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I am everything wrapped up in one package. I am strong willed. I am independent and I am dependent. I am courageous and I am fearful. I am delicate and I am strong. I am soft spoken and I am out spoken. I am sensual. I am creative. I am independent. I am logical and I am emotional. I am intelligent and I am an air head. I am driven and I am lazy. I am a witch. I am Pagan. I am a slave. I am simply me.
When I was 18, I picked up the book Exit to Eden and I fell in love with the lifestyle. When I first was interested in the lifestyle and researching it, I said that there was no way in hell that a man would ever dominate me but that was back when I was immature and failed to see the beauty in a Master/slave dynamic. It has taken me many years of soul searching and researching for me to reach the point where I am today.
I have come to accept the fact that I am a slave. Trying to explain why I am a slave is like me trying to explain why I am a witch or why I am Pagan, it is just who I am. I understand that not every one will get this concept and I am okay with that. Sometimes people simply can not understand things that they do not connect with.
When I first started out, I was constantly researching things that peaked my interest and I must say that I am still doing this. In my eyes, you can not place a price on knowledge nor should you ever stop learning. There is so much knowledge out there that it is mind blowing.
If I am not researching than I am writing. I enjoy writing. It helps me focus my rather chaotic mind. No subject is taboo for me to write on or for me to express my thoughts or emotions. If it does involve other people, I will leave out names for privacy reasons. Even though I believe in being an open book, I know that others do not feel the same. I respect their feelings.
Respect is a very big thing for me. Yes, I am a slave. This does not mean that you get to treat me with disrespect though. I am first a person and second a slave. It is merely one of the many aspects that makes up the woman before you. I treat everyone with respect until the show me that they no longer deserve it. Usually showing ignorance is a real quick way for me to no longer respect you.
Yes, I am a girl, a broad, a woman but that is not my name. You may refer to me as Jinx. To do any other than this is to show a lack of respect of who I am as an indvidual. I am NOT your girl or the girl.
Me as a Slave
I dated many men, slept with very few and served even less than that. I have had zero real time experience. I am actually alright with never serving anyone. This does not make me feel ashamed in any way. I know that even if I had served a Master, what one Master wants another may not. My opinion, every slave should be trained/retrained by her/his Master.
I know that whom ever I end up serving will have his work cut out for him. I have small panic attacks. They are not bad unless you know what you are looking for. They do not occur often but they have been known to sweep out of no where and bite me on the ass.
I am not ashamed either by the work that someone will have to put into me. I believe that you can never truly treasure something unless you work for it and put work into it. Once you have done this, then you never wish to let it go because it because a part of you.
I am also not on this path alone. I have one of the best life lines ever. He is my blood brother (there is a difference between blood and biolgocial). He is my protector and currently right now, he is the only one that has the ability to ground me.?He and I discuss everything and I mean EVERYTHING. If I am worried, scared or have an issue I need to discuss, he is the one I go to. |
Had a some what frustrating day at work. I came home, set up the punching bag and had a few rounds with it with my fists and a wooden sword. I had forgotten how much I loved to have a couple rounds with a bag till I set mine up. My punching bag is my new favorite toy. |
Good gods...I have been on this website for almost three years. |
Arrogant? Me? No, I merely know who I am and what I deserve. Am I being check? Why yes I am. Remember my lovlies...there is a very fine line between being cheeky and being a brat. |
Its interesting, the words I had previously been thinking, have now disappeared. I can no longer remember the elegant thought that had been flitting through my mind. I did not allow myself the opportunity to write just now. As a woman who adores words I can android disappear easily into them and forget the word around me. As I know this is one of my flaws, I do not allow myself the opportunity to write until all of my tasks are complete. Surprisingly enough I have a small amount of discipline.
I believe my original thoughts came back to this site and my desire to eventually have a Master. I am in now rush. True I would like to serve one but everything in good time. If you rush something as this you only end up hurting yourself. I believe am too tired to write anything coherently. I believe I shall climb into bed here...soon. |
Here eventually I will be attending classes for formal training when it comes to service. I am excited for these classes for with them comes actual events that I will be servicing. If you are local and wish to come to classes to see what formal service is like, just let me know. |
I suppose it is time to update what I need. Yes I said need because this is not what I want. I need a Master. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with Doms, wonderful men in their own right but this is not what I need. I want/need/yearn for TPE 24/7 dynamic.
