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I have stong sexually submissive desires (but that does NOT make me a submissive!) and I am only on this site to find a play partner. And I'm not into that cyber crap so do NOT even bother to ask. Strictly r/t only!
I am only (what people try to pigeon-hole and miscatagorize as) submissive sexually - nothing more - truth is, I just like kinky activities so do us both a favor and don't confuse me for a real submissive female; I can assure you I am not that at all!.
I'm not a slave, nor do I ever intend to be, so don't even try to go there...
NOT looking to be collared or owned - just looking for a strong dominant male to play with. Be advised, it would be prudent for you NOT to confuse the desire and preference for kinky sexual activity and debauchery as submissiveness. Though they are not mutually exclusive; they are still very separate and distinct concepts and traits.
I'm a cum slut and am looking for someone to play with - willing to explore various types of play as long as it eventually incorporates sexual overtones and activities and I really enjoy doing most things outdoors when possible.
Tired of Vanilla anything - it's dull, boring and unfulfilling.
�I'm willing to travel within reason, but I work multiple jobs so my travel time is limited, though if you are willing to travel to my area, or meet relatively in the middle then I'll be able to set a suitable block of time aside for you.
And do us both a favor - be realisitic; don't expect me to travel 3 or 4 hrs to play with someone I don't know and am not even sure I want to know. I wouldn't ask you to do some rediculous thing like that so don't expect me to do anything other than laugh and delete your silly request.
...and a final word of advice - DON'T make the mistake of thinking that just because the computer shows me as being on line that I'm even anywhere near my computer... most of the time I'm NOT even in the same building as the computer.� So if you're going to get all squirely about the fact that I've not replied immediately, better not even write to me to begin with - I'm not tethered to technology and have no desire to start now!! |
Much has transpired since I created this profile, which as it implies, was for the sole purpose of seeking dominant play partners. While I have not actually found and suitable play partners, I had found myself developing a loving relationship with dominant male who is head of our poly household.
I am still entertaining the idea of finding a suitable play partner for myself, especially now so that my dominant partner is concentrating primarily on his other two submissive partners.
I understand how important it is for him, them, and all of us to have the patience, consideration, and compassion that's needed to work on areas and situations that are difficult for any one of us.
So while he is shifting his focus and attentions to them, I am patiently waiting and biding my own time in an effort to allow them the time and space that is needed to work through some difficult situations. |
To eric0876 from the Bronx.... Grow a set and have the decency to wait for a reply. You send me an unsolicited text, I reply with a simple thank you and then you ask another question but didn't like my response so you contact me again and block me before I can reply... Which by the way my reply was: Toooo funny... Thanks for the chuckle. I needed a good laugh.. But you are rude and cowardly by running and hiding... And you wonder why I m not interested in immature children like you??? |
To Santaclause1983 from Syracuse... Because you were so childish and felt it necessary to send me an unsolicited post and subsequent insult when I politely told you that I wasn't interested and then blocked me because you were too cowardly to wait for a reply, I felt compelled to ensure that you were not deprived of the favor of my response to your rude and insulting posts...... And you make me laugh... I'm sure it's merely ignorant youth. But be that as it may, I have given your childish posts all the attention and consideration they deserve. By the way, name calling is so juvenile, grow a set and someday in the future you might possibly be capable of handling rejection like a man. I also suggest learning how to read; the profile clearly indicates my interests. You inability to process that is evident! And in case you were not able to understand the reference pertaining to any type of cyber crap, that includes online discussions. Not interested... Anyone wants to know about me, they must have the balls to talk to me in person!! it's as simple as that! |
Ugh... Another boring day with nothing but housework to look forward to... Why is it so darn difficult to find anyone to play with these days??? |
I am so totally bored today!!! In the Broome county area today and looking for someone to play with... Meet and converse first and then take it from there... |
Work schedule went to hell this week.. I'm glad it's over but now I'm free from Saturday afternoon until Sunday dinnertime and I'm already bored out of my mind!! Would rather be working instead of sitting home alone as usual... -sigh- Why is finding a play partner so difficult to do these days??? |
Just a few minutes ago I found out you were gone...
