You know, something I do pride myself on is treating other people's profiles with respect. i.e. if it says "looking for cash pigs", I simply acknowledge this isn't the person for me, move on, and leave them to the people this will work for.
I've never, ever sent a message to anyone listed as "Lesbian" whose profile further stipulates "no men". Why would I? A waste of their time, a waste of mine, and discourteous to boot.
So precisely what part of my profile makes some men here think "Hey boi wot u doin?" is an acceptable one-line message to send me?
And what part of my profile makes anyone, man or woman or one disguised as the other, think I have any interest in paying a tribute to a barely literate stranger who's sent me a one-line message?
There were always time-wasters on this site, for as long as it's been around. But I think it's really, really sad how the balance has turned completely in their favour. What a true shame.