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GOTHICdall2000 - photo 1
GOTHICdall2000 - photo 2
GOTHICdall2000 - photo 3
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i love the feeling of being helpless. i love pain a lot. im looking for any one between the ages of 25 and 55 thats willing to tie me and use me as they wish. im also looking for dom/sub play and public display. i like all the medieval torture devises and medical restraints just turn me on a lot. I like some of the aspects of a slave but not looking for 24/7. i would love to attend a dom filled party with me being the only sub. be tied there for all to see use and play with and passed around i love being shared. of corse with a lot of fun toys to use. I'm also in the poly life slowly working on that part of my life also interested in daddy/daughter things In need of some training.
Having the hardest time right now pulling off the straight and minogoumes rolle
Fuck this is not good m I'm in love with one man but still have feelings for another. Not good at all
So I think my ex sister in law is bat shit crazy. She thinks that Norman readus (the guy that plays Daryl on walking dead) is talking to her and he says that he's going to marry her. The girl in all of the photos is just a good friends there's nothing between them
So apparently kissing someone is going to make my niece not sleep when she has school in the morning. Yeah I know I sleep in the same living room as her but come on we aren't having sex there. But now when this guy comes over we have to brave the cold nights cuz "it bugs my niece"
And nope had to much to drink
Mmmmmmm yeah empty room. Time to play
Damn think I caught my co workers sickness
My uncle is going to be in my nursing home for a few days but now I can't treat him cuz my brother is afraid that we will get in trouble
Its going to be one of them fucking nights
God you would think that my brother would be greatfull that I bring food home from work for everyone to eat but nope I get chewed out for bringing so much home
Trying the big plug tonight.
Yep its a 3 blanket night
How am I in trouble for me asking for help fixing my bronco
A bit horny again second day in a row
I'm sooooooooo vindictive
I don't know why I keep trying
OK I'm done. Let them fire me
Yep looks like I'm going to have to find another job I'm now down to 7 1/2 hours
Holy hell you would think it was a crime to take me to work when I don't have a ride
Holy fuck this power control shit has to stop
I'm thinking after Christmas I'm going to add to my toy collection. Is it to late to ask Santa for new toys?
Soooooo cold having trouble warming up
On night shift now. Can't do shit
Things are just falling apart for me 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Not good at all. My hours are being cut again at work. I am not a happy girl
It was one not so great night last night. Came home to find out one of my babies (one of my dogs) passed away last night. So sad right now
So a bit ago my mom brought up the cock sucking thing and said that"I don't like it" me which is true but how the hell did she know that?
Well my brother is being an asshole again. Wish my bronco was working
Got a lot done in my house. Soooooooo happy with the process
Things are so frustrating right now. My 18 year old niece moves out and apparently my nieces mom that don't live with us has big plans to move my 14 year old niece into the only semie privet room left and they are both not taking no for an answer. So apparently the couch I stay
Well that was disappointing. Its been a while since I played with myself. Went to play and I came with in 2 minutes
Is anyone else having issues on here?
Yay 3 warm blankies
9 just went to 7
Wow not going to get privacy any time soon
Found a key for my handcuffs last week. That's another step closer
Well good news. I found my ass plugs. They were barried under all of the other toys. I also found a key for my metal cuffs. Happy day 😆😆😆
I want my ass fucked
How do you convince someone that is convinced that she is not talking to the real guy that plays Daryl from the walking dead? This imposter has her thinking that he is in love with her and he is moving her to new York to be with him
Damn its cold this morning. Any ideas on how to warm up?
I really dislike days like today
My brothers are fucking assholes
If your going to message me don't start it off with calling me fake. Its just going to piss me off and you will get blocked
DAMN IT. On the way home from working on the house my mom gave to me and my brother and I get a flat tire. What the hell
Noooooooooooo damn white shit
Well today hasn't been all that great. Almost lost my job if I didn't switch departments. The messed up part is 2 people that has been working for the company a lot less time than I have gets to stay were they are at. What the fuck?
Well my dang dog won't let me up so I can take care of myself
Thinking I'm going to need some me time today
I'm a pretty sad little sub. I haven't been able to sub in 4 years
I'm having one of them nights and its not that good
I'm the pinnacle of white trash. Sleeping in the living room on the couch with no privacy
I'm bad but I don't care. I'm checking my bdsm personal sites while sitting in a Christian Church
Wow I want to cry what the hell
