I firmly believe that Mother Nature, in Her infinite wisdom, abides
by the principal that there must always be a balance in life. For
example, for every predator there is prey, and for every lion there
is a lamb. Balance is the underlying law that governs all life on
earth, and to deny the reality and truth of that law is folly and
stupidity. Human beings are as much a part of the natural
environment as any other living thing, and human beings are subject
to that law just as much as any other species on earth.

Mother Nature creates some human beings with special rights and
special gifts. Some people are simply endowed from conception to be
natural superiors, natural power seekers, natural leaders, and
natural authority figures. These are select individuals born with a
genetic drive to exploit the human resources around them for their
own personal benefit, and with an inherent and instinctive
understanding that it is their natural right to dominate and to rise
above the rest by standing on the backs of those who were not
conceived to enjoy that priviledge. This is a
fact of life that simply can't be denied and has to be accepted as
one of life's indisputable realities, because examples testifying to
this simple truth abound.

And, Mother Nature does not create life forms without providing for
their needs. For every blessed and gifted dominant She creates a
lesser human creature meant from birth to serve and function as the
prey upon which these superior humans feast and thrive.

In the final analysis, submissive creatures were put on this
earth to obey and serve those who belong to the superior class, and
nothing imaginable could be more normal or more natural. It would be
truely evil for the dominantly gifted to exercise and impose their
power and authority on unwilling victims, and Mother Nature is not
evil. She creates creatures like submissives so that members of the
superior class do not have to impose themselves on unwilling
creatures or force them into involuntary captivity and imprisonment
as slaves. Rather, She creates inherently submissive and masochistic
creatures, who welcome the chains, who thrive on
the lash, and who will not only willingly but gladly surrender body
and soul to the rule and authority of the superior class. In other
words, Mother Nature creates creatures like the submissive so that beings of true
power have a ready-made supply of prey upon which to exercise and
inflict the natural superiority that they were born with and meant to
develop and enjoy.

I suppose many people would say this is a crazy and even a self-
destructive path to follow, but it is the path you
were meant from birth to take. But, there are simply no arguments
that can be given, and no logic that can be put forth, that will ever
change the fact that your purpose in being is different from what has been
said. While most people have no desire to be stripped of
their freedom and individuality, or to be degraded and devalued, some
gladly accept those things from members of the superior class because
those things are nothing more then a true and accurate statement of
the fact that you ARE naturally born inferiors who already recognize,
acknowledge, and accept that this is your place in life.

To put it simply, but also very accurately, submission, subjugation,
and voluntary slavery is almost a religion to some and quite
literally the worship of members of the superior class with a passion and a
true reverence as living Goddesses and Gods. That is a powerful
statement but it does accurately reflect true feelings.

 Age: 23
  New York