
Fireravenwolf206 - photo 1
Fireravenwolf206 - photo 2
Fireravenwolf206 - photo 3

Open to pretty much anything.
3/23/2011 6:33:44 PM

Children have it good. Their imagination is untampered with, uncorrupt, and not beaten down by an aethiestic and 'logical' system of learning. They can believe in faeries, in ghosts, and in dragons. They can dance in green fields with spirits and fly deep out in some celestial space. Then they are forced to grow, to change, and to lose something so important that it makes life so much less. They lose their ability to create something, out of nothing. Does this ability sound familiar to anyone? Someone else supposedly has this same gift...
Close mindedness is the tragedy of our world. "Ghosts don't exist." "Don't believe in monsters." "You do not have an imaginary friend." "Stop leaving cookies out for some make believe spirit." And yadda yadda yadda. You know...just because we lost the ability to see these things doesn't mean we have to force the children to lose it too. And this imagination is replaced by a set of rules that only makes sense according to some theory based on some other theory based on the fact that we should follow unquestioningly what are government tells us. Oops, did I just critisize the government? Yes, yes I did.
The government is currently an overgrown machine. It has no feelings, no emotion, no human soul or bias. All it has is logic based on rules that we have created. And now this machine we have made controls us. A government should simply be there to make sure we don't hurt each other, and so that each of us can live happily and as free as possible without trampling on someone else rights. Instead, it tells us where to smoke, it tells us we have to wear our seatbelt, it even governs who we can love. It lets us kill babies before they are born, but protects criminals who should pay for their crimes against humanity with their lives. It is one big hypocrisy, and the fault lies with us. The adults. Not right wing, not left wing, but us! The soulless, unimaginitive, adults...who have forgotten how fun it was to play hide and seek in a magical forest that, for everyone else, was simply a small grove of trees in the backyard.
Please, don't grow up. Be happy. Believe whatever the hell you want to believe. Didn't Jesus say something like the Kingdom of Heaven was for those such as these, refering to children? I don't mean to be preachy...but even religion needs to learn some priorties here. We need to stop selling our souls for convinience, and we need to learn how to live again.
I am in a very wierd mood, if one could not tell, and I apologise if none of this makes any sense. If it does, yay, if not...take it in stride. Good night everyone...sweet dreams. May they be better than what you must wake up to.