Vertical Line


~WARNING: I am a geek. I am unashamedly a geek. I will not stop being a geek. I buy comics, I hang out at the local gamer haunts, I RP. Those frightened by the terms D&D, Ren Fair, historical reenacting, and Spider-Man should follow the nice Orcs to another profile~

We have a couple's profile: ValyraenandAqua for those who are interested in learning about us.

All right, with that out of the way... I'm some interesting combination of BDSM labels that is, basically, complicated and best explained one-on-one. Submissive is probably the best way of summing it up that the max. number of people will understand the basic of it. As for my personality and spending time with me... I think interesting is the best way to describe me. I'm bubbly, bouncy, nervous, sweet, anxious, thrill-seeking and yet terrified at the same time. My usual joke is that a day spent with me will never be boring. It might not be *fun* but it's never boring! ;-)

I'm poly and in a long-term relationship with my male owner, Valyraen. We are looking for people who fit with us well. We'd love a woman for the both of us. I'm open to "V"s but Valyraen is much less interested so any woman interested in him has to accept that it will be less of a V and more of a triad. BTW - and my apologies to those who are awesome and read profiles - any messages I get that ask if I have an owner or mention that I'm involved with someone will be disregarded as a shotgun attempt that I'm not interested in.

It's hard to define exactly the dynamic that we are looking for with another woman. The best way of explaining it is that we are looking for the right fit for us, which is, of course, still hopelessly vague. The best way of trying to explain it is we are leaning towards either a V with me as the central point or a triad. If it turns out to be a V, we are not thinking that sex will include all three of us but rather me and her, privately, unless all three of us decide to change the arrangements.

In terms of poly, it's not required or even prefered that a prospect be unattached. Poly families are wonderful. However, it is required that they be open and honest and their partner is accepting and supportive. Basically... we want to be able to meet them and have a good relationship with them. If it's a situation where the other partner would want to be involved, obviously the emotional and sexual chemistry needs to click for everyone involved.

Physically I love petite women, something about being able to wrap my arms around her waist. Long hair is a major plus. I love girlie girls (I am a cross between a girlie girl and a tomboy).

For me and men... I love men that are larger than me and in reasonable shape. Big and burly is always sexy but I also love thin and wiry. As for men and the poly situation, it would be more of a V with me as the central point. He and Valyraen must respect each other and get along since they would both be men who dominate me. I'm not interested in anyone who can't be friendly with him. We realize that some poly dominant men aren't interested in that - that's fine. I'm looking for the ones who are. :-)

I'd love a male partner who is into cosplaying and who will go to cons with me. Ren fairs and the like would also be awesome - I have a kink for costuming (athough not really having sex in the costumes) and someone who enjoys that too would be awesome. I do struggle with my weight - it gets low and then I gain it back so I need partners who aren't going to ditch me when my weight goes up or down. It's a problem I'm working on but it's a fact of life for now.
I don't see poly relationships in terms of primary or secondary. I'm just not capable of caring less about a partner because they came into my life after Val. Because of that, I'm not looking to be anyone's second. For us and ours, it's not a matter of rank but of who needs who when. It's a balence. :-) I do know that I need someone who wants contact. I can explain it more once we've talked but a daily contact - even just five minutes on the phone - is vital for me.

We are primarily interested in people relatively our own age. This is not a hard and fast rule but we are looking in the 22-35 age range. Also, while we understand not wanting to have a picture up on the profile, we are not going to consider persuing a relationship until we have an idea of what you look like and if there is a mutual attraction. That doesn't mean anyone needs to be a supermodel but we do have our tastes. We realize we aren't everyone's cup of tea and not everyone is ours. :-)

As for me, I'm really into body mods and tattoos. I used to have several ear piercings but had to give them up to do historical reenacting. I do have one tattoo so anyone who hates tattoos should probably move on now. I love my tat and hope to get more in the future. :-)

I like finding out other people's viewpoints on the various distyles within our lifestyle. Just please don't expect me to do things your way.

Also, I am religious - Jewish specifically. I do my best to greet the Sabbath every Friday. I'm not interested in being converted to any other faith or practice - including non-faith. Respect me, I'll respect you.
ZOMG - holiday season + more than one job = stressed Kitten! o.O
Blah... need to update profile to reflect that we gave up drinking (don't really care if you do just it isn't allowed in the house currently) and that I've taken up pipe-smoking... Yes I know, most women don't but I do. XD

Woot updated profile.