Yes I do know that this requires a lot of work but so does any other form of dynamic/relationship. By no means do I want to be micromanaged, that will just upset me. But I ambthe sort that needs rules and boundaries. The more there are, the happier I am.
But I still need the ability to be fluid. To change things up because life can and does step in to remind us that it is there. Hence why I said that I do not wish to be micromanaged.
I also adore bondage and shibari. It is grand fun. I enjoy knife play. I love service. I don't like to be shared. Pain just annoys me. Consider me a sensual slave. Yes, pay attention to those words, a sensual slave. I enjoy impact play/sensation play. I am a slave. I am not a sub. But I want ya'll to remember this.
I am a strong slave. I have a mind. I have a voice. I have a backbone. I have a lifeline. I have a mentor. I am active in the community. I am not naive nor am I stupid. I request you do not treat me as such. |
*Looks over profile and journals* Yep, nothing in there implies I am stupid or desperate. I am not desperate by any means. I have no reason to be. And trust me folks I am far from stupid. So would you please stop treating me as such. |
Funny how life forces you to adapt or you are left behind. These days I am finding myself thinking on what I need and how I portray myself. A gentleman and I have gone our separate days. He couldn't handle me being part of the community and I refuse to leave it. Being an active part makes me happy and to be honest rather busy as well.
Oddly enough, as someone who has had several things going on for some time it is odd to just have a weekend to myself. I know some time will be devoted to KIP, getting dates set for activities but other than that, it is a full weekend to myself. My brother is spending sometime with a gentleman we both hope turns into something and I believe I will devote myself to my second novel that I have been ignoring.
It's odd to have time finally to myself. Both a blessing and a curse. Perhaps it is time to do some much needed grounding and centering. Too much chaos and not enough peace. |
I am sauced and where does my mind go? It goes to promoting K.I.P and doing serious work. Slightly difficult while sauced. I look at and I look on here and I ponder why the bloody hell do I not have these people attending our munches/activites. Why the hell isn't BDSM more accepted? This would be so much easier if I didn't live in a vanilla world/conservative area. Curse you bible thumpers. |
(K)ink (I)n (P)ennsylvania
K.I.P is Williamsport's local group that I head up with some great help from a local Mistress who has been in the lifestyle for a long period of time and has run another group. We are a group that meets the first Thursday of every month at a local cafe in their side room. This room is private and we often close the doors. Our membership is slowly expanding, much to my delight but we do have a great core group.
Our group stresses safety and education. We try to have one activity a month besides our Munches, in fact we have a shibari demo the first week of April (only active members may attend demos and/or play dates). K.I.P also host an S Social for slave/subs/switches which also occur once a month at a local bar/grill.
We are a private group that has little/no drama and has great fun together. However, there is no "hooking up" within our group. We stress SAFTEY and there is no trolling allowed under any circumstances. Our rules are firm and the consquences are harsh for those that break them.
If you are interested in attending one of our Munches/activites, please message me for more details and to set up a time for an interview. As I said before, I don't play lightly with my saftey or the saftey of our group. |
Please refrain from trolling me. I am not stupid. I am not desperate for a play partner. I am not desperate for a Master. I know what I want and I will not settle for less. Go hunting elsewhere. All you will recieve from me is a message tearing you up one side and back down the other. |
I suppose it is time to update this thing. It has been some time since I have been on this site and/or updated things. Things have calmed down for now, until May, that would be when I am getting my very own place. There will be lots of work that needs to be put into that. I am rather excited for that one. I am also running (with the help of a great Mistress) Williamsports local group. That keeps me busy.
I try to run socials for the stypes (they will be starting here in about two weeks). Our first demo is coming up, I am excited for that one, it will be on Shibari and knife play. Also, we are going to be planning monthly activities whether they be a pool night or discussing a book :P So I am keeping busy between K.I.P (Kink in Pennslvania) and work.
