If i am online, i am likely in a chatroom, Y/you can get to know me there, no PMs, please, unless i know You well.ALSO SINCE I HAVE BEEN "INTRODUCED" TO SCENING LET IT BE KNOWN: I DON'T KNOW HOW AND HAVE NO INTEREST IN LEARNING. this is my life, i am not needy, poor, dumb or helpless. i am independent,smart, and strong. i am not seeking online, games, or BS. i am seeking SomeOne stronger then i, and yes that is harder then you think, where i can safely shatter,lay my head and be safe. to me this is not new, i have always been in life, and please leave me alone if You are "practicing".
6/10/2013 9:40:21 AM

Due to some extreme changes in my life my presence here will be interrupted, and infrequent for a while. Please leave me an email if Y/you would like to hear back from me in a somewhat timely manner.

2/4/2013 4:34:20 PM

     Many believe this to be a "lifestyle" or "choice". It is neither for me, it is my life. I live my life in the way i feel makes me the happiest, most reliable, decent human being possible. The fact that i need, in order to reach my full potential, a dominate male in my life is not a choice for me. To address the so called dominates here, who believe a capitalized letter on the internet makes them worthy of the gift of one's very soul, is ludicrous. But, believe it they do, much to my and many O/others dismay.

     If Y/you would research a boarding kennel before leaving Y/your pet, would Y/you not do 1000 times more before offering up Y/your body, much less Y/you'r very essence/soul, as living D/s demands in order to have a fulfilled life?

1/29/2013 10:08:07 AM

Well, the more i am here at CM, the more profiles i read, 1 thing becomes more clear to me. Many people here seem to be no different then people at an online dating site, just with sex more emphasized. i see many people who are just "looking for love". Granted, that "love" is with like minded people. one common thread seems to be the longing for a homelife without today's emphasis on sexual equality. i myself wish to a large extent women's lib had never happened. Though, i do realize i live today within the safeties  provided, by that movement. i own property, i vote, i am free to choose where and with whom i live etc. i am grateful for these things, which were won for me by women's lib. buti also resent things, like the assumptions that i can do anything a man can, that i have more important things to do with my life then serving my One, and if i choose to serve my One above all these "THINGS" i am failing somehow. i truly with all i am believe that for the most part, the human race has come very very far from what roles each gender was designed to a woman, i am by nature a fixer, a nurturer, a nester. Men, by nature, are doers, action takers, less concerned with emotions. it takes both to make a happy home. if you have both trying to do both you have conflict. Hence the reason for "mens work and women's work". Why on gods little green earth would i go change the oil, or mow, etc, when i have the option to go in, cook a healthy good dinner, and lay out His clothes for a bath? Why would i sit on the couch, while he did laundry and dishes, if it mean't i was not doing my job of making O/our home warm, clean and inviting?

Alas, i am starting to ramble, Be Well.

12/13/2012 12:48:01 AM

well, a journal, this is new to me.  it is so very hard to find words for my wants/needs, to have that again in my life. i want to know i am completely and totally owned by One who is real/strong/and willing to not only take care of me, but stand up to me to do it. i am not and have never wanted to be in control, i just have ended up alone due to my choices not to be with men whom are weaker/needier, or just angry and think Dom is an excuse.i am not now nor have i ever been financially needy, nor lacking in social skills or friends. i seek here two things, friends, and One who sees me truly.

 Age: 35
 Clovis, South Africa