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LaeVix - photo 1
LaeVix - photo 2
LaeVix - photo 3
LaeVix - photo 4
LaeVix - photo 5
LaeVix - photo 6
LaeVix - photo 7



I've received messages from people telling me I need to 'dump all the pointless crap' on my profile and just write what my sexual interests are and what I am looking for / seeking / interested in. If you don't want to know about who I am, and my PERSONALITY traits first and FOREMOST, please assume that I am NOT looking for someone like you. Don't be rude because you feel the things on my profile are 'useless' since they're aren't 100% about being a slave or submissive. Please, feel free to move along if that's your attitude toward getting to know me. I will not submit to just *anyone* ... You have to earn it.

Also, if you're going to send me a message saying, "Hey, you're fat/ugly/dumb," please expect a snarky and well amused reply or don't bother. <3


What do I know for sure about myself? I’m 25. I was born in September of 86. Good year I’m told. Fairly boring. I was born in Germany (Army brat)

I am an islander. Now when I say islander, that could be many places I suppose. But only ONE place of all of those islands out there matters. Guam. I am a chamorita girl. My friends find it amusing to call me Tropical. (Occasionally my friend Tye finds it amusing to call me a churro, rather than Chamorro) I’m from Guam. My family is from Tamuning.

I love music. When I say love, it is an understatement. It is an intense passion of mine. I would be happy listening to music all day long and doing nothing else. I took vocal training for 13 years or so.. I used to do concerts and sing for people all the time. Not so much anymore.. I would like to change that. I miss singing greatly. It calms me, and makes me feel whole. I feel the emotion in most songs, and I’m very eclectic on my tastes, they range anywhere from classical to metal. I think that it’s more I enjoy -good- music, not one particular style etc. I like rocking out to Tool, NIN, Soilwork, Mudvayne, Pearl Jam, Nirvana etc. But I love to sit back to some jazz and just complete zone out with Nina Simone, Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Art Blakely, John Coltrane.. I also really love to dance so anything that can get me up and dancing is fantastic - however I can dance to nearly anything. I love the thrive and pulse of latin and ethnic style music. I enjoy the intelligence and intricacy of classical music. Music is my soul for the most part. Rock is Passion. Metal is Lust. Jazz is escape. R&B is freedom.

I love the ocean. The look of it. The smell. The feel of raw energy, power and passion. The ocean is unpredictable. Never the same, always changing, yet always steady and strong. So much strength, and so much raw force. The ocean has the ability to be the most intensely terrifying chaotic disaster ever.. But at the same time, can seem so serene. So calm. So completely in control.

I love to dance. It is very free-ing. Is that really a word? ‘freeing’ Hrmpf. I suppose it is, I’m not getting a spell check. Anyway – I love to dance. I love the beat, the movement, the way you can lose yourself while you do it.

I am a hopeless romantic. I love foggy misty nights with opera music. I like hand holding while walking on the beach at sunset. I like candles, chocolate, roses and moonlight.

I am a complete sucker for beautiful voices. You could be completely disgusting, but if your voice is beautiful, I will probably worship you.

I love lyrics, poetry, quotes, words. I think words are beautiful, especially when composed properly. So much can be said when words are placed together right. I am always scribbling down quotes or phrases I hear people say and saving them. One day I’ll share with people I think. Maybe I could make a silly book.

I am addicted to art. Colours, movement, composition. I love art. I would paint all day if I had the choice. Paint and listen to music.

On the topic of art, I also love photography. I do photography. Weddings, portraits, nature, ocean, fashion. I do it all. Mainly because I find beauty everywhere, in everything. Even in the most depressing situations, I will find beauty somehow. It’s a bit odd, but it is true.

To me, communication is vital. I travel often due to work, and I am busy. I work hard, and I work a lot. I am intelligent and honest, to the point of being brutal, but I do know how to use tact. I am strong and very determined. If you aren’t someone who is willing to communicate or able to discuss what you want from me openly without inhibition, please, don’t bother messaging me. I loathe people who try to create something but cannot communicate their needs or desires, or let things go unsaid because they are either embarrassed or unsure of themselves or how they want things to progress or happen.