I've got to update this profile. I even know what I want to say. I just keep... not getting around to it. >.<
Oh looking for poly male dominants willing to share with other dominants.... it's a hard search sometimes. :-)
Ugh... I really need to edit my profile but I really don't feel like going back through it and changing everything.
Things still go very well, hence my continued not really being around. lol
Things are going very well lately. So well that I don't seem to have much time to get online anymore. I'm sure that things will settle down fairly soon though. :-)
Ahh the joys of the search of finding someone around my age, who is kinky, geeky, a dom and otherwise compatible. Meaning we find each other attractive, get along, etc. Maybe I'm looking in too small a pool but it's what I want.
It never ceases to amaze me how internet doms think I am going to be upset when they announce they've lost interest and they never even showed they are aware that I'm married.

While I'm sure it will be ignored - I don't care about your level of interest, or lack therefore, until you've shown me that you are interested in a polyarmous relationship with me where you can respect and work with my owner. I realize this isn't particularly common - that's part of why I expect someone who is interested to mention said interest very quickly and not send the generic "Hi." "How r u? Do u have yahoo?" messages.
Updated for about the hundreth time today. Bleh...
Updated the profile. Still not quite happy with it. Ahh well.
*snickers* Judging from my PMs the past few days, the one-liners have changed from "nice eyes", "nice legs", "nice hair" to "your green".

I'm oddly ok with this.
Ok guys... seriously... I hate IM programs. I don't have Yahoo. I don't have MSN. I won't talk to you on them. If you talk to me for a bit on CM, I'll give you my Skype. Particularly for males... I'm owned and married. I'm not really looking for men so I don't particularly care if you don't like this. Don't like it? Take it up with Valyraen. I'm sure he'll give matter all the attention it deserves.
Why do people in countries I'd love to travel to and have exotic BDSM adventures in keep viewing me? Teases...
Just a reminder - people trying to steal me from Val will be mocked. If you don't respect my relationship, I don't see why I should respect you. Address all complaints to Valyraen.
Ok... if I tell you I'm having a hard time understanding your messages, that is not the clue to continue exactly as before. Take ten minutes, write clearly, and run a spell-check or I'm probably going to stop responding. Clearly you aren't spending any time on your messages, so I shouldn't either.
Married!!!! Holy crap I'm married!!!! WWWEEEEEEE!!!!!
Yay for aweomse new pictures. Now I just gotta get my act together and get through these last few days of wedding planning!
So yeah... still alive. Just barely making it online to check the forums and my messages. It sucks cause I miss everyone on here but at least it's almost over.
Ok guys. Shit has hit the fan with my wedding. All is well between Val and I but everything else seems like it is falling apart so you're gonna have to cut me slack on getting back to people. I'm dealing with a lot of crap.
Weee... I put pretty roses over my face. Now I just gotta wait for it to be approved. :-)
Rudeness will be mocked. Seriously people, it's the internet not a "No manners required" zone. If you wouldn't randomly yell at people at the gas station, don't do it on the net. An asshole is an asshole is an asshole, 'net or otherwise.
Damn it... I have cute new pics but I forgot to hide my face. Now I gotta try to do something cute with photoshop that isn't a simple crop.
Oooo oooo, quick someone else send me a "OMG NICE TITS OH WAIT YOU DON'T LIKE BEING CALLED SLUT BY RANDOM PEOPLE UR SO FAT" series of messages. ;-)

Wow, I got to change my weight again. Yay me! I really need a new picture up soon. Happily I'm running off to a ren fair in a month or so so I may be able to get one there.

Womenz... I wantz one...

More seriously, I'm doing pretty well. I got a job. It's a pretty shitty job but it's employment and I figure I can work there a year and having the experience with help me out in finding a better one.
Yay, updated profile = love right? ;-)
Had a lot of fun at LF last night, despite being sick. Met some pretty cool people, hopefully I'll get back out there again soon. :-)
Yay for an awesome birthday!
Things are going pretty well lately. Insanely busy but good. Hopefully get positive news about a job soon. :-)
Yay, I get to change my weight to 170! Hopefully a new photo to follow soon but we'll have to see.

Unfortunately, there has been a death in my family and so getting on CM is just not high on my list right now. Hopefully things will perk soon.