They love me they really really love me 😆😆😆😆😆
I'm over this shit
Thinking I just need to go back to just sex relationships and leave love out of it. Love isn't worth all of the pain
My hearts hurts right now 😫😫😫😫😫
Fuck I got hit hard by 2 guys in one night. One guys ex came back and he quit talking to me and the other is making excuses why he can't come to see me. What is wrong with me?
Thinking that I need to go hide and be by myself
I'm starting to think I'm going to to die old and alone for the rest of my life
Fuck my hours are getting cut at work
OK I think I may have to take some time to myself
Well that was ended fast apparently my mom "needed company"
Thinking I'm going to  have to get another bag for  all of the new toys I'm planning  on getting
Starting to think I scrued myself
Well now I have to replace my leather wrist and ankle cuffs
Today just keeps getting worse
I don't want to give up my share of the house but with the way my brother is acting I may
My supervisor tells my that he can't let me go but why does it feel lime I'm out the door soon?
I hope I pissed my brother off I don't give a fuck
Well me my brother and his 2 girls are scrued. I may be losing my job cuz of no car and the rest of my family isn't going to help us other than a roof power and internet
I'm trying so fucking hard to not say anything to my mom
Shut my mouth that's all I have to do
So I'm thinking I'm going to have to have some me time for a bit
Well as of today 4 years of no play. What's wrong with this picture?
Someone please shoot me
what a messed up holiday
Feel like I'm letting my nieces down again
Why am I the blunt end of everything tonight?
Well my plans for today went straight out the fucking window cuz someone decided to not sow up
Just so everyone knows I don't take insolts like "bullshit fuck off and ideat" lightly. If that's all you have to say to me you will get blocked
I think I may have to go hide by myself
This is bullstit. This day can't get any worse
Well I lost another
I'm done. Need to get the house done
Well so much for a 3 day weekend
Trying to figure out what happened with we help you, you help us
Well almost another year down with out play. That makes 4 years at the end of next month
Apparently I'm cranky today
I'm ready to hit a member of my family in the fucking head right now
Well that effort just failed. Not happy at all
I really hate being sick
OK I'm fucking done. I'm not putting up with this shit at work anymore
Finally got a new phone so I have kik back yay
well i think im going to have to plan a second trip to CA. theres a bdsm bed and breakfast i want to check out down there
im done tonight my mom please shut up
I'm thinking its time to find something new
i think ive decided that that i need to get my living and work situation settled before anything elts like fun stuff happens
So I think I'm applying for the assistant supervisor position
I have this feeling deep down inside that I'm going to be unemployed here soon
Its one cold morning. Think I will stay in bed for most of the day
Well I think I spoke to soon. I just found out that I was just dropped down to 3 1/2 hours
The country songs I'm listing to make me want the house done
Boy am I glad I didn't quit my job
Well today proved were my family love lies
Feeling like everything is going wrong
so tomorrow we will find out how screwwed i am and not in the good way
wow everytime things seem to be going good for me everything goes really bad
wow things are't as good as i thought they were going to be with my jet blue work from home thing
Yes finally something is going wright VM
how can my brother yalle at me for somthing he does as well?
Think I'm kind of down today and don't know why
Things are going to hell so bad that I want to cry
I'm done with this shit. Things are getting worse
I want to print a dog tag for a collar. Any ideas on what I should put on it?
Anyone want to be my Santa? I want new toys
Yep done with the the selfish part of my family
Damn it now I'm horny and no one home to have fun with
Thinking I may need a bit of me time in a bit
Happy Thanksgiving
fuck with it getting colder the house is on holt not happy
well me and my brother are thinking that family drama is our normal life for us
So I'm getting sick of the attitude being throwen around here
Well I'm really glad I've decided to put emergency storage away
Well I've officially gone 3 years with out sex. What the hell is wrong with me?
When did respect your elders go out the window?
Highly irritated today
Never thought a house full of kids would be the high light of my life
Well this day went to shit really fast
I don't know how to feel about this.
Well thing at the house are coming alone slowly but good
Well things are going to be slower on the house fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Wish I could run away from everything right now
I am getting so sick of 2 of my co workers. One is on her phone all day and the other has a big fucking mouth
I love the sound of rain on a tin roof until its 4:00 in the fucking morning and I'm trying to sleep
Oooooooooh shit winter time is going to be bad
Hummmmmmmmmmm I'm intreaged
OK I admit it I'm a doomsday prepare
Yay getting a new phone on Thursday
kind of sad today and for once its not my family. my petty puppy boy passed away :-(