To describe myself? I’m stubborn as a mule, but soft as a warm butter. I fall in love easily, but I guard myself and my heart with an incredibly thick wall. I am an artist, a mother, a daughter, a sister and a lover. I am painfully shy when you first meet me, but after I’ve gotten past that initial meeting, I’m crazy. I love my friends, my family, and those close to me more than anything, and I would do everything for them. I am nerdy! I play video games and program stuff. I’m a bit of a push-over but I have a spine of steel when necessary. If I don’t want to be pushed someplace, you won’t get me there, no matter how hard you shove/yank/pull. I’m quirky. I love to smile, and I love to laugh even more. I enjoy life as much as I can, and I am a huge promoter of spontaneous acts. I’m impulsive, and headstrong – not always a good thing. I do everything I can to live life without regrets. I make plenty of mistakes and I’m sure I will make more, but I figure as long as I learn from them, it’s not something I should worry or fuss about. Life is so incredibly short; I can’t imagine wasting my spirit on things that are so meaningless. I have a brutal temper, but it’s incredibly hard to push me to it. I’ve worked very hard to learn to control that temper, and you’ve got some work cut out for you if you want to set it off. I’m not a fan of ignorance or close minded fools. Nor am I a fan of a hypocrite. I do pretty well at keeping those things out of my life. I am passionate. When I find something I want, I usually get it. I work hard, ridiculously hard. I have things to do, things to prove, to myself and to others. I have high and lofty dreams & hopes. I am going to change the world someday. Somehow. I haven’t quite figured out how yet, but I will.

People ask me all of the time “What are you into?” Sarcastically I tend to answer, “Hockey, F1 racing, music, art, photography, rainstorms, thunder, cooking, painting, colour, dance, running, hiking, gaming, kittens, random moments, printing, books, sandwiches, martial arts, summer days, leaves falling in autumn, good coffee, dessert wines, baking, singing… . . The list continues. It isn’t typically the answer people are looking for, so here’s the less sarcastic answer. I’m into knives. I love cold steel against hot flesh. I love feeling my breath catch in my throat from fear is incredibly erotic. I’m into ropes. I love playing with knots and creating art with coloured rope. I’m into breathplay. The dizzy estatic overwhelming feeling that takes over when every part of me is controlled – including my breath, is completely intoxicating. I have an oral fixation. I love to have things in my mouth, and I love to taste, lick, suck and tease. Lollipops fall hand in hand with that. Something so innocent that’s so completely not is absolutely delicious to me. I’m into wearing pigtails, pouting, being playful, snuggling, and flashing big innocent eyes with my lower lip out. I’m into completely surrendering and being taken. I’m into handcuffs, once again, the cold steel against my skin. The weight of them, the pinch and pull is intensely sexual for me. I’m into denial and orgasm control. I’m into biting, hard. I’m into my hair being pulled. I’m into rape play and I’m very very much into sensory deprivation.

I received this letter on CollarMe today. I thought I'd share because he didn't give me the decency of allowing me to reply after sending me such hateful words. I'm also writing my response to it at the bottom since I was blocked and unable to reply to any of his foulness. (Fear that he might be admonished for such an epic failure to rage?) 


From abigman4u

I just read your "witty" conversation with the guy dying from diabetes. Wow what a piece ofwork you are kid. I rarely write to people on here when I read shitty things they post but I'llmake an exception with YOU.My mother died of diabetes less than a month ago - that wasmy family's Christmas present this year. Reading your little snarky story was like gettingkicked in the guts just now. I couldn't believe it. Why would anyone write that shit? Whatkind of a cold human being are you? You can write up any bullshit you want to try andmake your life sound cool, but what's the reality of things is that you are unhappy in yourlife, and you thought making fun of some person struggling with this disease would behumorous. I have many friends struggling with this disease and I found your post to be inincredibly bad taste.Here's a thought though:


Q: Guess who is most likely going to get diabetes?

A: Fat, lazy, Guamanian island chicks who write snarky stories about peoplesuffering from diabetes.So ya say ya have 13 years of music training and all ya can do withit is sit around listening to the radio now? What a joke. I've seen many talentless hackstake years of music lessons. People who lack talent usually do that sort of thing


They alsotoss names around like Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, and John Coltrane tosound like they know something in an effort to try and be cutured, hip and "fake cool."