Again I state, if anyone is really looking to talk with me, I highly recommend emailing me on my account. My name is Misfit_Toy. I am more active on there than I am here. Although, I do check my email should it be sent to me :P I am not that rude to ignore a WELL written message. |
Why does every Dominate/Master feel the need to place in his profile how long he has been in the lifestyle? I really don't care if you have been here for five years or five weeks. It is about the knowledge you have. You can be in the lifestyle for 5 years and still be a bloody ignorant jackass that hasn't the bloody foggiest idea what you are doing. In fact...some of you that brag you have been around for a while are the ones that make the most mistakes and are the biggest arrogant jackasses.
While on the other hand I have met a novice Master who has such a beautiful quite power to him that it mind blowing. Get down off your rocks Doms...years don't equal knowledge nor experience. |
Slowly but surely I am leaving Collarme. It was a website that opened up my eyes when I was rather young to the scene. It allowed me to explore, play and actually discover what I really desire. Now that I am slightly more mature I realize that this place really holds no interest in me any longer.
I am proudly a broad now. It appeases my intellectual side instead of my playful side. I am now seeking knowledge more than anything. Fellow input from other slaves, why people like the kinks they do, the inner workings of the M/s dynamic. It is all there and that is what currently holds my interst.
True, I would like to eventually serve but right now things are....complicated and I am fine with that. I have lived with this ache, this desire to serve for years now, a couple more will not harm me any. |
What I want, I always get. It may not be now and it may not be tomorrow but it will be eventually. Yes, I am a slave and yes I realize that my previous sentence makes me sound like a spoiled brat. I am not spoiled in any means. What I want is things I know I deserve and the things I deserve well, they don’t come along too often.
I wanted a collar, so I went out and bought myself one. Now, well the lock sort of tarnished so I had to retire it, but I took it as a sign. I wanted slave bells (I really do love the sound of bells) so I made myself a set (although I do need to rework them. I think I will do that here soon). I want a Master so by damn I am going to get myself a Master.
Now I am not some foolish little child so most of you can get down off of your soap boxes. I swear to the gods I am not going to go out and do something rash and unsafe. I may be impulsive but I am not that impulsive. I am particular and I am choosy which is why I date less, screw even lesser and served even less Masters.
I know what I want out of a Master and I refuse to settle. I must say I have communicated and spoken to a lot of Masters (some really hot young ones) but for some reason me serving a man younger than me, well I can’t wrap my mind around it. I seek a Master that is older than I am, intelligent, firm and is everything I ever hoped to serve.
Now I am not regretting those I have spoken to. I see them as opportunities to learn and have as a friend but I am getting frustrated. I keep seeking and I can’t find what I want. I am becoming frustrated with it. So I have come up with a new plan. I am going to still seek on my beloved kinky sites but I am going to broaden my search to the vanilla sites and if I can corrupt something well high five to me (which is likely as I have been known to corrupt people. It’s a charming skill of mine).
I don’t hide my kinkiness. It’s something I am proud of like my religion. Hiding a part (a very important part) of who I am is like going out on a date and yelling “Surprise, I really am a man.” It just doesn’t seem fair to me. Besides, honesty is the best policy even if it makes you squirm slightly. |
It is time to update my lovely journal. I will admit that I have ignored Collarme for a while for use o. There seems to be less trolls there. So I will update the world. I have recently finally found my niche in the world. I am not a sub but instead I am a slave. But I want to clear things up. Just because I a slave doesn't mean I am a bloody door mat.
I will NOT call every Tom, Jane and Dick by a proper title because they call themself a Master or a Mistress. You are not MY Master or Mistress. I do not serve you and there for I am not calling you anything unless you have earned my respect.
You will treat me as if I was a sword weilded by a warrior. I serve my Master and I serve him well. As long as he polishes and keeps me sharp. You missuse me and leave me lie than I will rust and shatter. |
I have changed so much since I first became interested in the lifestyle. At first the mere thought of serving any one made my lip curl and me snarl in disgust. I would have never thought of submitting to anyone, in fact when I first started to read up on the lifestyle it was from the alpha side of things. I refused to even touch the submissive side of any of the information I was given.
Now I understand the importance of submitting and now it is something I wish to do, it is something I need to do. It is part of my personality and I accept it now. I see myself evolving constantly and understanding things differently than from the beginning. At first the thought of spanking/paddling/and all that other stuff seemed like a given. Now I see that I personally may not be able to have that part of my life. I am still not too sure how I will react to that.