kind of horny right now. not fare not fare not fare
Well my mom and 2 younger brothers are assholes.
Nice to know we aren't envited to family things
Nice to know we aren't envited to family things
Uuuuuuugh damn rain on a tin roof can't here what I'm watching on the TV
So unhappy I want to cry
Well things went to hell tonight
Yep I'm done dealing with most o my family. That's why I'm so cranky
Is it wrong to be excited to want to work on my home
Kind of liking my bit of country side
Well I think I may have to start sleeping somewhere else
Well everything is just going to hell tonight. I want to cry
Starting to think its me time in the his a wat
27 years yesterday since the burns happened. I still don't like them and they still run guys off. So yeah
I'm done helping my family
Wow I can't believe people. My brother decided to fire off 1 high flying fire work 2 days before the 4th and now a friend of mine down the road just told me to stop cuz "its scaring his dogs". What the fuck?
Hiding place time
Nice horny at work. This almost 3 years bullshit is driving me crazy
Can't wait to get my home fixed up then its on to the play room 😁😁😁😁
my family is so messed up. cant wait to move
Nice when I move I should have a pretty good sized toy collection. So can't wait
Hell yeah things might be looking up for me my brother and niece
Worst birthday ever
Is it wrong to not want to be were I'm living now?
Ass plugs have been found. Toy collection all together again 😁😁😁
Today wasn't a good day to be at work
Well my birthday plans went out the window
So good by condo hello play room 😁😁😁😁😁 don't bother me at all
Hell yeah things are finally looking up for me 😁😁😁😁😁😁
wow my mom and 1 brother are assholes
Crap things ate going to hell
would a kendo stick be a good play toy?
I just realized I'm into the hole daddy/daughter play. Damn its going to be a long day
Damn almost 3 years since the last time I had lifestyle fun. What the hell is wrong with me?
Ordered riding crop and yay its on its way
yay got new computer only problem it's kind of slow and i need to order a new battery for it. its not charging
Everyone says that bullieing is a problem but has anyone looked at the presidential deabate?
Things may have changed
Well my mom has scrued me and my brother once again. The house idea is now out of the picture
Wow shit hit a mager fan
Yep just lost the house
YES lots of toy shopping this weekend
I don't know how me and my brother are going to live when we get things done
Yep play may be happening
Who's willing to go hunt Dora the explorer with me?
Well I messed things up tonight
Holy hell another very bad night shit went to hell tonight
Fuck I'm going to get kicked out thanks to my mom
Wow things went bad tonight
I hope I didn't screw myself over. I want new toys
Wow most of my family sucks
Yep no respect what so ever
I'm really pissed right now
I am so done with most of my family
Fuck I'm now stuck with $300.00 out of my pocket for a house that isn't in my name yet
Well starting on fixing up the house in a couple of weeks so exsided to get it done
Damn it this isn't easy finishing work hoeny and no one to go home to to help me
Im a bad child drinking vodka out of a cup that I used to drink milk and juice out of as a kid. Huuuuuuuuuum what to do with me
And another late night
Well my computer is comleatly gone. It started on fire last night
im finding it hard to not hit my brothther
so fifty shades of gray never turned me on till i just watched a clip on facebook
Wow no respect at all
So apparently having a shaved pussy is unhealthy. What the heck? It looks so much better bold
Why couldn't my parents treat me like they treat my neices?
Well I think me and my brother are closer then we have bewin a very long time
Happy new year
Happy new year
Oh my god this week couldn't get any worse
Really not liking my uncle right now
I've been asked to post my toy shopping list so hear we go Flogger Riding crop Good ballgag Electrodes stuff Spreader bar
So I think I'm going to start buying more play toy's after Christmas
Well my computer is down
Damn tiredness
I have some great friends to bad they are in navada
At this point friends over family
well there goes my long weekend
happy thanksgiving
I don't give a shit about some of my family any more
what girl is ever going to wait for their guy to pay attenction to her? my niece is not being smart
what a selfish family I have
ok not as cute as you all think
Ok I'm way messed up. I'm missing my last 2. Ex's
I have just desided that i'm working on my preper thing even more now that isis has said what they did
why does this lifestyle turn me on so bad
may be some self play tonight
one of them depressing nights
well thanks to some parts of my family my nieces cant go on vacation next year
Such a lonely Feeling
well looks like shit rolls down hill and its rolling straight for me
well most of my family are selfish and ungreatful
What a really good night
well tonight went from wwe wrestling to spunge bob square pants. what a hulu night
Well extra hours here I come. Can't believe I agreed to this but the money is going to be nice
Ugh flue shot kicking my ass and had to work today not fare
Yep 2 years this week damn. what the fuck is wrong with me?
Wow more bills really?
well that screws everything
so the funeral is monday at noon. looks like i cant go cuz of work
