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LadyBeckett - photo 1
"Herr God, Herr Lucifer, Beware Beware, Out of the ash I rise with My red hair, and I eat men like air" Sylvia Plath, "Lady Lazurus" in Ariel
I am Lady Beckett

The ideal candidate is professional, intelligent, psychologically strong, physically fit/tone (or realistically working toward that goal), well endowed , mentally and emotionally stable, familiar with the D/s lifestyle and courtly love. You are seeking to have a LTR (permanent) with a strong, naturally dominant Woman.

BDSM: Bondage & Discipline, suckling, strap on play, financial servitude * , foot worship, mild to moderate cbt, chastity* and orgasm control (mandatory), some hot wax play, mild to moderate punishment/humiliation, 24/7 D/s, domestic service. I am not into branding(at all), multiple (extreme) piercings, extreme pain, scat, or blood, or illegal. No illegal drugs (non-negotiable). *You must be willing, and able, to relocate within a reasonable period of time.
If you have allergies to any of the following, do NOT apply: Whatever I tell you to do
Before you send Me an email-Read the above carefully and be sure you understand it.
Send Me a well thought email, respectfully submitting to Me, the reason(s) why I should consider you. Be honest and sincere. Include a G-rated photo.

When you write to me, address me as Lady Beckett, and sign it with your first name.

We all come here looking for something and/or someone. So let's not waste one another's time, eh? If you fail to follow my guidelines your email will be deleted.



I realize that males have a very short attention span, so I will keep this brief...



If you are under 35, or over 60 do not contact me with the intention to petition.

For others, unless you intend to petition for consideration, I invite you to introduce yourself and interact on the discussion boards, if you have not done so already. 

The poems (and haiku) were interesting, some were very good, and if I thought yours was, then you received a response from me and you already know it.

Now then, I have received some very interesting email in the last few days, and some of you have received a response, and some of you have not.  I have a strong profile, yes indeed, and if a male cannot read through that profile and follow a few simple instructions, pray tell what would allow me to have any confidence at all that said male would honor and respect me in person? 


Yup, that is what I was thinking too.   Now those of you who have not received a response, know why. 


Who lives near enough to me, to teach me how to play the guitar?



Oh sweet soulful boys

do come and gather round

sit quiet and posed on your heels

at my feet

and if you are very very good

I will let you touch them easy

with your lips

and perhaps your tongue


Beautiful boys

your bodies shine in soft light

muscles firm

posture fine

you do give me ease

sincerely, eh

and I will give you coo



Now then, when I get email from a silly boy that did not go beyond my pictures, and they are most certainly my pictures, I simply delete it.  Am I rude?  Of course not.  I am merely selective.

Read the intructions, kids, and you will get a response because you did everything right.


Write me a well thought poem, song, or haiku, and send it to me in email.  Check your spelling...




Happy New Year, boys and girls. 

My family is lifestyle, so this lifestyle and the seamless blend with society, as a friend, mother, sister, niece, best friend, employee, boss, grandma, and consumer, is my lifestyle.  I am a full time student, work part time to support my academic habit, and I have dogs.  I have been single for 10 years.  The reason why rests solely on the fact that I adamantly refuse to accept any one in my life that is less than what I want in a partner, lover, friend,  critic, natural submissive...for life.  The whole process requires too much time, energy, and emotion to invest it unwisely.  And if a boy/girl doesn't have a blend within the norm of any mix of mental "disorder" (e.g. a dash of phobia, a hint of insomnia, turns to butter at the sight of a pretty wooden paddle), has made a few mistakes, and had at least one failed relationship, extremely embarrassing moment in public, and struggled with at least one class in school, then I simply refuse to consider him/her. 
Read my profile, and if you don't feel a 100% resonation with what I have written there...don't write to me.  

p.s.  I am not running an "at your convenience" subbie training spa.  Before you contact me, know who you are, understand that you must be naturally submissive, and have some realistic and real time knowledge and experience that allows you to make  informed decisions regarding your lifestyle choices. 

Do NOT contact me regarding consideration as a candidate if you are a sissy, switch, slave, under the age of 35, over the age of 60, and/or do not match the candidate criteria included in my profile.  If you are not walking your talk, then let your digits just keep on walking.  Non-negotiable.

And what do you give a Domina that has everything?
Well,  the perfect boy, of course! 

yum it slave coming out season?  I've got slaves gazing at my profile, and slaves sending me little quips and notes. 