But I am now willing to open up and have asked a couple I trust to help me explore that part. Now I just really wish I would find a Master. |
Last night I got into a fight with a man I care for deeply. I finally had to admit to him vocally my feelings for him. It wasn't even in a nice manner because at that point of time I was on holding onto nto my temper by a very thin thread. I suppose at this point of time you deserve some back story.
I shall call this man J. Seven months ago I started to work for J. I first walked into the office and thought he was attractive. I am not foolish though and I know that not all attractive men have a good personality. However, the more I talked with J, the more I realized he also had a very attractive personality. I kept a tight reign on everthing though because he was my boss and that is considered a big no no.
I eventually got laid off from that job and still continued to have communication with J. But I kept telling myself I would keep things on a friendship level and not ask for more. The man though changed the dynamics of our relationship but to my shock and slight horror. I did not know how to handle him.
To make a long story short, I ended up falling in love with J. What has made the situation worse, is that J is now my immediate supervisor. Last night I thought I was doing the roper thing by asking for a different supervisor. It did not go over well. Him and I were shouting at one another. I finally told him that the reason I could not work under him was because of my feelings for him.
I could not seperate my feelings from work and I do not believe I will ever be able to do such a thing. I am an emotional being. I think with my head but not as often as I think with my heart. Its who I am. |
We try so often to get others to see our points of view and sometimes we do not succeed at it. Words fail us and we can no longer get our point across. Why do we fluster and why do we hedge? Is it because we feel as if we have lost our footing? It is not often that I lose my footing and when I do I am left fumbling. I feel that now and I do not enjoy it.
After some interaction with a man I am left wondering about myself. I feel like a child when I deal with him, as if I can do nothing right. It is frustrating. I don’t know how to handle him nor do I know what to do. It’s difficult to describe but I will give it a good try.
Before him I thought I was mature and experienced. Since him I do not feel that way. I do not feel worthy. It’s nothing he is doing on purpose. I wonder why he is talking to me because I feel as if I am constantly failing. I want to be the best. I want to be someone mature and someone that others respect. I am no longer feeling that. I feel as if I have been stripped down to infancy and I have to relearn everything.
I try to explain my point to him and often I feel as if I am just not doing well. Perhaps it is because I am doing it vocally when I excel at the written word. I was told today by someone that perhaps I should keep my writings private but I can’t do it. I don’t post writings and emotions for attention, I post the things I do for other reasons. One, I sometimes want the opinions of others. Two, sometimes I use my writings to tell people off. Three, I want people to feel as if they are not alone out there.
Have you ever had a real shitty day, felt as if that the entire world is out to get you and then you have read something and thought “That person understands me? I know how they feel.” Or even “Wow that really lightened up my spirit.” Writing to me has always been my everything and will always be my everything. I know some may not understand it nor ever will but that is okay with me.
Writing helped me when I was a small child. I could create a story and escape. As I grew older I learned to pour my pain and sorrow in it. Now as I someone older I enjoy weaving a story to pull someone else in. I love to be complimented on my writing but I love being critiqued on it more. As I have said several times, I am a perfectionist and I love everything to be perfect. In high school I could have cheerfully strangled my editor, now I want to hug him because he made my writing so much better.
Perhaps I should view him as the same way. Sometimes I just want to kick him because I feel as if I am doing nothing right but when I look back on this time in a month or two when he is no longer in my life (because I know he will leave) I will want to hug him for helping me grow.
Currently I feel the need to let the cage open for my lovely little aggressive side. I see everything mentally and right now I view my aggressive side as a wolf pacing back and forth along a cage. Open the door, stroke her fur and set her free. Yes that brings a smile to my face and releases much tension I have felt. I feel the need to go stalk someone (not literally) but someone as prey, although that would be cruel. They would be a mere plaything and that’s not fair to them so the claws with be sheathed.
What shows immaturity. Right now I want to take a hard look at it. I think it is time to admit some things. I run away. I run away a lot. It takes me a while to meet my fears head on. Mmmm I think I shall start doing that. But where shall I start. I need to stop procrastinating. I do believe I am going to make a lovely little list of things that I will accomplish tomorrow or there will be punishment in store. Yes, I like the sound of that. Its time I get structure back in my life.