why did he take my co worker? she was such a great person
not so much a sober night. co worker passed away today had to get a bottle
Well sober night maybe I can redeem myself
Wow not a good night I have a co worker dieing if not dead. She was close to me
I'm bout ready to walk out of work right now
2 really still kind of disappointing damn it
hopefuly tonight will be bette
is it wrong to miss my ex"s?
damn my family is money hungry even my 16 year old niece now
Well that was kind of disappointing.
yay nother empty room tonight
so i'm thinking that the move isn't going to happen till we get the house done
not a good night. i have 3 people agenst me tonight
i may be able ti play tonight sweet
well this night just went down the drain. no privacey tonight. DAMN IT
hell yeah empty room tonight
i hate being at work in the month of october
Yep $200 down
Trying to figure out why my mom has to be so selfish and self centered
Wow I finally got Skype to work on my phone
Well me and my brother have decided that we have had enough of were we are living so we are finally looking for a nother place to live
Can't wait to get the 2 homes done so excited for mine
wish i could think like Bruno Mareses son "just the way you are" but i can't sorry
Is it naughty that I'm looking up play room ideas at work?
It looks like one of them distractive days again today
well its going to be one of them horny nights tonight
Well I may be able to play with myself tonight
my family sucks. A couple of them only care about themselves which is pissing me and my brother right the fuck off
still wanting to find a santa to bring me toys for christmas
still wanting to find a santa to bring me toys for christmas
Ok so after last night and my mom taking advantage of everything me and my brother have we are working hard to get the house done and fixed up
I really hate my scars
cant wait to get the 2 houses done. i'm excited for my own little  place
jealousy set in. how can my brother find someone in a couple of months but i cant find anyone?
Damn this sucks. In 2 months it will be 2 years since the last time I had sex. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why can't I find a good guy?
going back to my goth look kind of glad i'm myself again
Next purchase ball gag flogger and riding crop. Ordering it all on Monday
damn got 1 in before I no privacy again
please may I cum??????????????
So pissed at part of my family right now
I hate the overwhelming feeling when my body says yes masterbate but my mind says no to tired NO FARE
looks like I don't have to sneek much after all
well maybe I can sneek in a little play tonight
got kinky plans when I get my little house done :-D
I'm a little freak compared to normal people but hell it works for this site
hell yes a rase at work so happy
the band one direction says "you don't know your beautiful" well I know i'm not
well looks like its going to be longer in the situation I'm in
wow 6 times its been a while since that's happened. sorry coulden't wait anymore
I hate being lazy don't want to sit home right now
i know i say this a lot but looking at more toys :-D
zoo with my 2 nieces and 2 of my brothers so excited
Finally got a way to chat on yahoo messenger on my phone
I'm sorry if this offends anyone but I'm getting so sick of the drama over the confederet flag. Its just a flag get over it and on with your life already
Damn this sucks less privacy then before not happy
Happy 4th of July
I want to start like a support group here in Tooele Utah area for people into the lifestyle. Any ideas on how to start it?
Got some exciting plans in the works can't wait to get them going
I reeeeeeeealy want new toys
Fuck if it's not one fucking thing its a nothing
so far so good things are going well at my brothers place the only thing now is the fact that my mom and other brothers are treating me and my brother i'm living with like we dont exsist
Ok that movie didn't end like I thought it would so dissapointed
Wow seeing so much of me in the chick on fifty shades of gray
Kind of depressed today not sure why yet I'm thinking it may be because of the lonelyness and no play for over 2 years or sex in over a year
K so I think I may be moving still no privacy but its going to be better than were I'm at now
i want to find a small peace of land in the middle of nowere that i can buy and make into a play area. sounds so fun
New toy pic up. Last pic
Finally got a nothing way to talk I downloaded kik to my phone. And I soooooooo want to go camping and have a little"fun" if you know what I mean;-D
What a fucked up selfish family I have WOW
well this birthday went to shit fast
Damn its been 2 years since the last time I played
Well there's $200 down the fucking drain
more damn fighting
why do I have to go threw this shit?
oh fuck I may be homeless soon
ok so my asshole does need stretching
horny again and no one to help
hmmmmmmmmm assless skirt interesting
Thinking about spending $50 on amazon next Friday. Can't wait to have fun with my new toys
Well I got the spreader today but I'm ddisappointed. Its just fabric no bar to it :-(
I am not letting my mother ruin my mood damn iti
9 more days and hopfuly my spreader bar will be here. I want to order a hogtie kit aswell
well this day went from good to bad really fast

