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Im looking for a clean, disease and drug free, live in male submissive that enjoys the strength of a Dominant woman. If you want to know more about Me, look for My yahoo 360 page under this name.
If you are not loving, totally trustworthy, loyal, intelligent, fully commited to your submission and My Dominance, mannerly, have a sense of humor, clean and free of any diseases, dont reply.
I dont have time for overly needy people.
Requirements include total honesty about all things, a submissive with full responsiblity for ones own affairs in work, finance & personal responsibilities . I want a submissive male that enjoys BDSM, can do & help with duties around the home, run errands when needed, help Me with My work, can communicate, has a brain, and knows how to massage My shoulders!! (sarcastic humor appreciated)
Im an old school Domme. I believe in true D/s and that does not include intercourse with a submissive. I am married (My hubbie is not in the lifestyle) & if you dont understand how being a submissive to a married Domme works, you havent been a submissive long enough.
I am versed in cuffs to bondage, and a miriad of other things to long to list after 18 years as a Domme. Ask Me if your not sure about items of interest or just read My journal entries for more details. I only bite those I know well so your fine till then.
My last live in sub was with Me for 5 yrs & I know well how to meld r/l and D/s.
For the right submissive, I have a place for you in My life. |
Thank you to E/everyone whos sent get well wishes and sentiments. Surgery went well. 5 and 1/2 hours open on the table, 2 different DR's and staff and a bit of blood transfution later and Im alive.
Recovery is going very slow. Its been 12 days since surgery. I can finally make it from one room to another without stopping, but its slow moving. I dont have an appetite, but Im told this is normal. Its going to take a total of 6 weeks at least before My body starts working in sinc again so I just have to wait. Arrrrggggggggg!!!
I wish E/everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!!
Sataness |
For those of Y/you who asked, after many visits and paperwork and such, My catheter is this Friday and My surgery is on Nov.27th.
Yes, even I could use all the extra prayers I can muster if Y/you feel like sparing a few.
For Y/you who know how to get in touch with the hubbie, the surgery is estimated to run 5 hours so give him a while before Y/you call. It should be over around 5 or 6 pm that night.
Evidently its more touch and go then We thought, so just in case, its been a great life and I love My F/friends dearly. Ill be waiting with flogger in hand, (and a halo God willing) till I see Y/you all again!
Blessed Be Y/you A/all.... Sataness |
I just got back from a few weeks at Mayo in Minnesota. Ive been updated on whats going on with Me and have come home to have the first of 3 surgeries done. I will be on and off intermittently so have patience if you sent email.
Thank you so very much to all of Y/you who sent well wishes. They have meant so much!
Hope to be back on My feet and flogging soon!
Sataness |
For those of you who asked where I have been for so long, I have been ill. I have some internal problems.
I will be away at hospital for a while having a rather complicated surgery Im told. I will be gone any where up to 3 months, maybe more.
I wish you all well while Im gone and hope your dreams come true.
Sataness |
As I start this new entry, Im listening to, no, I stand corrected, Im blaring old rock & roll on My computer. Sometimes, you just need to hear ~Layla~ and ~Black Magic Woman~ at full volume.
I have had some very nice subs email as of late. Intelligent, full of manners, polite, direct, and sensitive. OMG miracles do happen!!
That doesnt displace the usual nonsense suspects, but oh what a bright light it has been. My hats off to men who remember how to be gentlemen.
I even had one who was so polite in letting Me know I had typos, that I went right in and changed them. "that dunt happen often" as they say. Does this mean I will be typo clean from now on? No way.. I type slower then I think and typos are part of Me.
All in all it has brightened considerably, a week that wasnt going to well, and had a rough low on Thursday.
Its just such a shame I cant get you all in one room and have a flogging feast. A bit of sensuality, some hand touching on those good spots, a wet tongue, and a sound thud to the backside.. YUMMY!
OK.. so every now and again I think about grabbing a sub off the street, but My brain settles in and reminds Me of the importance of trust and I curb My lovely dark side.
I wonder if not having a sub for so long is like not having sex for a long time... will the next one I pick get no sleep for the first month and have dark circles and constant red skin till Im back to an even keel of satisfaction? Ohhhhhhh poor, poor subbie....
