Season's Greetings Folks
Sláinte to a reborn sun/son |
Is minic a bhris béal duine a shrón.  |
It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. Confucius
"I think and think for months and years, ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right."-- Albert Einstein |
The naked truth is better than the best dressed lie... |
Genius is born -- not paid Oscar Wilde |
She holds her head so high Like a statue in the sky Her arms are wicked and Her legs are long When She moves my brain screams out this song...
Do you hope to make Her see you Fool?!
If I don't respond to a message, that is entirely up to Me. Harrassing Me about My unresponsiveness after a whole entire 3 hours only gets you blocked.
If a Domme wishes to respond to any of the hundreds of messages She receives, or none... She will do as She pleases, for Her own good reasons. If She has even deigned to read your message, be grateful.
Ms. Stick |
If you have not viewed My full profile, and proved to Me that you have read it all, I most likely won't be responding to your message. Throwing a hissy fit at Me for ignoring your ignorance will not further your cause, funnily enough. Really, how difficult is this?! |
Busy Busy Busy with running a conference all weekend. All work and No play...  |
Oh what a night! Very sad to be saying goodbye to the Voodoo Lounge as a Nimhneach venue and as a cool pub in general... but on to bigger and better things!
Thank you for My birthday presents  and to those who have expressed such an appreciation for My style and technique of play (audience and participant), you are very welcome.
Off til Tuesday, see some of you lucky ones at www.nimhneach.ie !!! |
Respect - the ability to see a person as she is, to be aware of her unique individuality.
Root: Respicere - to look at |
There is a new project in the pipe line.
Anybody who has visited OWK, (I am not GOING there, this is an Irish event) or who is serious about service and training in a Female Supremacy environment, get in touch.
Ms. Stick |
Friday is also My Birthday, and it's a turning point; whole new decade to play with!
Party! Presents! People to Punish!
Pink Elephants?! |
"Pride and the Lash"
April 25th: Pantibar, Capel Street, Dublin.
9.30pm, entry to downstairs 'play area' €10 |
Question: When I very clearly say in My profile... "I will not add you as a friend unless I have met you in person or otherwise verified your reality"... Do you think I am joking? Do you feel that maybe your profile will be the very one that I make an exceptional exception for, even though we have never had any other contact?
Boys are SNOT. |
Dublin Munch tonight! Really looking forward to catching up with old friends, and maybe even making some new ;)
Ms. Stick |
I like a look of agony, Because I know it’s true; Men do not sham convulsion, Nor simulate a throe.
The eyes glaze once, and that is death. Impossible to feign The beads upon the forehead By homely anguish strung.
Emily Dickinson |
I am back! But I'll be away again this weekend...
;) |
I will be away on a course from thursday 27th March to the following Wednesday. I'll be in touch when I get back.
Ms. Stick |
Risk Aware Consensual Kink
Risk: Things can go wrong. Weigh the dangers and decide if you wish to accept any Risk you may identify.
Aware: Honest communication and respect on all sides leads to being genuinely Aware; of the situation and of yourself.
Consensual: Risks weighed, Awareness achieved... do you give full Consent?
Kink: Anything outside what is generally considered mainstream. Of course, 'normal' behaviour is entirely relative to the company you keep ;)
I operate with RACK principles, just so you know before contacting Me. |
See the new addition to My profile:
http://ladylubyanka.wordpress.com/2007/06/26/submission-101-how-a-beginner-submissive-can-attract-a-domme/ |
When we hear so often about fakes and players and the search for a REAL MISTRESS... It is very difficult to understand why so many of you turn tail when faced with the consistent standards and expectations of a responsible Domme. It would be shocking, if I wasn't so used to it by now. I REFUSE to drop My standards though!

Playlist added, interesting feature!
Busiest Nimhneach ever, how cool was that?! Met some great folks on Saturday, well done to the organisers as usual.
Isn't the House Mistress fab?! Miss Behave, I look forward to seeing You again soon, Lady  |
Valentine's Day! Presents!
Ms. Stick is back, thank you for your condolences.
She will be attending Nimhneach in Dublin on the 16th February, Valentines applications are being considered currently ;)
www.nimhneach.ie |
Ms. Stick will be away for a wee while due to family bereavement. She appreciates your patience. |
Profile updated, Please take the time to read it.