I never got to say good bye...
Work got ?in the way and I never even got to spend much time with you at all these past 2 months...
In your silence you taught me much about myself...
I am doing things that several years ago I said no to, knowing it just wasn't for me... I guess when our lives got thrown together, the time was right for me to step outside my comfort zone and do the job that needed to be done. Knowing that it was about me, giving of myself to do for someone else, helped me to look beyond what I thought I couldn't do, and discover just what I could do...
It was difficult so many times, dragging myself out of bed and out into the cold mornings... I so wanted to stay in the warmth and comfort of my bed for just that precious few more minutes... But I couldn't. It was time to tend to your needs...?
You never complained, yet I could sense when you were not happy...
You never ignored me, even though you never really knew what I was prattling on and on about... I could always talk to you, and I did... Though the conversations were always one sided... I never feared telling you all that I did; I knew my thoughts and fears would be safe with you...
It wasn't easy, being there to tend to you as I did... But it was never a chore.
I pray that I helped make your life a little more comfortable... A little more bearable... A little less lonely...?
I want you to know you've helped make me a better person; in your silence I learned much from you... About the love that can exist between those whom have chosen to be with each other... About strength and determination... About the loneliness of being isolated and trapped within yourself. You've opened my eyes to things I knew of but never really wanted to see or think about... Yes, in your silence you really have taught me much.
Thank you my friend... Thank you for sharing a smile, some moments to remember, and the most intimate of existence with me... But most of all, thank you for helping to remind me of what really is most important... Just being there in the lives of those who love and care about you. It makes a difference you know... It really does...
I'm truly sorry that I wasn't there to say good bye...
I do miss you... more so than I would have thought...
So in my silent thoughts I whisper "thank you, thank you for being a part of my life in your own special way..."
Good bye my silent friend... |
? ? ?
?Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.?
? ? ?
?If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us?
I came across these quotes by Hermann Hesse, the German born Swiss novelist and poet. I had to stop and think about them. The latter was easy for me to relate to since I've always believed that things that irritate us in other people are merely a reflection of ourselves, the part that we don't want to acknowledge and prefer not to see. And when we see it in others, we are subconsciously confronted with our own short comings...
But the first quote, that is the one that really resonates loudly with me. And it is so applicable to those in the lifestyle, especially in respect to submission. That is a concept that is still so foreign to me and I'm not sure if I will ever begin to understand that... |
Meloncholy... Defined as a somber thoughtfulness; pensiveness.
It fits my mood right now.
Reflective of events, past and present.
Bittersweet moments of happiness and joy intermixed with sadness.
This forlorn feeling permeates the silence as dawn breaks over the eastern horizon...
The cold doesn't stay outdoors; the silence echoes amidst these 4 walls, and the chill of emptiness shrouds the silence until wistful tears escape and muffled whimpers are barely audible... Need is ever present, though diligently repressed and buried in a shallow grave. Unspoken thoughts fighting to be set free, but still securely hidden under lock and key while loneliness prevails. Captive amidst the 4 walls that have become my life, yet ever searching for a place to call home...
Yes... Meloncholy fits quite well at the moment. |
Ugh... Winter snow and winter colds... Both just make you want to curl up under the blankets and take a nice long nap! Only with the cold you end up spending your time with a box of Kleenex and a jar of vicks instead only having to share your bed with the blanket and pillow. Not a fun way to end the year or start a new one! :-( -sniffles- where's the chicken soup and orange juice when you need it??? |
A home for the holidays...