I've been a professional musician for 30 years, taught music theory and jazz improvisation at the college level, and I've actually met the late Miles Davis and the late Ella Fitzgerald.The biggest difference between them and you (besides them being talented and cool and youare not) is that they didn't take 13 years of music training and then sit on their asses NOT doing music.


Only an idiot would do that - just like only an idiot would waste their time making fun of people with diabetes. 


Ya know Miles Davis and Ella Fitzgerald died of diabetes. You idolize and worship them yet they had the same disease that this man hasthat you belittle.You say your "intense passion in life" is music? Uh huh. Well on behalf ofthe world thank you for not getting off of your fat ass and putting any of your lame "music"out there for us to have to hear. I bet ya sound like shit. You clearly lack soul and heart so your music would be equally hollow and passionless.


I'll end this and let you get back toyour REAL intense passion in life - laying around waiting for someone to fuck you. 


P.S.Here's a few other musicians dealing with diabetes:


Nat Adderley - Jazz Musician RayAnderson - Jazz MusicianSyd Barret - Singer (Pink Floyd)Tony Bennett -Jazz singerCrystalBowersox - Folk-rock musician, American Idol contestantDanny Joe Brown - Singer (MollyHatchet)James Brown - 'The Godfather of Soul'Johnny Cash - 'The Man in Black'BobbyCharles - Singer-SongwriterMark Collie - Country SingerDavid Crosby - Singer (Crosby,Stills, and Nash)Miles Davis - Jazz MusicianJohnny Darrell - Country music singerPhifeDawg - Rapper (A Tribe Called Quest)Priscilla "P-Star" Diaz - Entertainer, musician, andactressBo Diddley - SingerMama Cass Elliott - Singer (Mamas and the Papas)Ella Fitzgerald- SingerMick Fleetwood - Musician (Fleetwood Mac)Aretha Franklin - 'The Queen ofSoul'Melvin Franklin – Singer (The Temptations)Jerry Garcia - Singer, Musician (GratefulDead)Dizzy Gillespie - Jazz MusicianShirley Horn - Grammy-winning Jazz singer andpianistMarvin Isley - Singer (The Isley Brothers)Mahalia Jackson - Gospel SingerRandyJackson – Musician, producer, American Idol judgeRick James - Singer ("Super Freak" FunkLegend)Nick Jonas – lead singer/guitarist for Jonas BrothersWaylon Jennings - CountrySingerHerbert Kahury (“Tiny Tim”) - SingerGhostface Killah - Rapper (Wu-Tang Clan)B.B.King - Blues Singer and MusicianPatti LaBelle - Soul singerPeggy Lee - Jazz singer,Grammy winnerTommy Lee - Drummer (Motley Crue)Meat Loaf - SingerCurtis Mayfield -Soul singerBret Michaels - Singer (Poison)Tim Parker - Rapper (Blackalicious)James Phelps- Gospel and R&B SingerElvis Presley - Singer and guitaristGiacomo Puccini – OperaticComposerBrenda Russell - Singer-Songwriter, (The Color Purple)John Rutsey - Drummer(Rush)Sir Harry Secombe - Welsh singer, entertainer; former president of the BritishDiabetic Association.Angie Stone - SingerJessica Stone - Singer and ActressElliott Yamin -Singer Neil Young - singer, songwriter, guitarist, and directorGary Valenciano - PhilipinnosingerLuther Vandross - SingerLeslie West Guitarist, Singer, SongwriterNorman Whitfield -Grammy winning R&B songwriter and record producerBrad Wilk - Drummer (Rage Againstthe Machine, Audioslave)

Maybe if you aren't too busy taking music lessons you can fit in some time writing to eachone of them - the ones that are still alive anyway - and make fun of their health.


I didn't realize you were so fat and had a pig snout for a nose. Damn. No wonder you make fun of people with health problems in your posts...



I'll ignore all the ... amusing... ranting to point out a single fact. I nevermade fun of the disease. Both my mother and step father suffer from it. I mocked the factthat the person I spoke to in that chat room used diabetes as an EXCUSE to being unable touse/type properly and spell out the entire word "You." 

Perhaps you should re-read what you just spent a decent amount of time ranting about pointlessly. 