Oh.. what is it with you "Masters", that make you keep sending Me messages asking to sub to Me??? What part of "Master" is that? Please.. have some pride will you? Do you see Me not understanding My position as a Dominant? Maybe you need to revert back to "Dom" school. If your upset about this, tough. Dont be something your not then. Shame on you. ( this does not mean those who clearly have ~switch~ under their name)
Have a great weekend E/everyone!!! |
Let Me update My "looking for a sub" status. After having spent a great deal of time now without a live in sub, I find I like it.
Now I would consider a sub who got his own place close by and was available to come when not working. This sounds better. To be frank, Im more comfortable now with a companion that is kinky at times, then a full time, cage seeking, wants to ruin My shoes by licking them, kneels at My feet kind of sub.
After receiving so may emails and chat requests from subs who need such a great amount of attention, I find Im done with them as well. Attention is one thing, at the right time, but attention to a sub, all of the time, is not what I want or seek. Hogging the spotlight of life is a rather ugly disposition.
I appreciate the emails from all submissives, but yes, Im picky as hell. I want someone who has similar things I either have in life, in mind, in likes and dislikes, or in taste.
I dont need your money, I have enough of My own and Im not impressed by it. I dont need a house, I have one. I dont need anyone who wants to worship Me and thinks Im completely divine. Im not.
Im realistic.
I dont need a marriage proposal, if you read, and I dont understand how you could have missed it, Im already married.
Now, if you think you can accommodate what Im seeking, then email Me. |
Merry Christmas To O/one and A/all!! |
If you find Me on nowdays, Ill be in either Mistresses,Masters & submissives or slave auction. Dont expect Me to bid on you if cybe sex is what you want. Its not what I want. you want to talk to Me, then ask to IM Me in the room. Easy see?
If all you want to talk about is sex, & you dont know anything deeper, dont waste your or My time. Again.. easy.
If you feel the need to ask My location or even if Im Female, read My profile. Its self explanitory. Getting the easy partyet?
If your a newbie, Ill take the time & answer SOME questions, but I dont train online & Im not the BDSM-D/s encyclopedia. Go to castlerealm.com for that.
If you want to know about munches or clubs or groups in your area of the world, go to domsubfriends.com and look up the world wide locator. If you want real time experience, again, go to that location and find something around your area.
Amazingly enough, Im still getting messages from subbies asking Me to come back to collar.. Ill be here ever so slightly checking now and again for messages. Happy Holidays E/everyone |
I feel Ive given this site a chance. Ive given the subs time. Ive spoken to over 500 and Ive never been quite as dissapointed in meeting a larger group of people who have no true understanding of what a D/s relationship is all about. In 10 years, when you finally have been in long enough to realize this isnt new goth or fantasy, then maybe you'll really understand.
My hats off to 4 subs who get it.. womenabuseme, nonac, isthatallthereis, and joshua. Good luck gentlemen! Dont settle for wannabes and players.. you are so far superior to the majority of so called subs here.. your outstanding at the true concept of being submissive. Other subs should learn from you, and its been My sincere pleasure to speak with you 4 and to call you friends.
I wasnt bitter till I came here and was so dissapointed in the amount of players. In the 18 years IVe been a real lifer.. and I earned My Domme name.. I didnt pick it as a title, Ive never seen such play in one group.
Be Well to the true people
Im finally feeling better! Thank you to everyone who sent Me get well wishes and encouragment. I do appreciate them! |
I havent been on much as of late. My new computer came in and Ive been busy transfering things over from 2 other computers.
To top that off, Ive been rather under the weather and feeling quite bad really.
Im not ignoring you friends. If I dont answer right off, just give Me time to reply.
Heres hoping your day is going well.... |
Well we are on to a bright new day! From all over the globe Ive met some great guys. Ive read some really good profiles also, and if Ive read yours and thought it deserved a good comment, I'll email you and say so. Give credit where credit is due.
My days have been pretty bright as of late. I finished My yahoo 360 page and I invite you to read it.
For those entries where I commented on a subbie... if you didnt hear the discouragment from My lips, it doesnt pertain to you. Trust Me, if you've been a shmuck, I'll tell you.
Oh.. big note, if your a subbie from outside the US, the first thing I want to know is how your going to get thru immigration. If you dont have a clear plan and havent researched it yet, do.
One other big note, please dont start asking Me within 2 days of knowing Me if your going to be My sub. It takes time. I am going to get to know you, the person, really well before I go into you, the sub or anything else. Time is not a week or even 2. Time is timmmmmmmmmmmmmme... get it? Good.
Gentlemen, let Me explain My version of "overly needy".