Despite me not having my collar (yet and I will have it despite what anyone says). I believe I shall do some trial days to prove to myself that I deserve to collar myself. I have to giggle at that thought. When I tried to explain that to a couple of my dom and sub friends they really were not getting it. I need to get back in contract with some of my previous doms. I know one I will get a hold of. Gravity. I adore that man. I was so disappointed when things did not work out between him and I but he was so fun to talk with. I always enjoyed exchanging ideas with him.
I wish I could get a hold of the slave I know. She is smart and funny and I am good friends with her master as well. That’s it, I am putting a call out to all my BDSM friends. I want to sit down and exchange the entire self collaring thing with them. When I originally posted the idea on here I thought I would get more opinions than I did. Pity that I didn’t. I really do adore the exchanging of ideas and information. I am in the debating mood. I think I shall find someone I can debate with. Pity I can’t debate with one of my previous men. He no longer speaks with me. No real surprise there.
*Rolls eyes* What is here today is very normally not here tomorrow. Wonder how long it will take it to come crawling back to me thing time around. If that man thinks I am taking him back a third time he has another thing coming. He will get a swift kick in the ass first and the middle finger. Immature I know but really now I don’t care. |
Lately my mind has been stuck on being collared. I have been browsing the many selections, trying to choose what would suit me. I have normally always worn a chocker. The weight around my neck has always been pleasure to me and when I don't wear one my neck feels naked. I know as a switch I should not be looking at collars unless I am seeking to collar someone, not to collar myself but I have never done things the "normal" way.
I have my reason for seeking to collar myself. I can be dominate and I can be submissive. It really depends on who I am around and how I feel that day. However, the collar would be a constant reminder that for now I am my own master. Hell I would even write up a contract for myself. I need that order even if I can not get it from someone else, I will get it from me. I am starting to get excited by the idea. I would be pushing myself, not someone else. I would be able to watch my growth and keep it journalized here every day.
I would take a hard look at my flaws and see how I can push at them and make them strengths. I want this to occur and I think I will make it occur. I know that I am going about things backwards but I am fine with that. The collar will come off when I find someone else that wishes to replace it with his own. I am unsure when that will occur but I have made up my mind.
It is time I stop waiting for someone to come in and help guide me. It is time I take the reigns. Well its off to shop for a collar and make my own contract. This is going to prove to be really interesting. If anyone has an opinion about this, I am willing to listen and discuss it. |
I am always changing and most can never seem to keep up with my ever evolving moods. Mere minutes ago I was joking around with a friend about how Death would never claim me because he is afraid of me. Now, I am listening to Lullaby by the Dixie Chicks and my mood has mellowed. I no longer want chaos and mayhem. Right now I want serentiy and calm. My mood changed in mere seconds and I am sure a couple of my friends would be appalled by my current choice of music. I believe after this I will listen to Celtic Woman as I continue to write.
I feel the need to be soft right now, as if there is no need to prove myself nor the need to be that hard ass bitch some people expect me to be. I really have no idea why I am writing this other than I guess I need to. I was talking to my brother Hex the one day about me feeling lost and as if I have no control. He told me that I was depressed and that it is expected with everything that is going on. What is weird is when I hear depression my mind goes to crushing weight to the chest, the overwhelming need to cry and never stop. I don't feel that currently. I merely feel slightly lost and I am waiting for the world to readjust itself.
I have fought against the current for so long, determined to prove that I am strong but currently I feel the need to just calmly swim with it. I have lost my one true home and crashed my car. For some off reason I am not even cursing the world, I am merely shrugging my shoulders going "Okay, I see the challenge you have offered. You have given me worse but I am unsure how to overcome this once but I'll give it a good go." And lately I have been thinking about the office and my family. Odd combination I now but one sets the other one off.
I am not trying to insult my mothers side when I speak of family. This mainly deals with my fathers family. I expect little to anything from my fathers side. I know they will never support me in my life choice because I know they do not understand why I do the things that I do. I do not ask them to attend functions because it will be wasting my breath. I do not tell them about men I love nor do I tell them about my drama. My father just found out about the car accident yesterday. It did not even enter my mind to call him after it occurred and tell him. You want to know who the first person I thought of telling, my boss and that was merely to tell him I wasn't sure if I would be able to attend the meeting that night.
