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7/21/2023 , update
~Life is definitely throw me curve ball after curve ball these last few years.. I am currently seeking Daddy Dom to help me piece me back together as apparently I can't do this one on my Life has knocked me too far off my feet and literally left me a shadow of myself in multiple fragments..... ~. 🙁
ok so im slowly finding myself again, not looking to rush into anything.. as for what im looking for just, looking to find me again and some like minded friends in the LS. i am not willing to relocate My family is here also i am NOT interested couples or Dommes period ladys sorry but you are one of my hard limits...... im also notinterestedin a poly household, or being shared (on occasions that would be fine but not an all the time kind of thing
I want a lover (someone that can and will hold me at night), afriend(someone i can talk to on any level about anything),one i can trust and love back without fear or abuse
i believe my submission is a gift to give not one to taken from me
i also want a balance in family and the lifestyle not just lifestyle family actual family ( your kids(if you have them) my kids , mothers, fathers ,brothers, and sisters are all important in my life and should be inyours as well)
i am a stubborn strong willed submissive person and like anyone else i have my days be them good or bad i will still hold my head up and walk into the next faze of my life what ever it maybe
no i wont meet you after we have a 5 minute conversation in mail if you want to meet me , well talk to me.. there is a very pleasant.person behind the walls i have put up to protect my heart and mind from more pain. nothing else fills the void i have inside of me to please another, nothing makes me happier then to know my man is pleased with me same goes for nothing makes me sadder then knowing i have displeased him
take your time get to know the person behind these walls you will besurprised by my true self
daisy |