
The vain side shows that I'm Italian (nobody can resist an Italian), funny, cute as all hell, irresistible, irreplaceable, never conceited only room for confidence. The happier side of me shows, laughter, everything pink, live for the day, take in everything looking at only the positive. The darker side shows I hate you all, go to hell, don't tell me to smile. I wear black on the outside cause that's how I feel on the inside, god help me I'm crying black tears. I'm a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Take me whole or don't take me at all. I don't have time for selfish little games. Right now I'm in a getting what I want out of life and fucking the rest. Kinda OVER IT! I'm open to meeting delusional fucked yet sane creative minds who will not waste my time. I'm fuckin' real! 5 minutes into a conversation and I don't really care for you I'll let you know. I don't sugar coat shit or pretend to be your friend and when the tables are turned, I expect that realness back. I hold the meaning of honesty up pretty fuckin' high. If you can't be honest with yourself or others, you have no respect for yourself and in the end no one will ever respect you. I love people watching, masturbation, chillin in random secluded areas in the middle of the night (when the stupid people finally disappear from my world), analyzing, observation, to ponder the ideas of what this world would be like if only people like you and I made up the whole fucking population, fucking my way into the minds of others figuring out who and what the fuck they are all about, masturbation, public sex (the thought of getting caught and the reaction when you do), losing myself only to find myself and the rediscovering of who I am, the word fuck, the word delusion, I live in a world of my own, reality fuckin' bores me! Did I mention masturbation, exploring the art of self pleasing and self learning, but most of all the exploring and learning through the minds of others.