Because of my fathers family I have become stubbornly independent. I do not ask people things when perhaps I should. I will not ask people to help me at work because I do not want to be a burden to them. I know that often they are busy and I do not want to become an obligations to them. I don't want them to resent me. So I don't ask them for help. I am not trying to be mean about it or hurtful, it really doesn't even enter my mind to ask.
It was just like my car accident. I trashed my poor little baby but I was perfectly fine. I did not see the need to call people and inform them of what occured. I was alive, didn't need to go to the hospital and I had mere scratches. Thats not an emergancy in my fathers family. In fact it ranks of little to no importance. The car accident just means they get to rag on me for long periods of time for my air headedness, my not being careful and the wasting of money.
Whenever I do anything. I rarely do it out of spite nor do I do it because I am stupid. I merely do it because I do not expect reactions out of people. If I hold something back it is because I assume there will be no empathy attached. Writing this I have discovered I need more social intereaction. I am good with things that are surperficial but when it comes to the heart, to attachement, to closeness I keep buggering things up.
I have been accussed of being reserved and I am not sure how I feel about that. If you ask me a question, straight out and serious than I will answer you. I hedge slightly when it comes to my emotions but I am getting better at admitting things. I do enjoy each interaction I have with someone even if they may be here today and gone tomorrow person. With each interaction I evolve even more and learn something important. I will never resent those that are here and than not. Yes it sucks getting attached to them but with each person there is a lesson and I become a better person. You can never understand nor treasure the goodness in your life without first feeling pain and loss.
I do so enjoy being right. It gives me a little thrill to know that my gut never lies to me. This is going to be fun and interesting. Play time for me, pain time for the other person. |
So many thoughts are running through my head currently and I am unsure of where to even start. Should I start at the beginning and fill everything in from there or should I merely write the middle of the story and have it go on from there? Life is oddly filled with choice and each day we must make them and then live with the consquence.
Right now fear and uncertaintly fill me along with an odd feeling of peace. I suppose that is what comes when you find a dom. Where to begin when it comes to him? He knows me rather well. Even saying that makes things light. This man seems to know and understand the inner workings of my mind. How often have I dreamed and lusted after such a quality? Now that I have it, it frightens me slightly.
I know that you should learn from your past but you should never allow it to influence your present and your future. You should take the lessons from your past and then more forward. But this man knowing the inner workings of my mind frightens me. I am afraid that I will be taken advantage of, that I will be used and tossed away. I realize that this is a foolish fear and than I need to overcome it.
I am constantly telling people that they need to take a gamble and a chance but when it comes to me, I can never follow my own advice. I know that I should take this gamble and jump in without another thought and its looking more and more likely that I will. He pushes me in a rather delicious way that has not occurred before.
He is a different sort of man than you would expect, he is even more differnt than I would expect. We all hear of those doms that expect blind obedience. Those that have come before him can tell him that I have a difficult time doing that. Part of me will and probably always rebel. There will always be those couple secons and minutes of me thinking things through and weighting the pros and cons. It is merely something I do.
With him, he makes requests. He always leaves me an option and I love that so. I don't love it because I can choose not to listen to him but I love it because it gives me these of feeling I still have freedom. Do I do the tasks he lays out for me? Yes I do because I wish to please him. Hearing him tell me I am a good girl gives me a nice little thrill.
He told me the other day that I need to just take the rollar coaster ride and look back on the fond memories. I understand this mentality, at leas the logical part of me does. However, the emotional part of me is tired of looking fondly on the memories. I want something more but I will never ask for it. I perfer having what I do now for as long as I can have it.
I have a nice little gift right now and I am slightly fighting against it. I realize what I have right now is a gift. It is everything I have ever wanted. But a part of me wants to push it away because I do not believe that I deserve it. If he was around me right now or was hearing these thoughts I would be getting a lecture. And I will be the first to admit that I deserve it.
Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real and yet so often we allow it to control our life. We are only born with two fears and yet by the time we die we have so many more. I want to refuse to allow this fear to control my life and normally I allow no fear to control me. I normally run screaming into it and tell it to bugger at. But this time I am cautious. I want to leap in and I am about to.