Simply telling me how pretty/sexy/hot/gorgeous I am, while lovely for me to hear, will not actually earn you a reply.
Repeat after me: "Must Try Harder" |
I am planning a trip to Dublin this weekend, Friday 11th to Sunday afternoon. I have many options, yet I just can't decide what to do, where to stay, who to see...
Suggestions, anyone?!
Ms. Stick |
New year - new ideas, new challenges!
I hope 2008 brings you all a year filled with kink, and all the best things in life. I am finding my career to be taking more and more of My time and effort, and having so little time for all else my lifestyle is seriously suffering.
Ah well, the pendulum will swing to balance once more, soon enough I am sure.
All the best things to you and yours,
Ms. Stick |
Darlings, when I specify non-monogamy it is not a code for polyamoury, nor for shagging around.
I am single, and will be staying so for the forseeable future. And I see far.
I have a very strong independant nature, and I am at peace with that. I love to be with people at times, but will ultimately want to be alone. Or in easy company, being left alone. |
My house is a state! Filthy, disgusting; every cupboard needs clearing, every piece of furniture moving, every floor needs scrubbing. I spend very little time there now due to work commitments, and it is really showing the lack of proper care and attention.
What's a Goddess to do?! |
In every woman there is a Queen. Speak to the Queen and the Queen will answer.
- Norwegian Proverb |
Ah lads, will ya give it a rest? I am not looking for a boy for My household. Any male would have to work very very hard to even get a little casual play time with Me! |
And as if things weren't busy enough... this week I started My new management position, full time. I have even less time for My own pursuits now!
However, this does mean that I am even more in need of the kind of help that a dedicated, reliable, honestly submissive and obedient pet could potentially provide. To gain My favour though, or even My attention at present, you are going to have to try really really hard.
Convince Me you are worth My time, and your world will brighten. |
Is minic a bhris béal duine a shrón.
I do not mean to ignore those I have spoken with, but I am incredibly busy at home and at work right now. Such is the nature of My life, and those who know me must accept that My family and career commitments are of utmost importance at present.
There is also the possibility though, that I have disregarded or deleted those initial contact mails that do not follow My profile instruction or meet My standards of communication.
The single line "Hi how are you" type will always be ignored. The males who write to Me with no understanding of My needs as a Dominant will be ignored. |
I just received the following form letter, and not for the first time from this particular female:
"here is my wishlist: cuffs welded on my body, complete hairless, big permanent nose ring, and to be depending on diaper,, i know it sounds crazy, but that is who i am"
Besides the fact that this person had not taken the time to even read My profile, which is My usual complaint, I must admit... what possibly use would a 'slave' like that be to Me, or to any thinking Domme?! Changing her diaper, shaving her body, attending to her bedsores, clearing rust burns from under those cuffs, cleaning the infectious pus from her nose ring... for feck sake, I am a Dominant Female not a slave!
Does the idea of doling out a "wishlist" and nothing else to a Dominant not, in itself, strike these people as fundamentally WRONG?! |
OK, I'll make this as simple as I possibly can, no fancy words such as 'verb' or 'adjective' to confuse the poor dears...
When describing yourself, or another person who is: you call them DOMINANT.
When describing an action, or method of behaviour, you say: to DOMINATE.
"These hands weren't made for working, Let Me wrap them round your waist, baby, coz I been so hungry for love, ah Let's just have our Wicked Way today..."
Jack L is a God :o) |
I will be addressed as Ms. with the respect you would properly show a professional teacher. I am not anybody's Mistress until and unless I say so!
Ms. Stick (Formerly known as Ms. Amazon) |
I have no desire to humiliate constantly, nor to abuse without cause. Boring and dissatisfactory, ultimately for all involved. My ideal domestic pet sub/slave will be, eventually, as dear to me as is my dog. Though I enjoy her company, when it suits me, and I appreciate that she is calm, intelligent, and knows her proper place - I mostly value her for the job she does... if she wasn't so useful to me in her position (she is a german shepherd, an excellent guard dog) I would have very little time for her.
My human pet, whether a permanent or part-time fixture in this household, will be valued for the job that is done, and taught to serve me well. Besides the unique opportunity for self improvement that a position here would provide, My pleasure and comfort shall be the reward. |
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