Thinking of ordering an electro sex toy too. Toy box getting fuller so happy

So I got the cuff keys only one problem they are to small DAMN IT
What the fuck did I do wrong? Why am I getting blamed for stupid shit? All family not lifestyle
Next purchas I'm thinking a flogger and a riding crop
damn im going to have 10 sets of keys for my cuffs now
new pic up of my new toys
I just checked one of my newly ordered toys should be here today YAY. wow that was fast
ok so add spreader bar to the line up and I ordered it all today. so excited :-D
So I'm thinking about ordering anal plugs and a whip tomorrow
Aaaaaah damn it tiredness wins again :-(
Damn not fare still at work and now a bit horny grrrrrrr
YES my paddle just got here
Yay my new gag should be ariving today
Finley one of my new toys is in America. Its sitting in California right now
yay fun things have been shipped so happy
Got 2 new toys on order can't wait
doing online shopping :-D

wow not good feeling jealous over family

Getting things going so we can move out of my uncles place is like pulling teeth what the hell
my mood is really bad right now. I hate this
Wow this isn't fair I try to get things going to get a house built and now I'm told that we will be at my uncles for a few really not looking at a few years. I don't like it here at all
Oh god its been a while please may I cum?
Damn being tired wins again:-(
Can't wait till income taxs get here want to purchase new toys
Horny tired and a bit drunk not a good combination
Change of plans on the build. The basement room is no longer mine but that's ok cuz we found a 4 bedroom floor plan we really like and I get my own bedroom and bathroom. Sooper happy
got my toy box now i just need to fill it
So kinda excited today. Me and my family has decided to rebuild on the property building off of an already existing basement room. I've been offered that room I have special plans for that room ;-D
Not just horny but supper horny tonight
bit turned on tonight damn no privacy or time to do anything tonight
why do i do this to myself?
feeling like all hope is gone fore me right now
went and got my toys today and brought them to were i'm living right now YAY
mood really not to good  tonight. hate this feeling
this shit isn't worth it
how can i justify this? a guy askes me to be his girl then he hooks up with 6 other girls and sleeps with a marred girl 3 times all when we were saposed to be togeather. that is so messed up
trying to get my life straight hopefuly it works out right
damn it this is not fare
How am I the falt of everything?
well i got my computer working thanks to my brother and a friend of mine YAY :-D
Holy shit this year has gone from bad to worse
Sick and stuck at work cuz no one wants to come in and take over for me. Not a fun day
Yep a nother bad Holliday
Yep 6 blanket night  given the fact that its only 16 degrees here
Well one bad Holliday after a nother
Mary Christmas to everyone hope you all have a good day
Not been a good day.  long day tomorrow going to bed. Night
Not really liking the cold windy weather
In need of an old style handcuff key. My brother stool the set and lost the key I have the handcuffs back
Please may I cum?
Fuck what a not so good night
Ok so I'm thinking the reason why I can't find the is all my not you guys sorry about
Worsed fashion trend idea ever. Ladies in Seattle are now growing their arm pit hair out and dying it off the wall colars
Wow what a messed up Holliday
Happy thanksgiving to everyone
Well my computer is down. My phone is going to have to do for now I guess
I really need to cheer these entries up damn I'm gloomy
Damn it I got a wet spit on my bed but I didn't make it fuck not far
You know your lonely when you start dreaming about hot guys
Had one hell of a day. Not good
Well apparently the asshole has some of the "sexual videos that I'm in"
I hate these really cold winter nights
wow i'm in trouble again
Well it didn't work well asshole still says that the sex videos are me and there's stuff in the videos that I wouldn't ever do and never have done in my entire life
Told asshole off today hope it works
so horny right
well here i go again downloading bdsm videos. havent done that in quite a while
bad couple of days emotions not well
so apparently there's sexual videos of me that were taken that i dont remember being taken trying to figure that out
feeling not wanted in my family tonight
Well finger play again. Why can't I find the right person?
almost crrying not sure why
offishly a born again virgen
Trying to not coment here so much cuz almost everything I've said has been negitive and some people dont like that so sorry
well apparently i have no life to my own (cuz of mother thing) fuck fuckedy fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. why do i have to live this life?
ok i'm scrued if an apocalypse happens
i find it funny how my mom say she cant get drunk but right now she is drunk off her ass
my back is spazzing need a back rub
i feel really good right now
well now my uncle is in the hospital
ok pissy again
Wow I'm really pissy tonight so pissy I want to cry
Been feeling really lonly the last 2 days
i feel so stupid
mad at myself tonight just accedently dumped a half a bottle of whisky
wish i was as drunk as my mom right now
thought i was over him what the fuck
Well the boss is talking about 7 days a week. All that's running through my head is good money
Well now I'm excited I just found out that I'm getting some free toys but I have to do the work for it all which isn't a big deal
Think I finally found a bed and breakfast I wouldn't mind checking out. Its called stay and play it has a dungeon and everything
k so i've reasently started talking to this guy
(i like what i see) 3 days ago but all he wants to talk about is sex. all i know about him is that he LOVES sex and what he does for a living. every time i try saying something other then sex the conversation goes back to sex. how can i stop this talk? ive tryed everything
Well here we go again another co-worker leaving. Well I guess the money will be good
I was good tonight I walked out when my mom got in her"me me me" mood :-D YAY ME
Hoping for new toys for Christmas but I may have to buy them myself
Finding it difficult to consitrate on my work today grrrrrrr
so apparntly we are all simple minded and have to give up owr rights to a higher sovern
FUCK if it isnt one thing tonight its a nother
well damn my brothers girlfriend. i now have to do the ice bucket challenge cuz of her
just had it out with my mom not sure were i'm going to be next :-(
just had it out with my mom not sure were i'm going to be next :-(
Thinking about getting new hand cuffs too
think i'm going to order the new gag next week so excited
holy not so fun shit
Well that's just great. Got up this morning to find out that my car was broken into last night. Not much was stolen but it still pisses me off
so i'm starting to think whats the use of owning 2 vehickles when people in my family wont let me drive the one i want to drive
Got me a few ugly looks for what i am wearing today. I dont care anymore I know I look good
well here we go again
feeling cranky tonight
found a ball gag i want it has wrist cuffs attached to it. just have to wait a week for money
well i cant keep my mouth shut





ball gag

spreader bar

bead restaurant

any help will be welcomed

Looking for lifestyle workshops and events in Utah but dont think I'm going to find any
Beginning to think that I need more toys
Starting to think we are under attack with all of the boom boom booms going on
Happy 4th. Hope everyone is having a great day even though its extremely hot today
I am so out of shape
Happy thoughts. Lets try that
Wow. That's all I have to say. Its not a good wow
so wanting to cry right now. it dont help that i saw my ex's mom at the store today
Fill so not cunfertable right now
Playing with myself isn't fun anymore:-(