I have a short time with him. I want to take advantage of the time I have with him. This is a chance to have something that I have not had ever before. I just need to not allow certain mentalities to control me. |
You mention your lifestyle choices even casually and it can either turn someone on or turn them off. If you turn them on...then you have to get down and dirty to teach them. You know....I should be a teacher as much as I lecture people. You just have to make sure yoy re-enforce certain points because some only see the sex.
They don't see the many layers that the lifestyle holds. They unfortunately do not see the psychology behind everything and yes there is psychology whether you choose to admit it or not. You have yo know people and yourself to make wise choices. You have to realize and accept the truth even within yourself. How can you enter your partnership without first being honest about your needs? If you lie about your needs/wants then your partnership fizzles and dies. You could even begin to resent your partner when your needs are not meant due to your own fear.
Fear. We all wish to overcome it. Sometimes we have the strength to do it on our and in others we need our partner. I believe this is why I fell in love with Bdsm. I saw what it could offer me...not sexually(although that's nice too) but what it offers to my mentality. That is the biggest thing with me. The ability to grow as I never have before. |
In high school my sex-education teacher did an exercise that confused many. At the beginning of our class she handed all of us a Hershey Kiss and told us we were not allowed to eat it without her permission. Ten minutes later she told us that she may unwrap the Kiss but that was all we were allowed to do. Ten minutes later she told us that we were allowed to lick our Kiss but we were still not allowed to eat it. Least to say some of the kids could not excel at this and ate their kiss right then and there. Ten minutes later she told us that had Kisses remaining we allowed to take a small nibble off of the Kiss but still not allowed to eat it. More students failed at it. Towards the end of the class she told us remaining student we were allowed to eat our Kiss and asked what was the point of the exercise. It was a show of instant gratification.
Our society is one of instant gratification and a sexual one as well. Combine those two and we have moral issues, health issues and emotional issues. We all want what we want and we want that thing even more when it is placed right in front of our eyes. The mere idea that we can't have what we want is mind boggling. If foreplay starts many people automatically want sex. They can't understand that even within foreplay there is a certain release and I am not just talking about the orgasm and rush of endorphins.
Sex/foreplay have many important sides to it that we seem to forget about. Without trust there is no point in having sex with someone, although I hear it occurs often. But let's think about it. Sex is something where we are most vulnerable. One, we are naked as a jay bird. Who isn't vulnerable when they are naked? Two, we have our guards down during sex. How many of you are thinking about what you need to do the following day? Okay those that raised your hand...you are not having the right kind of sex.
Power also comes to play, although a couple of you may disagree with me, that's okay, I am disagreeing with you. Sex is very much about power. Think about that little glint your lover gets in his/her eyes when you dress to impress. Think about that little thrill you get knowing that your lover rather strip you naked and have their way with you on the floor then go out and see the newest movie. Doesn't that give you a little thrill of power? I know it gives me a little thrill. The idea that I have a man that wrapped around my finger, that I have him that enthralled is...well....it appeals to me in more ways then one.
Emotions are important as well but are often forgotten about. The one night stands, the so called need to have some sort of sexual release because you have apparently gone three months, two weeks, sixteen days, five hours, thirty-six minutes and ten seconds without sex and that is such a LONG time. So occasionally we go out to some bar, get wildly drunk and find our release in an "attractive" person. But we need emotions, we need to know we are worth something other that as an outlet, and I am looking at this from a relationship perspective. If we think that we are merely a sexual outlet we wither and no longer want to be in a relationship. If we believe we are merely an outlet then we begin to wonder if we deny them that out let than who else are they going to seek to be there outlet. There is always Rosy palm and her five friends, the $100 whore down the road, Tina the blow up doll and Karen I'll-screw-anything-with-a-penis the local town tramp that hangs out in the bar. Sorry to say if my man every cheats on me, he better say goodbye because I am all about revenge when my pride gets pricked.
Relationships are all about balance. You can not have just a sexual relationship and you can not just have an emotional relationship. If you have just an emotional relationship you wonder if you are lacking sexually, then you are almost positive that your significant other is seeking sex from others. If a relationship is just about sex then you wonder if your relationship has any future after you have done every position in the Kama Sutra and the 365 Position book. We also forget that sex is about truth, or at least in my opinion.