I have friends that own slaves, and one in particular that owns a pony farm, with slave ponies.  I visited there several times, and as a result of my experience there, was very tempted to get a pony boy, or girl, of my own.  Hat's off to pony slaves, truly they are the most dedicated and sincere form of submissive.  I decided not to make that investment/commitment at that time, with some consideration for the future reserved.  As for any other type of slave...what I have seen here does not represent my perception of what a slave is, therefore, I am not interested in a slave.  As for you pony slaves that are the real deal...hit me up in a couple of years, after I get my farm. 

Carry on...

For lack of an option to "track" activity on a profile, such as new pictures, or just saving the profile because there may be some interest...I take my time in everything I do...I add the profile of interest to favorites.  That does NOT mean that I am admiring anyone.  So don't go getting all heady boys. 
Maintain your course, and your manners.  You may email, but stick to the directives I have listed in my profile. 

I read my email here, and if a boy has an interesting/unique name, and presents himself well I might read his email even if it isn't presented perfectly.  Sometimes I open that email and do declare that it is akin to tripping into the Twilight Zone. 

Listen up for a minute here...I am not a pro-Domme.  I am also not actually seeking.  I do read the emails, with first attention given to those who have submitted their email correctly.  And I have met some very interesting males in the last few days.  So interesting, in fact, that I'm thinking maybe my "lifestyle" is in need of some...refreshing. 

When I meet someone here, that I think is interesting, I will do a bit of legwork to see if they are.  I will read the profile, the journal, the interest list, and go over to the discussion forum to see if the individual has been interactive in any of the threads, and what s/he had to say.  I do this while interacting in email. 

I don't want a slave boy prancing around the house wearing my panties on his head while he irons my pillowslips.  I want the yang to my yin.  The chemistry would be there, the synergy would develop, and I could get back to my studies in a reasonable period of time. 

Keep in mind always that I am a woman of motion, and my motion is...forward.  If you hold out any hope at all that I may pick you, then you better be keeping up with me.  I applaud Britsboy for doing just that, remarkably well, for the last couple few years. 

Carry on...

I was just chatting with an old friend, and mentioned my beautiful Feelbuck.  If you don't know what it is...visit the Feeldoe website.  It would make a lovely gift for the Domina you adore.    I have a Feeldoe also...a birthday present, last year, from a pretty cd in Nashville. 
What's on the birthday list this year?  A guitar, preferably a Fender or a Gibson.  I am learning to play.  It has been a long time goal of mine to play guitar with my Father, so I am learning now.  Could use a good teacher, boys. 

Because a boy just emailed and asked me so sweetly, I have composed one more...but I am bound to finish a presentation, so that will be all of the poetry today. 


Oh so many compliments sprinkled here and there
with the ministrations of your lips... and there
Not quite believable, but such a delight to my hearing
Old Spice has long been one of my favorites, second only to
Paul Sebastian
Oh those things that make me coo yum
perhaps more than once

When you left, early in the morning, quietly...yes
I lay in half sleep...content
I thought to tell you goodbye, but
my lips were simply too sleepy to move, as was my mind
but did give passing thought to the hope...
...that you already knew


© Copyright 2007-2008 Lady Beckett. All rights reserved


White Pear Tea with the tiniest bit of honey
even my cup is pleased to serve it
crush a leaf of mint and allow it to float
I wander so
drifting in thought to so and so
Oh me!
no words from his mouth touched my ear recently
no words at all
thoughts touching my mind
but his? or mine, reaching, wishing
filling in that very large void
my own breast rises with the image
lungs filling for a long soft sigh
why oh why, one wonders, harbor a ghost?
the tiniest bit of honey on the tip of my finger
I lick it off easy
with the tip of my tongue
the sigh, long and slow, carried the thoughts away to...

© Copyright 2007-2008 Lady Beckett

Pretty boys, and pretty girls...I do love your emails, however, be advised that sending me an email and a photo does not allow that you will be invited to visit me.  Those who live in this area may be considered for a meeting. 

Be honest in your emails, include a recent, g-rated photo, and remember to address appropriately and sign off with your first name.  Employ proper grammar and case in your communications with me. 

Talk to you soon. 

boys, boys, boys...
you do say the sweetest things and thangs, but you do NOT follow the guidelines in my profile.  If you want a response from good boys and do as you're told. 

It is the season!  I LOVE Christmas!  The tree, baking lots and lots of cookies, putting them in lovely dishes and giving them to friends and family, the weather, and all of the decorations!  And the smells!  Oh feel my heart beat...I breathe deeper in absolute appreciation of them. 

I want Santa's number so I can call him and give him my list...I already checked it twice, so he doesn't have to. 

Ho Ho Ho 

Let's put it this way...