This means that if I have to plan your whole day for you, Ive wasted Mine. If I have to tell you when to even go to the bathroom, your not making My life easier or allowing Me to free up time so I can spend it with you, your causing yet another burden. Im not into people who need pain and abuse on a constant basis. I have My days of flogging till you cry or seeing if you can take 200 clothes pins, but not on a constant basis.
I work in and out of the home. My work is important to Me and it can consume a days time. I tend not to stop till Im done.
I need a submissive that can take care of the things I am burdened with. This extends to keeping house and cooking as well as attending Me.
The bright submissive will be detail oriented enough as to be able to tell from a look if I need a neck rub or a back massage and come do it. To make sure I dont have an empty glass. To fix lunch or dinner on his own and bring it in when its time because I am working. To be able to run errands and pick things up when we need it without making a major production of it.
he will attend Me when I need it. I can look at him across the room and without Me saying a word, he knows to get up and come over. I can touch his arm in either private or public situations and he knows what that touch means.
he can sit next to My chair on the floor for long periods and be quiet and patient.
he is intelligent and can handle himself in front of any type person. he has the ability to make others around him feel comfortable. his table manners are well suited and he owns at least one up to date suit and tie and knows how to wear it well.
The one submissive that will win their place by My side will open his heart. he will understand he will be part of a family and be loved and love in return. he wants to be My submissive because he cares and his devotion knows no bounds.
Frankly if I have to stop and do all these things Myself, I wont have time free to give him attention when Im not burdened by work. he understands My work is important to Me and that doesnt mean he is unimportant.
If I need to stop and let a submissive in and out of a cage, lock and unlock him all day, type up a schedule every night, beat him and slap his face on a daily basis because hes a pain starved submissive, tell him every day when to get up, shower, call him names all day for the sake of humiliation, or the incidentals.. he is a waste of My time. he is overly needy and not an asset.
If your an asset, fine.. do apply. But make sure your an asset. I will not rush taking a submissive. he will be living in My home so he will understand I want to know him well before we meet or before he moves. I will not call him. he will call Me. he will be available when told even over the computer.
I want to say that Ive read some profiles of people who dont seem to have had very good luck meeting people here.
I must be lucky. Ive met some wonderful people from Dominants to submissives. I have hit only a couple of bad rougues and thats not enough to taint My apple bushel.
My compliments to the submissives Ive chatted with so far. Though Ive been rather inundated with many requests, they have been quite respectful and warm. Its been a pleasure speaking with you all and I thank you for all the nice compliments as well.
My hats off to you gentlemen! |
It seems I do have to explain the married Mistress thing after all.
Its simple so read well.
When I met the hubbie, he knew I had been in the lifestyle for quite some years and that I couldnt give that up. Simple enough yes? He agreed. Simple again.
The sub that resides here will not in any way, shape or form, service the hubbie. Hes not kinky or bi and he doesnt want to see you walk around the house naked when hes home. you are a submissive to Me and Me only. Can it get any simpler than that??
The hubbie expects you to be a friend.. talk history, soccer, politics, playing comp games is a plus in case the guild hes in needs an extra body.
Now if there is any part of that simple explanation you dont get, I cant help you. |
Its in the details. Send Me an email, it best be a whitty disertation about who you are, what you think you can offer Me, and what you would like to recieve. Be creative. "Hi im so and so, i want to fulfill Your needs" doesnt tell Me jack!
Im not into human toilets so get over it. I wont spend endless conversations on how I'll give you sexual release. I dont care what you think you can do for Me sexualy.. I have a husband for that. If you have "no hard limits" ... thats a huge red flag to Me about you. Getting the picture??
Can you discuss the news? Do you know who our president is? Have any clue about sports? Are you creative? Well you best be all those things and more if you want My attention & interest from the get go.
I also suggest you check your admire section to see if Ive put you on My favs list. That would be an invitation to email Me. |
Guys Listen Up! If your Sending Me "i want to be your sub" notices.. any potential sub needs attention to detail. If I ask you to tell Me about yourself, I mean you, the guy behind the sub. Hell I know what the basics a submissive wants.. I want to know you. Now if you want to "just be friends on line" and NOTHING more.. fine, chat away. If your thinking your really a clever fellow and you can offer Me something you think Im missing and you can shmooze Me over with con artists tit or tat.... your fooling yourself.
If your a woman, dont be intimidated, Ill talk to you even if its just advice or an open ear you need! |
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