A girl who senses others will not be selfish. Because a selfish submissive is not really a submissive at all. She requires things, and only gives of herself to fill her emptiness. Trades herself in hopes of getting more. She keeps track, and is more stingy than she knows.

A true submissive is not that empty. She knows who she is, and she simply is that. Her needs are only to provide pleasure, comfort and happiness to her man. A natural thing for her.

A girl who cannot make her man happy isn't much of a submissive either. Her senses, hearing, intuition, haven't developed so that she knows. She isn't close yet to where submissives live. A submissive girl senses things without words. She is the face of love.

To me, D/s is about the intimacy you speak of. It's unusual to find a girl who understands this. D/s is the most intimate way we can be together. Most here don't see it like this at all. They think it's all about sex and abuse, which is sad. They play with toys they do not own. The girls do too.

The intimacy that a D/s relationship offers is the most beautiful thing I know. The art of a certain kind of life, the best kind of life there is. It's a very caring thing.

If I took your hand, it would be to understand you inside. To know you better than anyone. To see what there is there that fuels this love.

As we talk, I feel your warm fingers intertwined with my own. Comfortable and soft, feeling small and safe. This is not for everyone, and everyone cannot have it.