Do NOT email me if you are under 35 years old.  Period.

Consider that when a boy, or girl, brings natural submission to the relationship, the bonding that occurs between that, and natural dominance, will rival in show...the northern lights.  Oh fagettabout all that hype and metallic glitter sensationalism...

Bring your natural submission to me... if I like you and there is chemistry and a hint of synergism...then that would be a very good moment in a  day... to be you. 

Happy Thanksgiving

"And the autumn weather...turned the leaves to flame..."  ~ Willie Nelson, September Song

I love September!  It is lovely outdoors, and there is just a hint of autumn in the cool nights. 
I've been getting some very interesting and beautifully composed email from you boys.  I may be closer to what I would consider in my life than I thought.  I have also received some  email from bi and lesbian girls.  Well listen up ladies, I have no need of a "slut", "puppy", "kitten", or any other human animal...but would consider a girl between 30-45 who fits the profile described for a male candidate in my profile. 
Male or female...slaves need not apply.  Natural submissives only.
Now then, back to autumn...what else do I love about autumn?  Well, my birthday is in October of course! 
Any ideas?

I noticed, while doing a bit of housekeeping on my profile, that when viewed in full profile mode my journal entries don't show up because the background changes to white.  I have therefore changed the background selection to white in the edit mode, and am in the process of changing the font color on all entries to allow for hassle-free viewing.  This will take some time since I've been here for quite a while.  I'll do a few every time I visit.

It's a lovely day in the neighborhood, and I am in "finals" this week.  In fact, this weekend I am putting the finishing touches on final projects for the classes in this block which ends tomorrow night at midnight...the witching hour!   I recently had lunch with dg96 and his lovely Domina/wife.  It is always such a pleasure to meet and spend time with those who are honest and sincere about who they are and living the lifestyle. 
I am receiving a lot of email from boys who are either not reading my profile, or simply choose to do things their way.  Unfortunately boys, I have not changed in this regard.  If your email is not submitted as directed in my profile, it will be deleted. 
My yard man has retired due to ill health...anyone in the area interested in the position may apply by email. 

boys boys boys...turn off your "i want" and pay attention to what I want. 

Do we understand one another a little better now? 

Well now all of you delightful naturally submissive boys...Who is your Valentine ?  Hmmmm?

The time with family and friends during the holiday season is absolutely marvelous!  It is also a time of majick, with wishes coming true, strong, positive interactions,  sweet communications over warm cider while sitting in front of a wonderful crackling fire.  It is My sincere wish that each and every one of you have enjoyed just this type of holiday. 

I receive a LOT of email communication regarding financial servitude,  asking what it means exactly and what would be expected of a boy. 

Understand this, boys and girls, I am not going to support a submissive in exchange for their "service".  Neither would a submissive be expected or required to support Me.  Financial servitude is a means to insure that there is NO misunderstanding in this regard, among other things. 

Further, don't email Me with drivel.  If you are a natural submissive and wish to communicate with Me, then do so following the protocol outlined in My profile.

Come hither boy, and trace my tan line with your...

Be tall

Be handsome

Be very very intelligent

oh yes...and have muscles in allllll the right places.

And you absolutely must be devoted.

What very good boys you are, and I thank you for the pretty red rose bushes received this morning bobby and terry.  They will look lovely at the entrance to My walkway when they bloom in the Spring. 
I have a beautiful yellow "Celtic Pride" that tommy sent a year or so ago.  It took the transplant well when I moved and is thriving right in front of My porch.  Another yellow would look lovely at the top of the walkway, boys.
I actually prefer yellow, peach, and lavender over reds, but the reds will look very pretty, and will also provide such a lovely burst of color. 


To contact Me you must:
Be at least thirty-five years old.

Read My profile and understand it at least inasmuch that allows you to determine whether or not you qualify.  Are you professional?  Well endowed?  Can you walk five miles  without taking breaks and running out of breath?  Daily?  

Understand that I am not seeking a slave (slaves).  

Address Me as "Lady Beckett" until you are instructed otherwise.  

Don't send Me roses, boys...send Me the rose bush

One little niggly...two little nigglies

As you daydream

 about easing your cheek up My thigh

nice and slow

against  My





Well now...*sigh*

as you do that, I would remind you

that I just emptied a spot

at the end of the line.

Because one little niggly forgot to go to market.

Now then...kiss Me

right here

From inside I bask in the sunlight spilling in through the windows, but Oh My My!  It is brrrrrrrrr cold out there!  I ventured out in the raw crisp morning about 5:30'ish.  The wind was at howling strength and it was snowing very petite and pretty snowflakes in plenty. 