Got me a little winter pooch going on. Need to brake the bike out

my heart hurts tonight :-(

Wow my mom has a way to make me feel like shit

one of them days that i just want to cry

well I have moved sad thing is I can't have guests. I'm now living in a motor home with no space to store anything. Not sure were life is taking me which makes me very sad

having a selfish moment

wow first night back to my moms place and shes bitching about how me and my brothers never listened to her and how bad HER life is

week left till my birthday. and I'm betting no new toys :-(

well a nother co-worker gone as of this morning leveing me to work by myself

still have the bad fucking luck. this isn't helping any

so now i'm an asshole for what i've said last night. why do I keep messing everything up?

yep I knew it my brother had my cuffs. I found them in his girlfriends drower

What the fuck am i doing wrong?
Well looks like i have a get out of jail free card
Well I'm now seeing that amazon isn't a good place to find nice play toys for my toy box. Time to look somewhere elts
Looking up fun things waiting for money to start buying fun thing
Anyone think a razor strap would be a fun toy besides me?
New pic up. Go take a look. I think it looks great
Its no wonder I'm down and depressed most of the time with my one fucking mother putting me down for things she does. Like she's perfect? Last complaint sorry. I will try to be more positive
Just uploaded a couple of new pics take a look and tell me what you think
I'm sick of this bad luck slump I'm in right now. Just wish things would turn around for me
Trying to make myself feel better
So apparently looks mean more to men then the heart does so if that's the way you feel don't bother talking to me
No offence but I'm not really happy with men right now
Fuck the last couple of weeks just keep getting worse and worse
Well if i didn't have bad luck i wouldn't have any luck at all

well got my toys home now time to move my toy box and get more

well apparently i cant keep guys around. another on ran off

well now that i'm at moms i guess i can start getting stuff for my toy box

well back at my moms place as of tonight. hope this time goes well

Hey "B.o.b" isn't gone
Damn mail people. Breaking a violin i ordered on amazon
Well I'm officially the girl that guys would chop their arms off to get away from
Vived flash backs happening. How do i stop them?
No ofence to anyone but i really hate world of warcraft
Missing the ex really bad right now and i don't know why :-(
He's so dumb cute. Why am i liking someone so young again?
Well living situation almost all fixed up. Now all I'm waiting on is a car
Why dose life have to throw so much shit at me?
Such a lazy day
Well the idea of the camper had been kicked straight to hell
I'm fucked not the fun way
Why is all this shit happening to me? What did i do to dizurve this?
So apparently i don't know what i want. What the crap?
Welp its going to take longer for me to move
Wow best combo ever. Voment chased with with beer
Holly shit what's wrong with me?
How do i except someone telling me my scars are beautiful when i hate them so much?
I've realized that hickies at the base of my head hurt bad
Why is my mom being upset about my poly side bothering me so much?
How is poly life so bad? My mom wants me out of it and now i don't know how to deal with it. I know she's my mom but poly is a part of me and she won't except that
Fell like crying and i don't know why
Not fare my stumic is getting big. 33 inches :-(
Wow "family" is NOT in my familys vocabulary. There's no looking out for eachother in my family. WHAT THE FUCK
Ok I'm done trying. If you really don't want to get to know me after here don't contact me
Still looking to ad to my toy box. Anyone want to help me?
One step closer. Got money for parts for my car now i need to move my house hook it up to water and license my car
Fuck i hate valentines day

really hatting the lonely feeling ive been going threw the last 2 days

cold. wanting someone to cuddle with to warm me up

Well that don't make me happy at all i just found out that a set of my restraints are missing from my toy box. My leather wrist cuffs are gone
Who need more rules sub or slave?
Well i must have been to nice this year. Santa didn't bring me any naughty presence
K so now apparently I'm a peace of shit. What is wrong with people now days?
Fuck my night just went to shit
So apparently according to some guy in Texas my religion is all made up. WHAT THE FOCKING WELL? Stupid asshole
Well the 38 foot camper is going to be kick ass. I got the ok to hook up a saround sound system. So excited
Feels like I'm getting ganged up on and not the fun way
I've come to realize that i need more toys. My box isn't full enough
Why do i let my heart talk and not my head?
Fuck what a night
Well it looks like I'm not moving till January or so. Just my luck
Please may i cum?
Ok so its a 36 to 38 foot camper in moving into
Just my damn luck. Still haven't moved. The car that we were trying to get going so i can get to work is broke worse then we thought. Now I'm here till something is figured out
Why does my life suck so bad?
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween
Damn I've had a headache for 2 days straight pain pills aren't working now i don't know how to get it to go away
So yes i am moving back to my moms place but this time in going to have my own little place on her property (10 foot camper with working everything and full bathroom) so excited for that. The only thing it done have is a washer and dryer
Fuck nothing is working the way i want it to today
Why does my mom have to break a great mood?

well im working on moving back in with my mom. the difference this time is that im going to have my own little house type thing

