I've got a new master now. Instead of being in bondage to sin, I now belong to Jesus Christ. I believe the world of bondage has strong demonic influences. A word of warning to all of you. Do not discount demonic possession. It's subtle. Your head won't turn around and spit up pea soup like in the excorcist. No, the Devil is smarter than that. He doesn't want you to think he is in it. Yet, when you find yourself enjoying being treated like dirt, when in fact, you are not dirt, but a child of the creator of the universe, then there is something wrong. Or, if you like hurting peope, and being sadistic, and taking an already insecure person and further manipulating them, then there is something wrong. Read the red flags. Our utimate goal here is to get to Heaven. From now on my Master and Lord is Jesus. He said, "Come to me all you who are heavy laden, I will give you rest, for my yoke is easy". I serve him now.

 Age: 22