Hello.... OK I apparently need to make a few things very clear.. because for some reason they are not...
1. I am not on here to get laid! I can get laid whenever I want, by someone who is here, and that I already know. Its not hard to do. I make a phone call.. Bam.. Laid.. Do not write to me asking if I want to get fucked! If that was what I wanted.. I would say that in my profile!
2. I am pretty blunt. I mean what I say, and I say what I mean. I do no BS around. There is nothing to read into. If there was.. I would have said that too. Grrr..
3. If you are old enough to be my father.. I can talk to you as a friend.. no problem.. but if you ask me if I like Big cock, or anything to that affect.. I will block you.. after I am done throwing up in my mouth. Like I said up above.. if that was what I was looking for.. It would say so in my profile.
4. I do not mind people looking at my pictures.. That is why they are there for the public to see.. but Hey girl... Nice tits! Is NOT a conversation starter.. It isn't cute. It isn't sexy.. and will only get you blocked if I am in a nice mood.. or yelled at for being a dumbass if I am in a bad mood.
5. I DO NOT PLAY CASUALLY... I am super picky about who gets to touch me.. Ever! So if you happen to be in the area, and think I am gonna run right over to your hotel room without knowing you.. without trusting you.. and let you beat, and or fuck me.. then you are an idiot. I am NOT desperate.. nor am I looking for a casual anything.. If I was it... yes thats right.. it would be on my profile.. Your learning.. So proud.
Soo.. now I have had to waste my time writing all of this for the numerous morons out there that think this is a game, or a great way to get laid... Oh and by the way...It isn't about sex for me.. Shocker! I don't even usually have sex when I play. More shock! So if that is what you are looking for.. Go bother one of the numerous whores on here that ARE looking for that.. but be prepared to dish out some cash for it. They are whores.. Thats what they do. In fact.. I don't care what you do.. Just leave me alone!
Retires the soapbox for now...... |