Dear Santa I didn't get the toys i wanted last year. Can you please leave them for me this year? I've been a very good girl
Wouldn't you know it. Just my luck. I'm getting kicked out of the place I'm living at over $20 missing
So who wants to be my Santa?
I love the feel of my pussy after being shaved. Mmmmmmmm so nice
Christmas is coming. Wunder if Santa will bring me something fun :-D
Is it possible to receive training over email and texting? Just wundering cause I have doms out of state that want to teach me some stuff
I like the feeling I get when I call someone sir or something in that way I'm just not looking for 24/7. I have my family who I'm close to so 24/7 isent a good thing for me
Fuck Im done dealing with my work
I'm done getting stabed in the back by family. Its all about me now
So depressed something is wrong
And my family knows how to spoil a mood :-(
Wow I'm a horny little slut tonight :-D
Fuck how am I the onlu one trying to get my grandmother's stuff?
Happy 4th of July everyone
Wow my moms heartless
Damn just my luck. Trying to take the 4th of July off this year and wouldent you its my co-workers day off. Oh well there's always next year I guess
LOL syfy love story "I love you now kiss me........ with your 8 lips"
I got my new collar today. I'm very happy its here
Finly my new collar is on it way
LOL is it possible to get pregnant by a vibrater?
Looks like a 3 blanket night. No one to keep me warm
To top things off the guy that came out for my birthday keeps judging my family after meeting them once and took the birthday present he bought me home with him. Something tells me that he's using it on his "play thing"
I just relised I diddent update my birthday "fun" if you want to call it that. Well to start it off a guy I met on here came out to spend it with me. He tied me up and all he really did was used vibraters on me there was a little whipping I got my birthday spanking which wasent that painful sadly. I've come to relise that I'm not that inthused in vibrater play. Needless to say the only thing I enjoyed about my birthday was spending time with my family
I've always been afraid of losing the people I love. But I wonder if there's anyone out there who is afraid of losing me
Wow its a nice day today. Makes me wish I had a car
Piercing is done it looks great :-D
K so apparently my family is to active in my life. If you can't handle that don't bother emailing me Thank you
My family is a big part of my life. If you can't deal with that and get past that don't bother talking to me cause there is no way of changing things between me and my family
Well I relised last night that I have a high pain tolerance
5 days till my birthday
I got my birthday present to myself. I'm getting my eyebrow pierced Sunday. YAY
I'm so excited for my birthday. I can't wait :-D
With what happened today I'm definitely stocking up on emergency supplys. What this world is coming to scares me
Pissed my mom off again. Woohoo :-D
Were the hell did spring go? Its snowing here
I don't really know why I keep getting myself in theses situations
I've desided that this year my birthday is going to be great :-D
Oh what a day this is starting out to be
Well my toy box is getting heavyer. Wanting more though
Happy Easter. I hope its a good one
Little horny today. Looks like the toys are going to see a little action tonight :-D
Found moonshine at the liquor store last night. Boy that stuff kicked my ass
Well that's sad. Just got my new handcuff key but its to small for my handcuffs :-(
K so I have tight fit, Bob, prissy, little man, squirt and spaze
So nice to have something in my tight litter pussy making me feel very good :-D
I need to be fucked badly
Well I've desided that I need a place of my own even if it is an appartment so tomorrow I'm going to apply for housing. I'm sick of were I'm at I need out of there
Well I just ordered a handcuff key so now maybe my handcuffs wont feel so lonely :-D
Wanting to build a poly family in my area
Yay I get to go to a toy store today. Hope I can find some thing fun :-D
Wow don't think things went Well
Well I think I'm liking my brothers new girlfriend more tonight.
Wow first time ever. I haven't had any alcohol and I was going through some really bad withdrawals. That's not a good feeling
Wow if thing work the way I want them to I should be able to get a home of my own sooner than I thought
Ok so I've named my new toy. Its name is "tight fit"
Well now I'm glad I haven't moved back home right now. My mom and baby brother are extremely mad at my dad for some fucking reason and I don't know why
Yay ass plug is here. Can't wait to use it :-D
I can't wait for warmer weather. I'm sick of the snow and I want to go camping
Well my ass plug is ordered and on its way. I sooooo can't wait
Not feeling well but atcwork. Not fun :-(
Damn I'm twisted.
Why can't I find any one decent that will stick around?
Damn I wish my brother wasent home :-(
What the fuck am I doing?
Fuck I may have to move back with my mom :-(
Even though its just a nother day to me u just wanted to say happy Valentine's
I'm not looming to piss any one off on this site. If you are marred and trying to hide things from your wife PLEASE don't be emailing me cause I'm not wanting her to be cussing me out for something I diddent do. Thank you
I so want this month to be over
Looking up bondage positions and wishing I was put in some of them
I hate Valentine's day
So cold need some one to worm me. Any volunteers?
Damn I love Amazon. I found an inflatable ass plug on there for $19 new
Little horny and no one to have fun with
Its one of them days that I just don't want to do any thing
horny and at work. not a good combo
so sad. christmas is over and no new toys for my toy box :-(
its offishly the 22nd and I'm still alive. the myans lied to us
I'm up to 18 guys and 2 girls :-D
well we all might be dead tomarrow. see you all on the other side. if the world don't end tomarrow I will talk to you all then
wow I'm disapointed in myself. I'm wanting to cum bt nothing is happining :-( this is not fun
well I've found out that its not laytex I'm alergic to its the lube I was using
got depretion problums tonight :-(
home alone and horny not a good combo
drunk and feeling deptessed tonight :-(
so excited for presents
been depressed for the last 3 days. not sure why but its not making life that easy to get through
feeling extreamly lonly tonight which is not good cause that makes me way depressed
ok. ever mind then
who wants to be my santa and help me add to my toy box?
trying to figure ou why I let my mom piss me off so much
happy halloween

