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Monaz1 - photo 1
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Monaz1 - photo 14

Believe in Male Supremacy. Erotic, sensual , long hours fetish / role players welcome
submissive lady.. never a slave Bi Girl. relocation at own cost. is mona.anu_1985 who is good to get domined humiliated degraded with lots of ROLEPLAY AND Foreplays which make submissive lady obey 24/7...
I will serve, obey and please my Master.
I worship my Master.
I worship my Master’s body.
To receive pleasure I must earn it.
I worship my Master’s whip.
I trust my Master: His responsibilities, His skills, His hunger and needs, and His concern for my safety, my emotional, psychological, social, sexual, and physical health.
I am nothing more than an object of great value - an instrument Master will use to draw out His pleasures.
I will ask my Master for permission to satisfy whatever need I have before acting on it.
My body and mind are the property of my Master.
I must always give thanks to my Master for all I am given immediately after receiving what He has given me, for such things are gifts or privileges granted to me by Him.
I will not hesitate when responding to my Master.
I am always in submission to my Master whether He is present or not, ready to please Him at anytime, in any place, under any circumstances, regardles of who may be present.
All my choices shall be based upon whether or not they will please my Master.
I shall wear the collar my Master gives me with pride for it signifies His ownership of me and my devotion to Him.
When the cock of my Master is put into my mouth and I am directed to suck it
My Master’s cum must never go to waste - I will swallow all of it when Master cums.
I worship my Master’s cock, its head and its shaft, especially when it is hard or when I am given the opportunity to make it hard for Him.
I will worship my Master’s ass only after a thorough washing of it. I shall do so hungrily, being sure to lick between the cheeks for as long as Master requires me to do so.
I will never look into the eyes of my Master without his permission.
My head must be bowed down in the presence of my Master unless I am given permission to do so otherwise.
I must always wear revealing and sexy clothing of good taste around my Master unless given permission to do so otherwise. The clothing I wear will allow easy access to my pussy, ass and breasts. The clothing will emphasize and often exaggerate my assets. I will wear such clothing in any kind of weather.
My basic attire in the presence of my Master shall consist of my collar and any other item Master deems that I should be wearing.
My pussy and ass must be thoroughly washed and of a good aroma at all times, if even perfumed, but especially before serving my Master.
My “place” is before my Master, for it is a privilege and honour
to be His slave.
I fear no other power for my Master is always with me.
I will not hesitate in my obedience to my Master.
Whenever Master speaks, even when I am speaking, I am to immediately become silent so I may be able to listen intensely to what He has to say.
I must ask first for His permission to speak - then and only then, if granted, may I say anything more than asking first to speak.
The opportunity to please my Master is very important to me and I will take every chance to seek out such opportunities to do so to the best of my abilities and in accordance to how I have been taught or allowed to do so.
I choose willingly to be treated as my Master’s property - as long as such treatment is safe and legal.
I am my Master’s greatest treasure.
I will learn all the positions my Master wants to teach me to the best of my abilities and will be prepared to take such positions when required and to display myself in a manner through them that He, and others who may be present, will find most pleasing.
I must never reach orgasm without explicit permission from my Master.
The safe word given to me by my Master can be spoken at any time - even whenI have been told to be silent. If I am not able to verbalize it - I trust my Master will show me how I can express it. Safe words are for my protection as well as His.
My safe word, verbal or otherwise, cannot be used when I am being punished.
I must remember that punishment could never be very effective if I were able to control it - I must take it in full measure without complante
Pain and pleasure shall be with me always
My limits do not have to be respected
I will endure whatever discipline or punishment my Master gives me so I can become a better slave for Him.
Through discipline and punishment I shall learn to behave.
In bondage I am made free.
I will never touch my breasts, nipples, pussy or clit with my hands or sex toys in any manner where I could experience sexual or sensual pleasure without permission from my Master
Only through submission can I find my true self.
I will give all that I am to my Master in order to become free.
I must never show disrespect towards my Master in any way - no matter where I am - in his presence or not.
Crying and the shedding of tears at any time is good and expected for it softens my will and bonds me closer to my Master.
Only in complete submission to my Master shall I realize the depth of the love I have for Him.
The needs of my Master must always come first before mine own for they offer an opportunity to please Him.
I must be attentive to the needs of my Master and always be ready to respond to them to the best of my abilities
I am a sexual and sensual being.
I must always remember how pleased my Master is when others delight in my sexiness as a result of my ability to show off my assets.
My behaviour must always display a sexual content however subtle.
The only clothing I will buy and wear will be those items which my Master would find pleasing.
I may, at times, offer various parts of my body to my Master in hopes He will take pleasure in using them in whatever ways He wishes.
I will not wear a pad or tampon when I am on my period without His permission - my pussy must be available for His use at all times. Should I be allowed to use a pad or tampon - it must be removed in His presence should He require my vagina to be emptied.
I will always sleep nude - kneeling first before I enter bed and kneeling first as soon as I get out of bed - for it is a great privilege to have a bed to sleep in.
I must never tighten my body when it is being whipped, caned, cropped, slapped, paddled, belted, strapped, spanked, bullwhipped, signal whipped, or anally or vaginally pumped.
I am proud to wear upon my body the marks given to me by my Master.
I will always listen with a strong interest in whatever my Master has to say. I want to learn all that I can from Him so I can understand more about Him.
Privacy is a privilege - even to have it when I need to use the bathroom. I must ask for it and accept my Master’s decision even when I am denied of it.
When I have been given permission to play with myself I shall do so as i have been directed.
Should Master ever wish to cage me, I will gladly crawl into it and proudly position myself in it in ways He finds pleasing.
I want to suffer for my Master in ways that please Him and that are safe for me to do so.
I will not be passive in serving my Master. I will aggressively participate in my exchange with Him.
When I wear nylons I will wear them only with garters and high heels. I will never wear panty hose - such items of clothing shall be thrown out.
I will give to Master my body, mind and spirit, in faith of His knowledge of the skills, safety and first aid measures necessary to put me through painfully ecstatic and euphoric edge play.
humour funny bdsm humour slave humour kink humour bdsm kink slave master who is good to get domined humiliated degraded with lots of ROLEPLAY AND Foreplays which make submissive lady obey 24/7... woman on easy relocation at own cost, being a beautician can serve you better.. without saying No any time I want a couple or women or a dom to possess me, to own & take care , Protect me.
I'm hoping for a journey of joy, patience, laughter, and empathy for myself and for the others that I cross paths with on this road I've taken; as I let my self learn, and grow, and we all know how beautifully clumsy of a journey that can be.

I hope for friendship, understanding and also one willing to be my Dom /domme, who is older, experienced, willing to talk and get to know me first, see if we mesh in what we're looking for; patient, yet firm and demanding.
One wanting to make me own; to keep me safe and well taken care of; to push my boundaries and show me what I'm truly capable of through submission at the orders :// s://