stairs...
Why on earth do people have video introductions and all it is is them staring blankly at the camera? 
Palette wrap = teh hawtness :D
It's really hard to keep the Alpha Bitch dynamic up when I look down at him and he smiles and completely makes me go "awwwwwwwww" on the inside.

Must invest in new gags....
Now, why is it that every girl that has an audio clip sounds like a phone sex operator? :P
The Beyond Leather Post:

Beyond Leather was *awesome*. darknemus and I had alot of fun, met some neat people and saw some amazing classes. We can't decide our favotire show/class, they were all that good. And I got oggled by a few people, which is always nice. ;)

Finally met PonyGroom and his girl lyndsey after sever years of talking to PonyGroom. That was awesome. :) He keeps insisting I make it up to Orlando for their pet parties, which I will one day.

Let's see, what else. Oh! We got a couple new toys while there. The new main ones being an inflatable ball gag that buckles around the head as well as a rubber cock sheath that also inflates. Inflatables = teh hawtness! Also got a rose where the stem is made of silver barbed wire and the rose itself black and purple leather. So pretty. <3
craig (darknemus) and I are all set up for BeyondLeather, wooohooo!

Would love to meet up with anyone else attending. :)
Like poker? Are you a service oriented submissive? Read below if either apply to you. ;)

In the South Florida area? Like to play poker, by chance? My pet (Darknemus) and myself are actively attempting to set up a Poker game attended mainly by other lifestyle members :) If you're interested, drop either of us a line. Game will be hosted here in our home, probably tended to by a submissive or two for drink runs and the like (any volunteers for the position? ;) ) , and general fun and merriment is to be had by all. We can even support overnight guests provided you don't have the 'creepy factor' exuding from your pores.
Few things are more beautiful then having my slave trembling on the bed, each kiss of the flogger making him jump and his begging me stop, when I *know* in my heart, he wants more.

Always wants more.

The complete synergistic flow of energy, his submission feeding my Dominance, my Dominance feeding his surrender to me, fully and completely.

The feeling of pure ecstacy with each cry of pain as the Sadism courses through my veins, making me smile in delicious sin and pride at this beautiful boy laid out before me. This arrogant, intelligent, beautiful man, reduced to a begging little subject of his Goddess.

My love for him growing stronger with each cry, my heart pounding faster as I practically explode in my happiness. Tendrils of delerium creeping through my mind as I let him know without wrds how much I love his passion, his gift of devotion to me.

How I love this creature of strong will that is laid out before me. This writhing worm of a human, so confident just an hour ago, now begging for more.

How I yearn to take him further, drive him harder, test our wills, forever.

How I, need to feel his precious gift.

How it feels to be so in love.

Every ounce of me entwined in every ounce of him.

Completely, delerously, unequivacobly, mine. And I, his.
Is anyone else bothered by the Dominants on here that have their ages listed at 40, with "30+ years experience in the Lifestyle."?

If bossing little boys around on the playground makes me a Dominant since age 5, then I have 19+ years experience! Go me!
A couple things I'd like to point out, that I'm sure others have on here have, but I'd like to put it out there just, well...because I can. :P

1. Capitalizing your name does NOT make you Dominant, it makes you a bad linguist. (After reviewing my journal, yes, I've been guilty of this in my own writings, but have since gotten over myself and don't feel like changing them).

2. Attaching Sir/Lord/Master/Princess/Goddess/etc to your name does not give you the "BOW TO ME, SCUM" golden ticket.

3. Leave the fucking pro-Dommes on this site ALONE. I read alot of people who say "paying someone to serve them is wrong" - which is fine for you to think, however, emailing them to tell them what they're doing is wrong won't accomplish anything but to get you laughed at. They don't go up to random places of business and go "your stapler offends me. Stop doing your work." So, this is a big "Fuck you" to those who like to harass and instigate. :)

4. One line emails don't make *anyone* wet their panties. No one is impressed by your inability to articulate what you want.

5. Not reading a person's profile before emailing them is annoying as shit. I'll use myself as an example. I clearly state that I'm in a very deep, loving, caring, committed relationship with my slave, yet I get daily propositions asking if I want a live in subbie bitch.
As I scroll through the multitudes of profiles here on CollarMe, clicking on random profiles, something just occurred to me.