As for being a fat Chamorro lonely island girl with a pig nose . . . 


I am not 100lbs, but I am not what most would consider 'fat' and I run and operate 2 of myown businesses, and have since I was 18. Both are successful and support my "lazy ass"which is supposedly "laying around doing nothing." 

Amusing piss and vinegar filled letter with a good sprinkle of bitter grief. Thanks for making me laugh, but before you take out your anger at life for dealing you some painful things - make sure you read something properly. 



If I can turn a 10 minute conversation with you into you begging me for something and saying yes maam, thank you maam. . . It's probably not going to happen. :)


<RandomGuy> hi

<LaeVix> Hi!

<RandomGuy> how r u?

<LaeVix> Are R and U words in the English dictionary? 

<LaeVix> Out of curiousity. 

<RandomGuy> no sorry i hate typing it hurts my fingers im a diabetic

<LaeVix> Wow, that's too bad... I enjoy being fingered

<RandomGuy> lol thats different trust me

<LaeVix> If typing full words is difficult because it hurts, I'm sure that a proper fingering... Nice and rough.. wouldn't be a possibility.

<LaeVix> Sad day.

<RandomGuy> whats wrong?

<LaeVix> I just found out that you aren't capable of fingering me ! 

<LaeVix> It made me sad.

<LaeVix> My heart hurts a little even...

<RandomGuy> really?

<LaeVix> Hmmm

<LaeVix> Well you said it.

<RandomGuy> trust me i know i can finger you hard and rough

<LaeVix> Nonono.... I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, sweetie. 

<RandomGuy> ive tested it and if not then ill just bury my face in your pussy

<LaeVix> Would you make it really good? Please me in EVERY way possible? 

<RandomGuy> oh hell yes

<LaeVix> Ah... That's a gooood boy. 

<RandomGuy> wish i could see it right now

<LaeVix> Ask nicely.

<RandomGuy> can i please see your tight wet pussy?

<LaeVix> I'm sure you -could- . . . I'd suggest a different phrasing other than "Can I" 

<RandomGuy> may i please see your tight wet pussy?

<LaeVix> Oh, almost there, Sugar.... What will I get in return? 

<RandomGuy> you can watch me play with myself if u would like

<LaeVix> What is it you're playing with, Darling?

<RandomGuy> my dick love

<LaeVix> Your dicklove? What is dick - love ? Or did you forget punctuation?

<RandomGuy> i forgot, u can watch me play with my dick lol

<LaeVix> There you go... Well done

<LaeVix> Such a good boy

<RandomGuy> thank you love

<LaeVix> How big is that dick, love ?

<RandomGuy> never measured it before lol

<LaeVix> There's a first time for everything ;)

<RandomGuy> maybe u can tell me :)

<LaeVix> If you're too afraid to measure then I only have to assume . . . . . ;p

<LaeVix> Do you want to see my pussy? It's sooo wet and tight and hot... 

<RandomGuy> hell yes i would

<LaeVix> Ask me 

<LaeVix> properly

<RandomGuy> may i please see your hot, tight, wet pussy?

<LaeVix> May I please see your hot, tight, wet pussy..... what? 

<RandomGuy> love

<LaeVix> Try again.

<RandomGuy> what would you like me to say?

<LaeVix> Do you need me to tell you what to say?

<LaeVix> Tell you what I -want- to hear? 

<RandomGuy> may i see your hot, tight, wet pussy please?

<LaeVix> Are you begging?

<RandomGuy> yes maam

<LaeVix> Alright

<LaeVix> Here's the problem with that. First of all, I'm not a dominant woman. Secondly, I dominated this conversation from the moment you entered the room. Thirdly, You claim to be a dominant male. Were you truly dominant, you would have taken control and told ME what to do not begged me for my pussy. That isn't domineering whatsoever. Please, next time, before coming into a chat room with a submissive woman, ask yourself, Will I let her dominate me in the conversation, or will I take the full control she -wants- me to take? Because a submissive woman doesn't want to be left wondering... Do I need to tell him what to DO with that cock as well as making him beg for my pussy

<RandomGuy> thank you maam

<LaeVix> Thanks! Have a LOVELY evening... but I need someone who actually can TAKE control of me and use me like a proper little fuck toy. ;)