The holiday times have been difficult for me for as long as I can remember… and most of the memories are bittersweet. Family, such that is, has always been important to me, though for my entire life I have always felt as though I have been on the outside looking in… My siblings I love – they are my blood family so I have to; but, despite that, I love them just because they are who they are… though I am distant and removed and have never felt, or been, close to any of them…
I feel as though I have been an interloper in my own life… going thru each day, keeping my innermost thoughts veiled so I can become what others want and need me to be at any given moment. The smile I wear conceals the sadness that lay just beyond the surface, penetrating deep within my core… a melancholy forged from the emptiness that enshrouds my life… And the holidays are especially difficult because they become a constant reminder to me of how much I miss having a home… a real home… a home to keep me safe and secure… and where I can hang my heart at the end of the day.
Home is made up of the people who abide there, not the 4 walls that hold up the roof… I have lived with friends in their home – and it is a home – a place filled with loving and caring people. But I have not had my own home for quite some time… And when my mother sold the childhood home that I grew up in, I knew that I would never again have a home to return to. I visit her at her home, but it is her home, not mine… not the one I grew up in, and felt safe in, and watched my world fall apart around me in… shed my silent tears in, used laughter to hide my fears in… I have no home – and that is a profoundly sad and empty feeling. Even when I owned my own house, it was simply that – a house. A place to entertain friends and family in… a place to come to at the end of my day... But it was still nothing more than 4 walls, a floor, and a roof. It wasn’t filled with love and laughter, or with someone special that I could share that with… it was simply a place to live.
Now, it is much the same… a roof over my head and a place out of the elements in which to sleep at night. Emptiness abounds, and is not dispelled by the things that surround me in this tiny dwelling. And each day I feel more and more like a fraud… Plastering a magazine smile on my face and keeping a cheerful tone with something nice to say to everyone I encounter… but deep inside the silent tears flow freely. Though none will ever see them or even believe they exist…
The holidays are a constant reminder of the fact that I have no real home. Because home isn’t a place where you store your things or go to sleep at night… home is a safe harbor… home is where you can shed your protective armor and hang your heart at the end of the day and know that it, and you, are safe… in the emptiness that is my life, there is no safe harbor, and no place to hang my heart… |
Thoughts and self reflection lead to very little restful sleep... And after reading some journal entries from an acquaintece, I find that I am feeling so many different emotions, from profound sadness to joyful elation, just for her... Her writings have taken me on a roller coaster ride and my heart just goes out to her with the struggles she has, and will continue to endure, and the joy, strength, and peace she has found within the gift of her submission to the wonderful dominant man that has collared her. -deep sigh- wish I could find a way to send a hug to her, and to all the other happy submissives that have found safety, strength, and a sense of truly belonging, thru their respective giving of themselves to the dominants that they are collared to. |
What a nice end to an otherwise dull and uneventual day...
I am actually thrilled to have been contacted by someone who's not afraid to come out from behind the computer and actually meet and converse in person... And the best part is that travel time is less than 20 min or so... I will actually have sufficient time to converse and not have to be stuck with a "drive-by" hello as I wave hi & bye and spend all of my down time in a car traveling!
I am actually excited... Someone whom is capable of communicating the old fashion way: up close and personal... Face to face... Maybe here is hope for mankind yet! Most people are so dependent on technology for everything that they can't do the simplest of things in their head any more... People don't know how to do simple math without the use of a calculator, letter writing has become a lost art, and interpersonal interactions (ie., conversation) require the use of a technological interface nowadays (that's texting &IM's for those who are clueless as to what that concept means)... A real conversation, with all the tone and tenor to help convey meaning... What a treat! |
"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain."
? -- ?Kahlil Gibran
I came upon this quote tonight and am captivated by its wisdom and universal understanding. This concept can be applied to so many things, experiences, and situations. It also fits so well into the lifestyle, and I am not referring to the aspect of the physical pain so many feel that they must instill upon others, or endure (depending on the role you adopt)... Pain comes in so many forms. But for me, it think that it is the emotional pain that cuts deepest and lasts longest... And that is the type of pain one can produce when they start to truly delve within and learn and grow within themselves...