There is a vast amount of younger people on this site, which I applaud. Dominants, submissives, switches, all types, shapes, sizes, and colors.

Now, I've gotten alot of slack for being being 23 and a Dominant. Emails such as "you're just a baby, how can you dominate someone, blah blah blah" and other nonsense.

As some of you may or may not know, I started on this site list as a submissive at 20 years old (shocking, yes, I know), and I never once got "you're too young to know if you're submissive." Young submissive s are considered prime real estate, while younger Dominants get scorned.

Just an observation and curious on people's thoughts on the subject.
So, Me and My wonderful, sweet, handsome, loving, adorable, funny, smart, perfect (for Me at least) pet, darknemus, and I will be mozying up to Tampa once again this weekend and will be attending the Chambers Fetish Circuit Fetish Party thingofamabobber.

I realize that I'm writing about the thrid visit without updates ont he second, but the only things I will divulge are: hotel suites ROCK, owning a portable massage table is a wonderful, debacherous thing, and 5 people in one bed equals woohoo!

WOnderful people I must mention from the last visit (and upcoming one, I hope!) are: GoddessAriana, MasterzKitten, Kha0sAngel, Daemonchild85, (this chick's a friggin' vixen, holy krike) and Edwindafreak.

Anyone in the Tampa/St. Pete area want to come over and meet up with us, you're more than welcome.

I'll know who you are when you're on the ground, kneeling at My feet. Introductions won't be necessary at that point. ;)
CollarMe ate My pictures because I updated the main one. That makes Me a sad panda.

Oh well, I'm still recovering the lack of sleep over the weekend (will update on that later...mmmm...meat cleavers and manties).
Sooooooooo, I'm officially coming back to Tampa this weekend (Aug 31 - Sept 2), drop Me a line if you'd like to meet up. More Lifestyle friends (or more, teehee) the better! ;)
Just got back from My trip to Tampa. One of the most debacherous weekends I've ever had, and I forget My camera. :P

I would like to personally thank GoddessAriana for a wonderful dual Domme session with My pet, darknemus. I don't think I've ever been so in sync with another Dominant during a scene. Any of you Tampa boys/girls better watch out, GoddessAriana will own your sorry ass. ;)

Or, perhaps, when we roll back in town we *both* will.

*evil cackles*
A couple of the things that never cease to amuse Me about this site:  

    1. Why some people have one blurred, webcam shot of their face and 78 pictures of their toy collection.

    2. Why Old Doms insist on putting up pictures making them look like an extra from Deliverance. I realize I'm a larger Woman, but you don't see pictures of Me in a moomoo with curlers in My hair.

    3. Why people assume that because of My age I'm inexperienced and therefore know nothing of the Lifestyle. Maybe they should ask My 24/7 live in how real I am?

    4. People assuming I'm all about money because I require "tribute." I'm a firm believer im Female Supremacy. I view tribute as offerings to Me as the Goddess I am. End of story.

    5. Male submissives who want to "serve" Me by riding a cucumber while singing I'm a little tea pot on cam. Last time I checked, that's not service, that's getting yourself off.

    6. Being called a "pompous brat."

    7. Male submissives who beg to serve Me, meet Me, move in with Me and suck My slave's cock without finding out if I'm a psycho killer with 17 cats and the bodies of former lovers buried in My basement.

    8. How opinionated slaves are considered "Topping from the bottom." I like My slaves to have thoughts, opinions, feelings and emotions so I can choose to ignore them. ;)

    9. People who message Me then delete their profile.

    10. If the pro Domme profiles that say "BE MY PAY PIG, YOU PATHETIC SWINE" actually works. Where do I sign up?
It never ceases to amaze Me when people who have tried to get My attention in past email Me over and over, forgetting they tried to impress Me, and try to turn My head.

Idiots, all of them.
New pics of My pets and I, go ahead and browse, let Me know what Y/you think. 

I've recently changed My profile from switch to Dominant because I've found that I have evolved in this Lifestyle. I have served under a few Awesome Men whom have changed My life for the better and have made Me who and what I am today. =)

Chat requests aren't working lately. =(

Try messaging me instead.
Wow, so this is what is all about, very cool.

It's also nice to have an online blog that I can write in without worrying about people reading and finding out how much of a freak I am. =)