Bah I hate long sucky days
Don't you love it when you look at your profile and realize that a huge typo of several missed words has been up there for months? *headdesk*
Not around for a few days - doing some holiday visiting and probably won't be very good as responding to messages while I'm gone. You can send me messages but I probably won't get back to you till at least the weekend, maybe later.

Packing the toy bag for a night out is always fun. :-)

Huzzah, everything with the honeymoon is falling into place.
Ok... I'm just bored tonight, lol
Today's life lesson: Salsa does not mix well with peanut butter.
*giggles* Second message to spammers today...

Yes... blocking me PROVES you are real and I'm fake. Your staggering dominance crushes me!
Just a refresher to spammers who claim to read profiles but don't: I will mock you. Openly. Beware...
I updated my profile. Joy of joys!
Yay, I have skype! It lets me talk to people! (I find it amusing because I finally downloaded the program to talk to a friend I met while she was visiting the country and then someone on CM asks about talking to me on it.)
So the computer is built... I think. Hopefully no more reformatting.... please, please, please...

I'm working on the first computer I've built, with a lot of help of Valyraen. Right now... not going so well. *sighs*

Dracula: Origin.... sucks.

I *just* finished the game. Bought it when it came out, there weren't even walk-throughs out yet. I left it for awhile because I got stuck and then came back to it. And the ending, while clever, was probably the most unfulfilling of any game, book, movie, TV show, ect. that I've ever experienced.

But I know, I know, I know that I will end up buying another game from this company because the first half was so damn fun. *sighs*
I hate being bored at night. I think mostly because it has me looking through the personals over and over. That or looking through literotica obessively for new stories that intrigue me. :-D
Woohoo... I updated my profile now. I think it makes more sense - hopefully it does! :-)
You know I keep looking at my profile and I'm still not really "happy" with how it explains everything. Hmmm... I shall keep thinking of revisions and in the meantime, please send any questions you have. I always happy to chat.
Wow, I gotta say - it's crazy how many CM-mails I'm getting with the picture up! I'm not bitching, people have been pretty sweet. It's just kinda crazy!
So I put a picture up. As you can see, it's one of those wonderful "I'm hiding my face" pics but oh well. I think it's cute. :-)
Updated my weight (yay for Weight Watchers and going down!) as well as my profile. I had no idea it didn't even say I was looking! Yeah, I'm that friggin' bad at keeping up with this networking thing. Much better at phone communication.
I really need to update my profile... really really really badly...I've got a better idea of what I want. I just never seem to be able to get it out in words that seem... good enough. Doesn't that sound emo? ;-)

At any rate, it's still rounding around in my head. Hopefully soon.

So it's all offical and everything... he proposed and I said yes. Very happy girl! We'll probably make an announcement when it's closer to the date but that is some time away yet.

Do you ever find yourself watching the "who's viewing me?" page and wondering what inspired everyone to look at you? I know it's probably something I said in the forums, but sometimes I wonder what post it was.
Will be gone for awhile.
A recent influx of the stupid has caused me to remove the picture. Perhaps it will go back up - perhaps not.
Updated that long list of interests. I realized that I hadn't done anything with them since I made this account. Hopefully they are more accurate now.
Woohoo - I updated my profile. After thinking about it, there really wasn't enough about my "vanilla" hobbies. Now the profile is longer, but hopefully a little more informative about what I like to do. I also don't want to put too much in there and have people falling asleep halfway through!
So there is a new photo up - just of me. We think it's a good picture of me and since it doesn't show much of the girls we are hoping it won't attract too much stupid. :-)

If it starts up again, we may just take it back down. Easy enough to delete e-mails but easier still to just remove the picture!
At some point I am going to spend some time here and get my profile all pretty and shiny. But at the moment, I'm pretty stressed so...

Pictures on request, after chatting a bit and if you have any questions about me or Valyraen, just let us know!
I found a photo that I might put up. Both my owner and I think I look really cute in it, but it doesn't have him in the picture. We'll probably wait until we either find my camera or I get another one and see if we can take a picture of us that we both look good in. It was fun having pictures that were just mirror images of each other.
My aren't I active today?

And yes, the photos are down. Why? Because I finally got the last "nice tits" message I was willing to deal with. I put that photo up solely because we wanted to have a picture up that showed me and Valyraen and that was the only one where we both looked decent. A new picture will go up when we find one of us that we like. I don't know when that is. To those who would like to know what I look like, sorry but it just wasn't the bullshit anymore.
Wow... looking over my past enteries I have changed so much. And I'm truly impressed by how many "How long does it take for you read a profile and realized I'm owned" posts I've made. And yet the guy who sent me the form letter this morning thought my profile indicated I was looking for a strict master.

