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The Chat program here doesn't work well on my computer, so I do not chat on CM.
I've been fighting my own submissive nature for my entire life. Now I think I'd be better off fighting with someone else about it. I'm brilliant, creative, insightful, amusing, red-haired, stubborn and very fat. If you're not willing to help me deal with the latter, as well as accept that I'll never be twig-like, then you'd be better off looking elsewhere. You will be ignored if your note to me is poorly written, in all-caps, or sprinkled with "kewl" speak. If you're looking for a challenge, or at least someone amusing with whom to speak, drop me a note. I'm looking for someone capable of handling me, and more strong-willed than I.
No, I don't want to chat on yahoo. I will -never- want to chat on yahoo. I do not use yahoo, or msn, or cm chat. I won't consider chatting with you in any way whatsoever till I've gotten to know you a bit better. I do not provide free wank fodder.
Ah well. It was certainly worth a shot, but the minute I changed the focus on my profile, the very cute guy vanished. I know he's still on this site, just not talking to me. Sting to my pride, definitely, because I did think there was a connection. But it could be worse.
One very simple question. If you can not Master the English language, which you should have done in grade school, how can you ever have the slightest chance of Mastering me?
Just in case there was any confusion whatsoever:
I will not submit myself to any random person. I will not refer to myself in disparaging terms, or the third person, or as anyone's slave or property, particularly before boundaries have been discussed. I will NOT, under any circumstances, use or condone the W/we nonsense, or refuse to use proper capitalization.
If you believe this means I'm not a 'twu sub', then so be it. If you think it means that being submissive doesn't mean I'm a mindless, desperate, drooling imbecile, an ovine idiot willing to be used by anyone, then you are correct.
Yes, I'm annoyed and venting my annoyance. But if that means that it chases away a few CluelessDomWannabes, then I am quite pleased. |
Am I back to this site? An excellent question. I did become discouraged last year when I realized that there were no potential play partners with whom I seriously clicked, and then took a hiatus. It was intended to be a brief one, but then I became ill. One of the side effects of this was that I had absolutely no interest in sex. Shocking to anyone who knows me, and my sex drive. But yes, for eight months not only was I celibate, but utterly content to be so.
I'm feeling better now, as long as I'm careful in a few areas. So I'm discovering that my sex drive is returning, albeit slowly. Which of course brought me back here.
Please don't think that being ill meant that the prior posts are no longer valid. If anything, I'm less tolerant and more acerbic. Some have claimed that I can't possibly be "truly" submissive if I have such strong opinions and requirements. Actually, all it means is that people who think that aren't strong enough to handle me. Ah well.
Hopefully some of my friends are still around, and it is even more to be hoped that there are new and interesting people with whom to chat.
I can't believe I actually have to state this, but apparently I do. If, in any sort of contact with me, particularly initial contact, you use 'u' instead of 'you', and have a complete disregard for spelling, punctuation, grammar, capitalization, and basic writing, you will at best get a polite note from me stating that I am not interested, and more likely I will ignore you completely.
Now, it hadn't ever ocurred to me that I'd have to state this. I thought the previous comments were sufficient. However, I have been berated by someone for not specifically stating that I do not view 'u' as an acceptable pronoun. It's a particular peeve of mine. Yes, I am well aware I have lots of peeves, but you can always view it as part of my unique charm.
I'm enjoying reading posts and participating in discussions, but I don't think I'm going to find someone here. I'd like to be mistaken, but most of the interesting people don't find me interesting. And some of the people who have been interested in me are downright creepy. Not all! I've met some great people here, and sometimes it's obvious things won't work due to distance and other factors. But I think I'm going to give up looking for a Master, Mistress, or both, and just enjoy learning.
I keep reading about how one should reply to any and all notes sent to one by other users on this site. No, I shouldn't, and I won't.
Sometimes this is just because I forgot, then the note was buried, and if this is you, I really am sorry. I'm going to go through and purge my notes, then catch up on the people with whom I enjoy corresponding.
However, you will never, EVER convince me that it is rude to ignore a someone who, without bothering to read my profile, sends me four words lacking in any sort of punctuation or capitalization, with quite possibly at least one word misspelled. If I'm sent a note that at least implies that the sender as some sort of vague interest in me as a person, I will almost always respond. The vast majority of the notes I get are either 'girl, tell me about yourself' or 'hey babe, u r cute'. Until we've established some sort of relationship, I am not 'girl'. And unless I chose to do so, I won't be calling you 'Sir' without my tongue planted firmly in my cheek. Furthermore, if you're incapable of spelling the word 'you', nothing about me could possibly be of any interest.
This has finally been brought to the surface because I was reading the journal of this man who was utterly fascinating me. Snarky, witty, and not interested in someone like me, sadly. If he reads this, he should recognize himself, since I just viewed him tonight. He was talking about how it is only courteous to respond to all notes sent to one. But since I did not solicit said notes, I see no reason to respond to them. If someone to whom I've not been introduced calls me and leaves a message on my voice mail, or sends me a letter, I see no need to respond if they have not sent anything to which there is a civil reply. "Thank you for your kind interest." is all I can think of. Perhaps I should just create a form letter and send that out, with my guidelines as far as getting an actual response. Hmm... this might be amusing...
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