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Daes - photo 1

Im Daesjia

There is no higher purpose than service. I am part of a couple.Ultimately seeking someone we both can gel with that can be dominant over me, and on equal footing with Him.

My full profile on FL is ViolentCandy
For the heart I once had.
Truly, the test of any one relationship, friendship or otherwise, comes in the midst of hardship, the trying moments in life that get us from one happy photo to the next. There, when the shit hits the fan, do one's true colors come forth. To persevere and confront the struggle; or to crack and bail.
When you've been starved for fulfillment, in a constant state of Wanting, you realize just how badly you've been needing to be in service. Thank you, for giving me back my purpose.

Threefold Law.

Who and what I am is found in moments of silent service. I am action, not just pretty flowery words. I do not simply talk about love and obediance, I show it in the most simplest of ways... through my still and silent devotion.

ALL I want, ever, is HONESTY.

The Art of Being a Slave

"A slave is a truly enraptured and enrapturing creature, capable of the greatest pain and the deepest passion. She is a temperamental creature, simultaneously fickle in her emotions, and fiercely, ferociously devoted in her affections. She is tumultuous and tempestuous, a mercurial maelstrom, and she knows no other way to be. If she could, she would not change, because, on some primeval level, she realizes that the death of her passion would be the death of her.

In truth, a slave is not simply the finest of all creatures; she is the epitome of all creatures. She combines strength and weakness, boldness and a certain shy innocence, languor and desperation; she is both cosmopolitan and naïve. Her nature is an amalgam of all that is passionate in any sense of the word. She is nothing without an owner, but in his arms, she is all things.

She is voracious and demanding, wanting nothing more, and certainly nothing less, than the absolute enslavement of the one she loves--the owner of her soul. She cannot be, will not be, and is incapable of being completely happy, until she knows to the very depths of her being that her owner is, in truth, owned by the reality of owning her. She longs for the completion of a partner in her own rapture and misery.

If you beat her, she will smile at you through her tears, because you have reaffirmed for her your ownership, your innate right to mistreat her if you please. If you kiss her, she will bite you, begging you with her passion to own her again, and more completely this time.

She is dangerous and daring. Self-preservation will never be her strong suit. She will beguile you to her last breath, knowing that without you, she cannot breathe at all. Her vulnerability will appall you with the knowledge that you could never-- would never-- allow anyone that close to you, and at the same time, arouse in you every protective instinct you possess, to see that no one ever ravages this state of her-- except you.

She will define her entire world by your moods, enchanting herself with them, until she has internalized them so completely that a single look from you can bring her to laughter, to tears, to orgasm, or to suicide. She will love you with an abandon that will leave you stunned.

She will worry you, and nag you; she will threaten and cajole. And she will do it because she is incapable of holding back from you, even though she knows that you will pay it all no immediate heed, because your attention is your whim. She will revel in your denial of her pleasure. It only confirms her own desire.

But do not be misled. She is clever and she is fleet, and she will give you all you can handle and more. She knows her own value, and is not afraid to demand repayment in kind. She is not for the faint of heart, body, mind, or resolve. She will tax your every breath, your every thought, your every move. She is responsibility for something far greater than yourself, and her independence in that will confound you.

Be wary, be attentive. Devastate her if you can, but know that she will only thank you for it if you do. And much to your consternation, she will politely, sweetly, touchingly beg you to do it again. And still, she will want more.

But never destroy her adoration for you by withholding your own. Never give her cause to doubt it, because if you do, she will exact retribution and it will be the greatest agony you have ever known. She will withdraw from you. She will take her love and walk away without hesitation, because she is enslaved only by her love for you, and without that love, your power over her is gone. She will leave you cold. And when she does, you will finally know that all along, you needed her too."

One of my closest friends in the world sent me a message: "The Irony of Love - Love is giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting them not to."

Gave me a bit to think about...

I'm young I know, maybe too young to really know Love. I do however, know how to Give - I mean Give in the utmost sense of the word.. to give your Heart, your Love, to give Yourself. To give just because you truly care. You give to those you trust, and trust begets love.

I'm gullible. I know it. I'm naive. I'll believe you. If you tell me something I won't doubt you. In my ignorance of the possibility that you may hurt me, I will trust you. I do so because it isn't in me to be anything else. I'm foolish like that... but my heart is genuine.

Some people don't get it or just don't understand. Some people don't believe me, that's okay too. Those who truly Know me will understand.

Everyone asks what I'm looking for, what I want. Let's save some time. I'll tell you, can you listen?

I want someone over me, always over me. His needs and his passions on his time. I want to lay at his feet, enchant myself with his moods and desires in order to please. I want to be cherished, valued, kissed, and pet. I want to be powerless, I want to love through my submission and find the ultimate freedom through my enslavement. I want to be understood, teached, loved, fucked, beaten, adored - and I'll hold you all the more dear for it.

I'm looking for someone that has the Need to take power, has the patience to earn it so that I can Give all and Give more until I tax your every thought. There is so much I will do, so much I can, I'm looking for someone that demands it all and even more, always pushing. I'm looking for someone that can exploit my weaknesses and make me a better person, make me think, make me grow.

Someone compatible with me, that I connect with, serve, love, and be devoted to. A Master for me. Only seems so simple.