I received an email asking if I delete every email I receive.  If they do not comply with My profile, yes I do.  Also, be realistic, and honest, in your language.  Don't tell Me you want to serve Me without knowing Me at all.  Being attracted by My profile is a step, but certainly not telling in the way that communication over a reasonable period of time will be.   Cool your jets boys and girls. 

Our next "Be especially sweet to a Domina" day is February 14th .   Those of you who are hopeful better be perusing some "Wish Lists".    


Who are you going to kiss Saturday right around midnight?  And...

What you gonna do to make the New Year bright? 

Show Me...

Good morning boys and girls.  I hope that everyone had a warm and wonderful Christmas/Yule/Hannukkah/Samhain...

Pay attention to what I am about to say.  IF you send Me an email that does not address Me as "Lady Beckett" (and spelling it correctly is a plus), compose more than one line (a complete paragraph, minimum, is preferred), and sign it with your first name I am going to delete it and you will not receive a response. 

Now that we have that little piece of business out of the way, how was your Holiday?  Tell Me in a poem. 

What a beautiful day!  The sun is bright and shining right in all of My windows this morning!  It makes the light frost from last night simply glitter! 

I had a wonderful birthday, Thank you, and don't feel a moment older.  However I have saved the lessons learned and wisdom earned from the last year. 

There were a Volkswagon Passat (navy blue) and a BowFlex on My Birthday Wish List, but I haven't seen either one of them.    I do declare, I believe I may be a bit neglected here.   Shame on you boys! 

I am still getting one line email, no g-rated photo, and no name.  How come?  boys boys boys (and girl)  READ MY PROFILE...or I will delete your email without responding.  You know don't get all indignant about the fact that I haven't responded to you.  When I receive an email, even if I REALLY don't like the person, I will respond kindly if they have followed My guidelines (details in My profile). 

In fact, that may get a lot of you more responses across the board, following those guidelines instead of the typical one line email, bad grammar, no name or photo included (sa). 

"One definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result." -Einstein

Have a day that feels good

I am seeing several sissies and female subs on My list of admirers over the last few days.  Do any of you design and/or sew your own fashions? 
Are any of you interested in 30's/40's styles?  
Anyone with these interests/skills may contact Me.  

State your skill and style/era interest in your email. 

A boy  told Me that I made him blush .  Oh My...if it were My intention to make a boy blush it will most certainly be on his smooth perfect ass with My leather paddle...Yum

I do declare you boys say the sweetest things when you want something.   

Sharpen your pencils and your skills...all email to Lady Beckett must be poetic on Friday the 22nd. 

This new live chat feature, while wonderful for those with lots of spare time, is not something I care to indulge.   When I appear  "online" I am checking email or over on the message boards, so I probably would not see a request.  However, unless it originates from someone I know, the probability is that I will decline. 

The best bet is a well composed email.  It gets a response every time. 

I watched a pretty oval candle express itself luminescent in the evening.  But not in competition, no.  In was Companion to the Evening light, you see.  It was that to see much like anything else in this world that would inspire that slow, very deep, sincere and long sigh followed by and equally slow, very long exhale.  And so it is with Dominance and submission, isn't it?  That perfect compliment, one with the other, and to another, one and one to  Do you see?  And what makes the Lifestyle different from the other more socially acceptable lifestyle?  Well put simply, and clearly obvious to all of Us...Communication.  100% Honest 100% of the time, Non-negotiable.   It doesn't get any easier than that.  And that is where the Pleasure really begins...

Pet Peeves - we've all got them.   Quite a few here on collarme share the one about applicants NOT reading the profile through before submitting that first email. 
I state clearly in My profile that I will delete those emails that do not comply with the guidelines set forth in My profile, and guess what?  I do. 

The boys and girls that get My attention are those that pay attention to what I have to say. 

When you make My pleasure your priority...then the pleasure is mutual.  Clear enough?

I just received an email asking Me what happened with that pretty black boy?  I did promise to keep you posted, didn't I?  And so I shall  this very minute! 

We communicated in email, then by phone,   he then drove down to meet Me  and stayed the weekend here in Greeneville.  I was very pleased with his presentation and with his service.    We have communicated consistently since then, and he will be returning the weekend of the 15th.    Stay tuned...

The A.B.A.T.E. rally was just outside of Newport in HotSprings North Carolina!  I didn't get much sleep, but sure did have a lot of fun.  I caught up on My shut-eye on the plane going to Chicago.  The week was busy busy busy with lunches, people to see, places to go, and a boy to collar.   

