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I've been off and on this site so if i look familiar you probably talked to me before. I am a very shy girl who doesn't like confrontation. I like art in all forms, reading (Romance,Horror, mythology,scifi, and fantasy) writing, hiking,camping and i love to dance and sing. I wish i could travel, i can't swim and i have a fear of clowns and spiders. I don't like talking about my past so please don't ask about it. I am a mother so I can't relocate and honestly i don't go out much. Now my kinky side...I like bondage, so much so that i am very comfortable sleeping tied up. I don't like pain i see it as more of a punishment then something to be enjoyed. I love being a slave. Serving someone isnt just sexual for me its makes me feel safe when i have a master. I have some hard limits and please if you think slave shouldn't have limits then stop reading now. I don't do scat, watersports, infantism,and physically altering my body,incest and im not a masochist and definately no animals. I really do think i covered most of what you'd want to know if i forget anything i'll post a journal giving you the answer. I will also periodically rant so if that bothers you don't read it. NOT LOOKING FOR ANYONE

Ok i guess this will cut down people who message not looking for anyone anymore. Thank you all who message me but all i want are friends now. You are all in some big rush to find the  perfect sub/slave and dont take anytime to get to know her. Very little of you have read my profile. Those of you who have still dont get the fact that im shy and cautious do to the fact i've been hurt before by rushing and i am a mother so forget it all i want are friends...Maybe i'll still find my one guy but i am so not looking anymore OH AND THANK YOU ALL FOR HELPING ME DECIDE THIS


ps no i dont want to hear how i should keep hope,or how your different cause obviously all of you are cut from the same clothe

so ive been messaged by doms who've trained dozens of slaves. Heres some questions for you:


Are you a Giant poly household?


Are you training slaves for other people?


Are you doing something wrong?



you know Some people that send messages i look in their profile and its amazingly interesting but then they send little cop out messages like "hi" It just tells me two things


1. you didn't read my profile


2. your not intending to catch my interest



I have to add since im writing these journals if you want to know MORE about me then what i am writing BE SPECIFIC because honestly i will just tell you to refer back to my profile/journals

ok some more things about me


-i am a HUGE dork
 seriously i like playing magic cards....i have a vampire deck that no one can beat


-I absolutely hate hate hate ginger ale and beer tastes like piss ( no i haven't actually tasted piss  and i don't want to )


- No i cant go out anytime i want to, or go for weekends at a time i have responsibilities


- I AM NOT FAKE why would i write journals if i was fake? if i was i am very dedicated to the lie i mean come on people if you dont get a answer theres a reason and if you read prev. journals you'd know.


- I am looking for a sweet,intelligent, funny, strict Master


- I like to watch tv upside down just to try and see up the girls skirts


- i dont do drugs, i am STD free and i dont drink much


- i cry when i see a sad part in a movie


-im very random


ok im done for now

OK heads up if you call someone Mere slave and ask them stupid questions...your not gonna get a answer....Fine if i have the charm of a rattlesnake and the manners of a jackass stop messaging me...if you read the profile most of your questions will be answered....... holy crap im going to start asking you to say a freaking PW like " That man was such a Twat Waffle" just to make sure you read my profile/journals...

I dont know if this is a rant or not but i dont think i like being called a older 24 guys....oh and imo just because im a slave doesnt mean i dont have a opinion.. you call me a rude name, give me a order, or call me fake i wont answer you...give me one worded messages i wont answer....right now i have 4 pages of not gloating im trying to let you know unless it catches my attention in a nice way i wont answer it because i have too many....Im not trying to be rude,mean or "fake" im just being pragmatic.

I will not meet people after 2 messages....or 5 im sorry but i have a child and i would be a moron to assume that every man is safe to meet up with... get to know me first cause it would be a real waste of our time, effort, and money to go see someone we have no clue about especially since in RL im a shy person and unless i know you i wont speak much

ugh and i was hoping to go without the harsh reminder journal today.....


Just because you change your name and send the same freaking gross message about you and your dog doesnt mean i will answer it this time....Im not into animals, Or breeding and i swear i will do something drastic if one more person asks if i would raise any kids i have as slaves...



on a different note please stop sending me messages that just say hi....or how are you? it doesnt stand out to me at all...


thank you for any compliments but again im trying to condense my mail so i wont answer every "your pretty" commentary .........

ok thanks to everyone who said happy bday wasnt needed but was real nice to hear....oh and please people try to get your thoughts in one message its confusing for me to answer three different one line messages when i have a bunch of others here too.

today was my birthday.....was nice but new rants today too tired

i think its funny that since i use my journal entries to rant and to explain things and im very opinianted im somehow not real....Im very sorry im not a blank slate telling you i have no limits,need no respect, and im just waiting to be used by someone....Im a very firm believer that if you break your toy you cant play with it anymore so shouldnt masters love,protect and keep their slaves happy too? Or am i a minority here? im sorry but if you say a slave should just do what you want when you want it why are you still looking? obviously something about that is flawed....if you hate what i say just leave me alone your wasting your time insulting me and mine by taking it away from some great people out there

Non Rant:


OK theres so many people messaging me that i cannot simply answer them all so for anyone who i dont answer and just delete its because you were rude, said only a few words or your not my type. Im sorry if you think that is rude i think its just practical but just in case i hope you all find what you are looking for.

heres a treat for more people who dont read profiles and who jump to conclusions without information:


So a guy calls me a skank for stealing someone elses pictures (he failed to notice i already said i have been on here before) I mentioned i can prove they are mine and i had different profiles and also had previous sites. He said im a street rat for TROLLING sites and asked how i felt doing that> I said thank you for asking im having a great time looking for the perfect person and he was very sweet for asking and letting me know the proper terms.


Thats the end hes blocked...but please people if you hope to upset me it won't work i may be sarcastic and rant alot but at least i treat others with respect unless they prove they don't deserve it....and to think i thought the older men were wiser....-sigh-


 but on a good note my pics are popular lol


PS had to add this one its too perfect.... i think i was just messaged by a pimp....or im pretty sure if he wanted to whore me out for financial gain that means hes a pimp...


ok i know some girls are into being called slut or any other name like that but honestly i wont answer you if you go that route...i dont know you and until i do and we both agree to it when we get into something i would like the same respect and courtesy i give you. thank you

For the people who don't care what my profile says or are hard of reading (lol) I AM NOT INTO PAIN to me its punishment.Im not into breeding and didnt i say i didnt want anything to do with animals? that means i don't want to be one either On another note please read my HARD LIMITS also posted on my profile...Sooo yeah please read that thank you...


PS it would help if you actually read my profile before you message me because i answered alot on it....just some advice....a hint really...