And so true is this other quote, who's author, regrettably, I do not know...
"Each pain makes you more strong, each betrayal more intelligent, every disappointment more skillful and each experience more wise...."
Wrestling with ones own thoughts and feelings, (especially when you learn to be brutally honest, inherently objective, and persistently truthful with yourself) can lead to much internal turmoil and pain. But growth, self growth, is inevitable as long as you remain steadfast in your desire, and never give up on yourself, or give up on learning about others and the world around you. Though keeping company with your thoughts while lying in the dark silence can take one to many strange places that probably should have remained forever hidden in the furthest recesses of your mind... |
... In the darkness a single tear makes its way down my cheek and lights silently on my pillow as I cling on to the blankets, hugging them tightly and curl up into a ball as the night closes in around me... it's silence a constant reminder of how alone and vulnerable I really am... The dark of the night is reflective of the emptiness that surrounds me... consuming me... Mocking me... This is one time when I wish the night would fly swiftly and morning break quickly to envelop me with her warming rays of hope... But I can at least take comfort in the darkness by knowing that my tears will not be seen and my whimpers will fade softly into the silence... |
Once again sleep eludes me... My mind racing... As I lay here in the dark of the night, the silence is deafening... My thoughts are relentless as they assault my sensibilities and raise questions to which there are no answers... Daybreak looms on the horizon... Waiting patiently and silently to chase the darkness away... But it is here in the silent darkness though, that I confront the subconscious... The emptiness that enshrouds me, gnaws tirelessly at that which holds my thoughts locked away in the deepest recesses of my mind, exposing the truth which I do not wish to acknowledge... it is in the darkness that I am most vulnerable because I have no defense and no escape from the thoughts that consume me... Morning draws ever closer... And in the day's light I can once again cage those thoughts and resume the facade of strength and self sufficiency... Fooling those around me into believing that all is well in the world... And subsequently keeping the hungry beast at bay... At least until the darkness overtakes me once again, unleashing those thoughts like an overflowing dam... allowing loneliness to prevail for what seems like yet another eternity... |
Sometimes I really dislike computers... Especially so when they hiccup and lose all of the text you just poured out onto the page - as it just did... -sad sigh- maybe I'll just let the wistfulness be washed away by my tears... That has to be better than letting the frustration increase as a result of a temperamental and uncooperative bucket of bolts like the computer that sometimes just swallows the thoughts, sending them to only God knows where... And even He's not too sure... -weary sigh- though I dare say that even the free-flowing tears won't mask the emptiness that enshrouds me right now... |
Sometimes life's monkey wrenches just come from too many directions at once and even ducking doesn't seem to help... This week has been one of those times... |
Well... Life certainly does take some unexpected twists...
With all the stress at work lately I'm quite thankful for the little reprieve of last Sunday & Monday off. Took the opportunity to take an unexpected road trip with my best friend, MzKitty. Both of us have had more than our fair share of stress and trying to keep other people's drama from spilling over into our lives. Been somewhat successful at it to, though not 100% successful. And that does take its toll on one's energy level. Not to mention how taxing it is to one's patience...
Nothing like a spontaneous road trip that subsequently lead to spending the weekend with delightful male companionship, yielding a thoroughly relaxing interlude on our respectively fast paced stressful lives... She and I traveled back down to MD to visit a friend of mine. I hadn't thought that I would be able to return to the Baltimore area anytime at all this year. But as lady luck would have it, the opportunity materialized unexpectedly, and work surprisingly was accommodating enough to have had scheduled me off for 2 consecutative days.
This alone must have been a glitch because I don't think I've had 2 consecutative days off more than once or twice in the past year. I generally work 7 days a week and don't even have 1 full day off at all; 2 consecutative days off was unheard of!! But I must have accumulated enough credits in the Good Karma account, and the stars must have momentarily aligned because here I was with 2 days off, a travel companion (sometimes I don't think even Thelma and Louise could have as much fun traveling!), somewhere to go, AND a friend who was actually available upon arrival at our destination!! Sometimes life really is good...
