
So basically I'm on this site to meet someone. I'm not really looking for a girlfriend, to be honest I'm not really looking for the bondage thing...I'm more into just the normal run of the mill sex. But I'm down for whatever......I like to perform oral on women alot when I'm with them...and when i do it, its a performance. I'm always willing to try new things.
4/13/2009 10:14:24 PM
"Uncomfortable Fiction"
Dizzying words of hers
Sleeping wrapped in her warmth
Longing despair for life
Reality and Sense become lost
Uncomfortable fiction remains for now

My world seems fake and distorted
I can no longer see into my self
See into my own heart
How did this happen

I breathe her in and she spews me out
Clinched in my fist I find her heart
Like a madman I hold on to it
With a deformed sense of love, I hope
4/13/2009 10:13:44 PM

"Architecture and Complex Thought"

After the Deaths
After so many bottles of rum
We melted into the mirror
Memory turned to acid
And the sky became swollen

So much life I have missed
Not I, Not Orion the Hunter
Out come the Panthers

The son has Died, this one will not return
Stars and Moon weep

The Man in the window
Smoke billowing from his Eyes
He is the decadence we live

Blinded the smoke we share
His color and sound
Are our monster of energy

Separating body and mind, we are free
Mistakes of Fear guide us to downfall
With this in our hearts
Slowly fading back in reality
After the Deaths

4/13/2009 10:12:20 PM

"How will you live?"

Dear world,

How did we end up here? Where did we come from? Where are we going? Are you listening? This body is not a temple for a god, this is my vessel that I will carry out my life in. I believe in experiences, and only experiences can bring wisdom. Wisdom, knowledge, and the gaining there of are what compels me to move on. I find that in this life 3 things must be true.ONE. There is a creator. I do not know who or what it is yet but I will find out. TWO. Love, love is what binds us and destroys us. We all need to feel and give love in order to be truly happy. THREE. Death, death has been in grained in our very being. From the time we take our first breath we are taught to expect our last. This I will not endure. I will no longer expect to die, I will simply acknowledge the fact that I will die and worry no more. If I die, I die, no more, no less. I am by no means suicidal. I live my life for the love I share with my family, and my friends. I live to gain an unending knowledge of our universe. I live to live. What will you live for? What will be your purpose for life? Who will you share your love with? These are all questions we should ask our selves. Each individual soul I encounter has a reason for being there. Each serves their purpose, I will learn from each soul. Some will stay around till my death, others may not. I am glad to have shared this life with all of you, even if I have said or did terrible things to you, I know now that it was wrong. I will not apologize for any wrongs I have committed. I do not want or need your forgiveness. I am glad for those I will share my life with and the time I will share with you, however short the time we spent together it may be. I do not love everybody, I simply except everyone for who or whatever they may be. I love only a few people. This life will not be an unfinished canvas, it will be a masterpiece in its own right. What will your canvas be? I am relieved by my new train of thought. Yes this is the new me and I will try to maintain it. I will not judge, I will no longer hate, I will only except and Love. How will you live?

Peace be with you.

Drew Pitman

4/13/2009 10:06:50 PM
Going which way?
Which way should I go? Which way can I go? I dont know. Like an illuionist life tricks us in to thinking we see one thing and we actually see another. Life has us believe that we are in controll then something happens and that controll is shattered like a window payne. Why? Why cant things just be good and stay good...I mean whats wrong with good. Absouletly nothing except that it gets in the way of amazing. And to keep things amazing it takes either strong drugs, strong faith, and / or strong love. Well I have two out of the three. My faith is taking a backseat for the remainder of the flight...I will always love this I know to be true. But what of the debauchery? Can I continue down that path, a path I know to be dark, ugly, wonderous, surprising, and I can count on nothing down that path. Or should I take the slow safe route down the mountain? Should I treat everyday as its my last, or continue to treat everyday like I know there will be another? I know everyone wants to live life to the fullest but what does that mean? I think it means that you do what makes you happy. I have two trails diverged in a forest and I will take the one less traveled by and that will make all the difference.
 Age: 25
 Washington, Washington