I returned to Tennessee last Friday, attended the concert at Smokey Mountain Harley Davidson in Maryville on Saturday night and was literally Wow'd by the sounds of
Jason Ricci & NewBlood  Oh My My!  What that boy does to that harmonica actually comes from his soul!  I loved every minute!

I am now home with My lovely, but tired, feet up, recuperating from My adventures... 

It's gonna be a Hot time in Newport Friday night!  If you want to know why, then I suppose you'll just have to check out the Bike Rally and find out huh?  Yes, your favorite Domme is going to be there!    We'll be at the Smokey Mountain Harley Davidson in Maryville on Saturday Night for the Open Concert, and then I'm flying to Chicago on Sunday for four days with My boy snook...maybe sneak in some Doobie Brothers at Summerfest, and visit the "old neighborhood".    See you there!

I had a FABULOUS weekend May 26th-30th!  Thanks to that McPherson boy.  And what a wicked boy he was!  We visited Chilhowie River, dined at Calhoun's on the River on the other side of Friendsville, and listened to Blue Mother Tupelo at Smokey Mountain Harley Davidson in Maryville  on Saturday night!  When the sun goes down and the night gets cool, they light up the fire pits.    They train their boys so well.

I'll be at Smokey Mountain Harley Davidson Saturday June 25th for the concert and some of that wonderful bbq and smoked shelley beans  with friends.  Then I leave Sunday afternoon for a week in Chicago.  

I noticed that a very pretty black boy had added Me to his favorites today.  When I went to read his profile I noted that he had made that mistake that gets under Stef's skin. lol  He said  he is seeking a "Dominate".  

I sent him an email correcting him [kindly], and letting him know that the interest was mutual.  This boy corrected his profile immediately!  I am so pleased with him!  That says so much about him!    It just makes Me want to spank him. *sigh*

I'll keep you posted...

It's Spring  Time to go shopping for...
 new heels!  Celebrate the Season with your favorite Domme. 

This ain't Oz, My pretty...

I get email from boys saying "i want a strict experienced but gentle and loving Domme...".  My voice is smoothe, warm, and comforting.  My love is rich and powerful.  I won't raise My voice, except perhaps in surprise or joy, but make no mistake boy, I am not gentle.

Come in, pretty boy, meet your addiction...

March 17th is St. Paddy's Day...Hmmmm

I'm Scottish

That makes Me a lucky charm with...Attitude 

You want perfection don't you, boy?  Smooth, easy, delicious perfection.  Well so do I, so give Me yours...without hesitation.

Now that's sweet.

  Happy Valentine's Day, boys.

Ponder with chin in hand
those words that glide across the page
trace them with a finger do
would such a mind exist in truth
language like liquid
to flow easy
from the eye to the secrets
touching each one lightly as it passes
something cool and tingling
as it travels up your spine
a memory...perhaps
run away, or walk
as some males would prefer
but it will never leave you,
oh no
thoughts will wander back again
and again
until you are consumed with want

She has kissed you...

© Copyright 2001-2003 . All rights reserved

...and if I lost you in a myriad of thought, spoken honestly, albeit softly, would I wander back in search of you?  Probably not.  I am, after all, a Woman in motion, and that motion is...forward.
A misunderstanding most certainly so
do whisper your response in private
Her ear listens to your voice
even as you watch for Her instruction
your attention unwavering; hand on hilt
Her protection your calling,
your service provided lovingly
present your arm to Her hand for rest
your arms for comfort at any moment
armor shining, a formidable presence
Her smile speaks to your reward
eyes glittering with those remembered
She walks beside you in grace defined
smiling politely to members of the court
you are Her knight, a mere servant no
your labor and dedication rewarded
Her lines caressed in silk and light
lick your lips and taste Her in your mind
even as She sleeps , Her lips full and slightly parted
Her kiss warm on your face
knight do guard your Mistress well...

© Copyright 2001-2003 . All rights reserved.
When ya touched her
did her eyes darken and shine
when you whispered
did she lean toward you easy
when you touched her
did she sigh deeply
Oh would you woo the Mistress
her shadows long
her secrets deep
she traces the line of your jaw
with one finely manicured nail
her smile delicate and sweet
a mystery lingers just below the surface
one glimpse, oh beg just one
your knees weary, do maintain your posture
her skin, smooth, beckons
the blood pumping through your veins
her toes tease the hair on your chest
listen as your Mistress speaks
delight in her attention
Woo her with devotion
lay upon your bed of nails
your service her pleasure
as she closes her eyes slowly

© Copyright 2001-2003 . All rights reserved.