-sigh- but now I am home, the week has flown by so quickly again, and it seems like a lifetime ago that I was feeling the warmth of strong arms wrapped around me in friendships embrace... It feels like a dream right now, just wistful thinking after watching a sentimental chick-flick... It's difficult to conceive that it was real and not something that my overactive imagination had conjured up... -sad sigh- but reality does have a way of rearing its ugly head and quickly and savagely yanking my head out of the clouds, tossing me unceremoniously back into the thick of things which presents itself as my lonely existence... So I am once again back doing that which I generally do: work, work, work and more work... It really is all that I know... Or at least that which I understand easiest.
This past weekend was somewhat foreign to me; I don't go out and relax and socialize with friends... Doing nothing but hanging around the house and sharing a meal and a movie with others... Going into town with friends for the sole purpose of enjoying the scenery and seeing whats new... Other people do things like that - not me. I just work. It's what I do best and what I know best... So this past weekend was like a wonderful dream that I really didn't want to wake up from... -sad sigh-
Admittedly, the events of this past month have had a profound effect upon me and I am starting to realize that I want, and (God forbid) actually do need more.
Sometimes I can't help but wish that I didn't have reminders of what my life is missing; it's much easier to focus on the positive aspects of what I do have if I don't know what it is that I don't have... There is a dull ache in the center of my awareness now... A void... A profound emptiness that I can't ignore anymore...
A single tear makes its way down my cheek onto the pillow beneath as I set my chin in firm determination and reach over to extinguish the light... I must let go of my thoughts - those warm memories that make me smile - in order to survive the ensuing day that awaits me... |
My thoughts go out to those affected by the adverse weather this week. I wish everyone a safe and speedy recovery! |
Unexpectedly heading back to MD on Thurs 10/18 for work again.
Not sure where I'm stying yet, details have yet to be determined, but I suspect somehwere near the white marsh area...
Life sure does take some unexpected twists...
Guess this means I'm going to cancel my concert tickets for Thurs nite... -sigh- |
Nothing kink/lifestyle related but...
actually had a day off and took myself to a wonderful performance. It's nice to know that even though I can't seem to find anyone that can (or is willing to) meet up with me around the crazy work schedule I have, every now and then I can find something free to do that is really so enjoyable, and I can do it on my own!
Sat thru a wonderful live performance of an incredible world renouned string quartet who had a couple guest artists join them... A little classical, a little contempory and a little jazz - but a wonderful evening no matter how you look at it!
It's nice to know that even in today's piss-poor economy, one can still occassionally find free things to do that are well worth their time and effort to search out. Definately goes far to help forget the idiots online who simply forget what it's like to exist in today's polite society! |
Good grief! 2nd time in 10 days that another senior citizen has contacted me for what seems to be a cyber drive-by... initial unsolicited contact followed up 2 min later with insults and vulgarities... a feeble attempt at humiliation I suspect. Sadly, he like the others have failed miserable. I did appreciate a good laugh at the pathetic attempt...
If I had to paint it as a picture I'd have a feeble cartoon character grandpa - much like the old pervert on family guy who is always trying to entice the little boys into his house - driving by with his old geezer buddy who can barely see over the steering wheel driving the car when he leans out and tries tossing insults out the window as the car chugs down the street at about 3 miles an hour... Once the insults have been launched they try to speed away like little children who run up to ring your doorbell then scampered into the bushes to hide...
And yes - the old geezers conducting the cyber drive-by's simply block you so you can't reply after they insult you with vulgarities and swear at you. And they do all of this before you even have a chance to finish reading their fssrt unsolicited post... gotta love the childish nature of people online...
Probably just as well that I can't reply - I'm sure the meaning of my prose would have been lost on their pathetic little minds; I really don't think they possess the intellect capable of comprehending what would have occurred. And I'm beginning to believe that as some men age, they do become much more immature and infantile. |
Why are people in today's society not willing, or able, to take responsibility for their own actions???
