Feminine, professional, STRAIGHT. ...SINGLE...Tend to the submissive side, but capable of switching. Considered, smart, sexy and sweet. Fitness & Health are important, as is the ability communicate openly and effectively. Ds is part of who I am , but has never defined me. Seeking: Man who his act together. Knows what they want and where they are going. Adventurous.. Straight... SINGLE,,, and willing to explore everything life has to offer. If you aren't HWP, fit and health conscious, I will not be interested... Ds or not.. everything starts with chemis (Pic for Pic)....have a great day.....
5/16/2012 2:26:38 PM

I have a new job...


I am passionate about  it ... to watch young minds grasp a  topic.. and spring to life... it an amazing thing.. .


I am lucky.. not only do I get to do what i love... I am good at it..



4/28/2012 7:04:49 PM

I like who I am, love the way i look...from the top of my head to the bottom of my strange lil toe.. I accept, my funny laugh, my need for contacts.. my bouts of tomboyishness and all of the things that make me.. me.

I have a good life, friends who love me and accept me.. and family who have done the same... I have found over the years, it isn't that five or ten pounds that we women always seem to be trying to lose... it is who we are underneath all of it that makes us unique.. 


I have learned over the years, if I don't love myself first, I can never love anyone else..

4/28/2012 6:59:27 PM

Some man, hiding behind the anonymity  of a faceless profile, has the audacity to tell me i was fat.. man needs to get a life.. Didn't your mommy teach you not to say anything, if you didn;t have anything nice to say.. And for the gentleman(loosely used) who said that- I might not be your type, and that is fine, but there is no need to verbalize your opinion  to those of us who don't meet your wants/needs... just move on with life.. Hopefully you will find someone who meets your needs.

4/18/2012 4:29:18 PM



Two kids, both grown, grandchildren.. (seriously).  I love my cat , as she listens and doesn't mke a   I love my work, my friends, and being able to drop everything nd run wy for the weekend.. which is what I plan to do this weekend.  

 Age: 19