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shinynewtoy - photo 1
shinynewtoy - photo 2
shinynewtoy - photo 3
shinynewtoy - photo 4
shinynewtoy - photo 5
shinynewtoy - photo 6
shinynewtoy - photo 7
shinynewtoy - photo 8
shinynewtoy - photo 9
shinynewtoy - photo 10
not sure whats going on with this profile so i made another in line with my alt and names..... preciouscurves

just ordered my very first 'proper' corset as im quite interested in corset training.... if you have any experience or advice on this subject i would love to hear from you

if i dont reply to you immediately theres usually a variety of reasons...i might be on my mobile... which takes forever to reply.....i have quite often problems with my connection which appear to be ongoing.... therefore i cant reply until my connection  decides to let me.... or it may just be that its inconvenient and i am actually afk.......
if you choose to assume that because theres a delay i am not going to reply at all and send me messages to that effect.... i will  choose to assume that maybe you arent the kind of person i would want  to reply to anyway......
removes my tongue from my cheek....grins..... patience is a virtue allegedly... wonder how many of us are that virtuous here though......
i honestly try to reply to every just sometimes takes a while....
giggles ...oh dear.... im informed by someone who i just knocked back for 'online training' that i have a vanilla mind and am only a play slave... and that the interview is over....rofl..... after he contacted me ....twice..... and i told him online means nothing to me except a getting to know you...
come on now.... i haved lived as a slave real time for years....those who know me have no doubt... and you think i really care about some guy i never met telling me im not real....grow some balls and get a real time slave....then i might respect you... until then.... carry on with your online fantasy persona....
you failed my interview...... lol ... dismissed......  next
the soul of another is a dark forest in which one must tread carefully..

claude debussy
reality check!! no i won't move to be with you without meeting you lots and lots and lots of times...
and no i wont talk  to you for one day then obey every single whim while you are not with me.....
my submission is based on trust and understanding.... you dont get that overnight...

if that makes me less of a 'good submissive' in your eyes.....JOG ON
tremulous hope raises its head

seeking a column of strong secure will

taking a breath deep inside

the beating wings of fear

stilling against the surety of conviction

tiny flickers of doubt rising

smothered in the blanket of care

led through the tumbling desires

to the safety of arms

the soothing beat of the heart

bringing dreamless sleep