The way so many people behave online is reprehensible!!
For a supposedly civilized society, we are falling vastly short of even remotely acceptable anymore! and those who think that the safety of hiding behind the computer affords them card blanche to be rude, crude, abusive, and socially unacceptable are simply nothing more than a pathetic reflection of the dreges of our society... and that is a sad commentary indeed!
It never ceases to amaze me how immature some of the people on here are!
It's so childish to make a rude and insulting comment to someone that you don't even know, after having shared maybe 3 senstences with, and then block them because you are afraid of their response.
If you're not going to like my answer, or are not prepared to deal with it, then DON'T ask me any questions!!! But don't ask the question and then run and hide before I even reply... and if you ask me a question, you don't have to agree or even like my response, but don't cop an attitude just because you don't like the answer; that is so callow... and for those of you who are that ignorant, it means Immature!
If you don't have the balls to stand up and take a reply from someone when you initiate the contact, then you probably shouldn't be contacting them at all... that's like a 6 yr old calling someone names and picking on them and then running to hide behind mommy's skirts because they are afraid of what might happen next. I would have expected a more mature behavior from the senior citizen who contacted me this evening... but I guess it's true what they say: some people may grow older, but they never grow up!
Well, time to head back home... hope the sunshine stays so nice on my way back north. |
well my time in this area is almost at an end and I don't mind admiting that I'm rather disappointed with the fact that I've not found anyone to even have a real, face-to-face, old fashion conversation with thus far.
-sigh- I guess just having a change of scenery was nice though, even if the routine was the same as back home: work, work, work and more work... I do hope that someday I'll be able to find a more pleasurable passtime than work! |
Sunday night - much later that it should be....
Made it down in good time, and other than a brief stint to the grocery store for some sensible food, I've done nothing other then sit in the quiet hotel room, touch up my nail polish and wonder if the rest of the week is going to turn out like this...
Wouldn't be bad - I usally like to relax in my room after hitting the hot tub, but the pool is closed for the season and there is no hot tub.... Story of my travel life this year... And hot tubs are the best part of traveling and staying in a hotel. oh well - such is life. Maybe I can find something more interesting to do since there's not going to be relaxing in a hot tub in my future. Feel free to contact me with ideas and suggestions... |
Long stressful few months and I'm looking forward to a change of scenery...
Although it's for business reason, I am thankful to be working out of town for a week.
The hours will be long but the faces new and at least there should be a hot tub to relax in at the end of a tiring day... Sometimes that's enough...
Will be heading down to the Baltimore area from the 9th thru the 15th... Always enjoy making new friends and conversing with someone interesting.
So if you're from that area, or even visiting yourself, drop me a line and we can converse a bit... even if it's nothing more than to tell me about the gridlock on the roads and any road construction in the area. (actually especially if it's to tell me about road construction heading down Rt 81 and 83 thru PA).
Also if anyone in the Baltimore area knows what the weather forecast is supposed to be I'd appreaciate that info too...
Thanks and hope everyone enjoys their weekend. |
Well my mid-week spontaneous escape to Scranton proved very restful, albiet quiet and uneventful. I conversed with a few people, (only online but still that was enough) and spent a very quiet and peaceful evening alone. Sometimes alone is the best, though every now and then I'd enjoy some companionship for a short time...
But there's always another day and another adventure to be had! |
I'll be in Scranton PA later this afternoon into the evening. (Tue 6/12)
Was hoping to find someone to meet and perhaps even play with while I was there, but so far it seems as though it's going to be a very quiet and uneventful trip. :(
But hopefully maybe someone will be gutsy enough to venture out to converse in person instead of hiding behind a computer screen. |
I'll be traveling to the Scranton PA area early next week (6/12-13) and will be willing to meet with most anyone in that area while I'm there. |
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