being hornie duse NOT make it easy for me to do my job at work

trying to save for a place of my oun so I can put togeather a a playroom

i made out with a nother woman last night. it was so great

dear santa I hope I've been a good girl this year. all I want for christmas is some new toys for my toy box. thank you gothicslut
I'm so tired. working 6 days a week is killing me
my emoashins are not real the best to be hearing what I just heard
extreamly depressed tonight. I found out erler today that my dog (who was like my child) died today while my famile was away from the house. not a good day

well no longer a borne again vergen. YAY

wow I just added to my toy box for free. I love that

i really dislike my family right now

well I think I've figured out what I'm alurgec to. its not the sylicon its the lube I was using on the toy
fuck I have a feeling that I'm going to have to move back with my mom

trying to figure out why my mom and brother think they know whats best for me

wow i just pissed my mom off sorry for laughing but haha

I've come to realise that my famlie is verry selfish. first of all me and my brother had to move in with my uncle again (that's not the problum) but now my mom has informed me that she is taking back mine and my brothers only mood of transportation. how messed up is that
why can't people keep their knoses out of other peoples privet property?

im trying to figure out how in a meeting at work i get told that we have to watch our hours but apparently my co-worker has promition to work as long as she wants

well things are getting better. the only thing that i havent got going is my phone but that will be going soon

finly my brothers got a car going so i can go home. thank you bro's

fuck in never going to be able to go home. i hat this

well now im pothec. 7 months away and im already listning to christmas music

is there a such thing as a born again virgen? if so how long do you have to go with out sex to be considered one?
damn car I realy hate it right now

mmmmmmmmmmm beer i need some


I realy don't like cops
I think my co-worker is still trying to get me fired
well to make life worse my uncle is in the hospitle do to a minny stroke
why do I feel like no one cares?
k so me and my brother talked. I'm not staying at my moms place for ever yay :-D

well my birthday is tomarrow but sadly im not doing any thing fun

well i found a way to get me more money but i need to get things going. it starting out slow but im working on it

I'm ready to quit my job. the way I'm being treated at work its not worth going

well it looks like im stuck at my moms and dads for a really long time

im feeling dearring tonight

so scared that my mom is going to cayse me to loose my job
damn no more vodka for my mom

why is it that every time i watch a women on bdsm videos getting used they scream a lot. that bugs me. if you want the life prove it. screaming isent going to help

well I'm thinking if I can afored 1 toy at a time I should be ok
how about if I'm printing and reading naughty stories off of the internet?
k so I have a question. an I being naughty if I'm watching bdsm videos?
well next month is my birth day and still no one to bye me any thing fun to put in my toy box
my family is falling apart amd there's nothing I can do about it :-(

rope its manly string lol

chainging my hair callor

looking to expand my toy box

my mom reeeeeeealy know how to kill a mood

thank god today is almost over
why am I the falt for every thing around here?

i really hate valentines day

why am i a bad person?

well heres to a nother lonely night :-(

well im having to move for a 16th time. this time its cause we cant afored the rent and im not moving hone to my moms place which is a really good thing

so sad. my birthday is in 4 months but i have no one to get me any thing fun ;-D ;-D ;-D

dear santa all i want for christmas is some new play toys to put in my toy box. i dont care what it is that i get

its to cold here. wish i had some one to lay next to that can worme me up 

still want to get the gathering togeather but im too afraid of what every one would think about the way i look :-(

how do i tell some one some thing with out that person getting mad at me?

depressed tonight.

good god the drama has me going nuts

well ive had one hell of a week end. my dad had a nother seagure in the midle of the court house while getting a truck licensed and cracked his head open which caused a hemridgein his brain which inturn made it so he had to go in for 2 sergeries to drain the blood off of his brain.




well ive moved. got the cable an internet working. things are better

thank goodness tonight is mt last night at my parentses place. moving once again for the 15th time

things are going better. i moving again next week i get my car hopfuly next month. things are better.

oooooooooh sooooooooooo horny right now but no one to play with me

feeling like my life is sooooooooo fucked up right now and i dont know why

come on end of the month. herry and get here

well things are slolly starting to look up for me i wont be were im at by the end of the month im moving back into the last house i was living in except with 1 difrence 4 less people living there with me

well ive moved for a 14th time. i dont like this idea. makes me wunder what ive done wrong in my life to have to move to were im at now.

wow a nother new toy. how fun. my collection is getting bigger

yay my new toy came in today cant wate to try it out

the gathering idea is going realy slow. my problum: i moved in with my brother and his kids. i have to be verry carful with what i look at here

looking to organise a bdsm gathering but not sure were to start. gess i will start bye looking on google