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kitten21880 - photo 1
kitten21880 - photo 2
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kitten21880 - photo 5
kitten21880 - photo 6
kitten21880 - photo 8
kitten21880 - photo 9
kitten21880 - photo 10
kitten21880 - photo 11

im just looking around maybe find the right dom. none have broke me yet
Berlin news is having a mardi gras party tonight... 7_1
I'm at Berlin news til 11
After today I will never call another man daddy
I'll be at Berlin news this thurs
I'm at Bna tonight til 10
Depression sucks when u make someone unhappy.. And its impossible to correct itself. I will take punishment as it comes.
So I went out yesterday.. can't remember much I blackout..
I need you now more then I have... where the fuck r u?
I miss you so much, I wwish I was truely yours.. not just the go to girl... bu I kno my place... sit still and quiet. Be a good kitty and enjoy what I get
I want to please you. Make you happier then I have already. I kno you're unhappy let me ease your stress. I will do anything for you. I'm still trying to figure out if you're using that to your advantage. But I don't really care.
I found what I'm buying... I need to go to spencers!
God my boobs fucking hurt! And you didn't even do much.. god I'm glad I'm a good lil sub
Lonely tonight, thinking what have I got myself into as I sit and play with a box of cookies. The last box cause I refused to sell them. You kno the power you hold over me.. sometimes I question if you use it to ur advantage.. but I'm a good girl and come when called. I never avoid your calls.
I really think I don't like, every email gets to me. No matter how much I try to deny I don't want to be near you god I miss you. I wish I could be there to serve daily. I know you know id be a good kitty. You named me, you are still the only one to get in my head. How can I get more?
Going to visit someone... kinda worried.. but its time to make me happy. Even if I get hurt again
Omg... I can't do it.. my bottle will be friend me soon... this dumb fuck don't get it... first my uncle.. then my step dad.. where r you when ur fuckin needed? Even as a friend? Right now id snap ur chop sticks in half.
Between the migrains and the bad news I can't do it.. sorry..
Letting someone into ur .. good or bad? Exspecially when they're more vanillia? Oh and still waiting on a text back I think I shocked him..
Changin my name on ... to something cute... browneyekitty or something like that...
Really wish I could get out tom.. just not a good day for me to be left alone... this little needs cuddle time...
Cutting 3 in off my hair! Maybe more
I got a new Daddy!! Happy Little I am!
Miserable, did some cleaning... I have clothes now.. yay.. what's the point.. wrong week.. my bed will be my friend.. if you didn't understand good luck! I need a cuddle and I'm pissy! Gggrrr
I don't get why you dissappear the way you do. I kno ur in bed and won't see this. And its pointless. I've stooped seeing that one certain person and it kills me but I did it for you cause you said you were back to some point. It does kill me to not see you, but id rather see you when I can then never. I bought you 2 things like a good subbie...
How I wish it was legal to drive a knife into a deadbeat that waiste the air we breath. The taxs everyone pays after tomorrow I hope they pick him up. I'm so done. I have to go back to court for money I don't even get.. its not my job to find him. I wish he'd just vanish sign his rights over. But he won't cause he's an ass. I want to burry him but I'm told no... damnit!
I wonder where tomorrow will lead me... guess not where I wished... :( oh well new pics coming soon
Why do they enjoy fucking ur mind up? I kno I'm strong but will never beat the fact he will always have every fucking bit every time he calls. I have a massive migraine day 2 I can't get away from him he's outside right now. I'm in my bed fuck fear I want my knife back I'm done either I win or lose this shit, I can't do this forf a 3rd yr
I need to read more from that website, and I will not forget that box
I feel great today. I think I may have finally lost my heart.. which is ok with me.. he chose to stay with her and not me... had a nice talk.. can't believe some words are true this time... but not setting my heart into it.. I think I've learned the hard way...
I'm loving how some one thinks that one set of words means something... I will back off only due to I kno not to cross her. I won't cross certain people and she is that one I do fear... most women don't scare me... this one does... I'm sorry Mistress I wasnt told different, but I'll no longer email ever again not even for input I saved ur address if I ever have question and I have a new Daddy.. I mean come on I never play with just one
I want to learn so much, I don't kno where to start. I found the best toy thank you! You know who you are. I'm a good girl when I'm asked. Like this week I'll be good... I forgot to tell a secret.. I'm sure I'll be spanked but I'm only tender from both playtime and allergy...