So... like Valyraen's journal says and my profile now reflects, we are thinking about getting a girl for me. Not really sure what we, well more specifically, what I am looking for. Definately nothing too serious at this point. This is a "see where it goes" situation. If you are a woman and you are interested, we would love to talk to you though.

Yay!!! My dominant joined the site! *does the happy-butt-shake-dance of joy* Go say hi to him, his name is Valyraen!

Oh no! I've been blocked by two people who think their dominance gives them free passes to be rude! Whatever will I do, I cower from my rejection.

Message  me rudely about my computer being faulty for me not being able to use the chat function here and then when I respond that "It really doesn't matter to you" you block me after sending a message that implies I may be less then desirable = very mature! *rolls eyes* And some dominants wonder why the subs aren't lining up for them.
I swear... I'll get better at answering e-mails... I will, really. Right now I'm so tired and wrapped up in everything going on that it's hard for me to find think to answer letters.
To everyone who has been seeing that I've read your messages but haven't responded: I'm sorry but I'm currently in the middle of finals and adjusting my dominant moving in with me. I barely have time for the forums anymore.
Ok... maybe I should explain this to those who are reading this.

I'm a loyal, faithful, high-spirited, high-strung, bundle of raw passion with a desire to serve both in and out of the bedroom. And the key words there? Loyal and faithful.

A little under a year ago I met a man who stole my heart in the everyday world and now he is my dominant. Asking me to chat with you on AIM or yahoo "just between us" when I've already told you that communication will stay on collarme, telling me you can steal me away from him by spoiling me... Frankly you are A) being put on my "even if he leaves me, I'm never going to be with you" list and B) amusing me and my partner greatly. So keep it up guys, if you want to be the subject of our entertainment.

Aww.... my snarkiness makes people sad. Oh well *Grins*

So yeah... I'm trying to figure out how I want to type in regards to BDSM. I definately won't ever lowercase the "I" in reference to myself and I certainly won't ever say "this girl". Before I get fussed at, I'm a sub, not a slave. Anyway, so my dominant doesn't like the practice of capitalizing the "d" in dom and "m" in master. Yet I know there are many masters who get fussy when not given that capital letter. Dilemas, dilemas...
Anyone who sends me a letter addressing me as "sub", "slave" or some other thin variation of a form letter will be snarked. Consider yourself warned.

Just because this annoys me: If I say I'm playing with my cats then I mean exactly that. Small furry animals that go "mew". I am not playing with myself in any way. I don't find the reference entertaining because you aren't my dominant and you probably aren't someone I consider a friend (at least not yet). There you have no business wondering what my fingers do in my private time. If I say I'm playing with my cat, I'm playing with a domesticated housecat, not female gentalia.

What the heck? Are you "twue" doms only looking at my picture? Two seconds to read a profile! Maybe two minutes if you are slow reader! No, I don't want to watch your sub on camera. No I'm not going to submit to you. I'm taken. TAKEN. Say it with me... taken. As in: NO MORE ROOM AROUND MY NECK FOR A COLLAR! I'm looking for friends. Not cybersex friends. Not phonesex friends. Just friends. Friends who understand this lifestyle but friends.
I'm discovering that being on this site to make friends is a fairly useless attempt. I've gotten a few mails from some nice doms, an e-mail or two from submissives who called me sister (something I don't like), and a whole bunch of rude "submit to me now c*nt". Fortunately they tend to disappear after I go "No, apprently you didn't read my profile because I have a dominant!"

To all the doms/masters out there:
Is it a secret of domlyness that you should start conversation over a topic you know the other person doesn't agree with and then block that person when they respond politely to you? The maturity being displayed is astounding!

Ok... if you are such a great dom/master/daddy/whatever why do you lack the ability to read my profile and see that I'm not on the market? If you can't take the time to read a profile then you aren't interested enough to be a good dominant anyway.
I'm sick of seeing the abusive freaks come in and fuck up BDSM lifestyles, beat their "prized possessions", cause bodily and mental harm and then convince women that if they leave them, they will be put in jail or something.

To all you dominants out there screaming about bad submissives and fake slaves guess what: There are a bunch of abusive, fake, terrible masters out there and maybe if there weren't so many of ya'll we wouldn't be so hestiant about a total power exchange!