
mrstiffyak - photo 1
Work way too much for anything serious but would like to find someone that wouldn't mind the occasional stress relief exercises that are needed by all whether we choose to admit it or not..


Is there such a creature as a woman that gives in to her most primative wants and desires and isn't afraid to tell someone?... Or have they all gone the way of the Unicorns and Fairies, disapearing into the mist of folklore and legend.


And the adventure continues...not that there's been anything to report, it just continues. Have come to the conclusion that living alone with relatively no social life to speak of greatly decreases ones chances of finding physical intimacy, unless of course that intimacy is with self. I've found that while physical attraction influences our choices in a vast majority of cases it often takes a back seat to physical fullfillment. Keeping that in mind while trying to understand how a very attractive/handsome man or woman is coupled with an apparent complete opposite should give some food for thought. That concludes todays 3:30a contemplation about nothing in particular.


This particular episode of tourette syndrome is brought to you by that human state of being known as female absentia disorder. A short rant, but none the less important. I am reasonably certain that I will soon pass into nothingness, into that realm of energy our beings become when they cease life as we mere mortals understand it. My certainty is grounded in a somewhat peverse medical condition discovered by the first cave man upon attempting to copulate with his first woman by striking her in the head only to realize before he knew it she had taken the club from him and placed it, rather brutally, up his rectum... The condition you ask? It is known in medical terms as DSB...or commonly refered to in laymans terms as "Deadly Sperm Buildup"...occuring when the male of any species is unable to enjoy a females many, many pleasures either because of ineptitude or extended periods between sessions.... I have met the requirements for introduction into the group known as B.O.T.H. (Band Of The Hand)..... End of rant, you may now resume your coupulation, Thank You.


Well now, here it is a brand new year for us all. According to the dimwit doomsayers who think that the Mayan's had a nuclear powered crystal ball and knew the day, month and year that the earth's warranty was going to run out, this is the last year of our existance....and if you believe that please refer to the second sentence, fourth word. Tis life as usual thus far, hand is cramped, forearm is beginning to look like a prop for a Popeye movie and I'm here writing on this bloody thing again. Hope everyone truly does have a happy new year and takes the time to reflect on those around them that mean so much in our lives and then really let's them know it. Shit, who knows, maybe the culture that used to cut the hearts out of virgins on top of big stacks of rocks and then burned them so the gods of the sun could get laid were right.......or it could be that maybe Paco Fuckswithafeather or whatever his name was ended up getting so fucked up on tequilla he just said "fuck it, let someone else finish this shit, I'm gonna go find a virgin before chief painintheass kills em all".....end of rant, refer to last line of 12/02/11 for instructions. Thank You.


Another boring night at home....if your bored, drop me a line.

 Age: 24