You have to be honest about what you like, how you like it and how often you want it. I think that is why I like those that are part of the BDSM lifestyle (although there is more reasons why I like the lifestyle). They are honest about what they life and they have no shame in it. Our society fears what it does not understand but lets take a real quick dive into the lifestyle of BDSM now that I have mentioned it.BDSM is a lifestyle that is not just about sex (although our society believe it is and the occasional fool that enters the lifestyle). BDSM is a unique look at the combination of sex and relationships. Within BDSM there is trust, communication, honesty, and emotions. There is not a relationship without it. The Master/Mistress and slave will not accept going into the relationship without it. Of course there is the occasional mistake but this will occur. Each partner knows and realizes that without honesty they will not get what they want out of the relationship and since sex is a focus, no one wants bad sex.
Bad sex is one of those things that causes you to start planning what you are going to be doing the next day. I think one of the problems is the need for instant gratification. Everyone wants to reach the big O, and they don't care if their partner reaches their peak. Sensuality and foreplay are often forgotten about. Which makes me extremely upset.Screw the sex, push that to the side. Ignore that part A gets inserted into part B and sometimes C is achieved.
We are going to focus on foreplay. If foreplay is done correctly then you really don't need to insert part A into part B. I don't know how many of you realize this but you can have an orgasm during foreplay. Our bodies are made for foreplay and I am sorry foreplay doesn't count as foreplay if it lasts for about ten minutes. Foreplay is an art and I am sorry I believe that it should be focused on more than the insertion of A into B. With foreplay you can learn so much about your lover. You learn what makes them sigh, arch their back, beg you to stop, beg you to not stop, and what drives them crazy. That way (smirks) you can "accidentally" brush your fingers against the spot while watching a movie or eating dinner (like I said sex is about power and so is foreplay).
Remember ladies and gentleman. Forget about the instant gratification. Slow things down. Explore your lover. Learn something new. Relish in it, the power, the vulnerability, the trust, the emotion, and the communication. Don't rush...enjoy |
Note to self: Stop picking up the wounded souls. *Procceeds to bash head off of desk* I said I need to stop picking up the wounded souls and I really do. Every man or woman I happen to talk to, I end up playing counselor with. Tweaking them here or tweaking them there. Giving them confidence or helping them to see the beauty that surrounds them. And I think this is why I am seeking a Master/Mistress. At least that should be one person I should not have to heal out of the fifty I talk to on a regular basis. *Shurgs* Such is life. Oh...and morons..please continue to message me. I always enjoy a good laugh at your expense. Most of you can not stand toe to toe with me when it comes to sarcasm *inset sticking out tongue* Yes I know childish but I am feeling rather playful tonight. :D |
What a beautiful morning. Laundry is done. Nails are trimed, filed and being painted for my chaotic week of work, and going out on a couple dates. I am rather excited to go see Phantom of the Opera. To me Wenesday can not come fast enough. And I am reading over CM's journals, something I adore doing.
I love to see what people think and how they process information. I love people. I enjoy talking to new people and I really do adore learning. I would love to go through most of these profiles and ask one simple question. Why?
Why do you have this mentality? Why do you serve this man/woman? Why are your festishes your fetesishes? Why did you choose this slave/sub? What do you hate doing? What is your biggest fear? Why do you seem to be growing tired of CM? Do you understand that you have to first be given a trial before anything is gifted to you?
This can only mean one thing in my eyes. I am desperatly seeking someone that can carry on an intelligent conversation with me. Someone that will debate with me, the mentality of man, religion, morales, or even behavior. What can I say, my favorite subject to study is and more than likely will always be my fellow man. |
I believe people are beginning to realize my personality. A true shame because I am leaving school in a month. I am done with my training and I am excited to begin my life.
A couple of the girls have complained to the RAs(residential advisors)about my blunt speaking. The RAs have told the girls, "Listen that is just how she is. If she has a problem with you she will tell you. She does not care if you are student, staff or her best friend. She treats everyone equally the same." And this is honestly true. I treat everyone equally. I do not care what position you have in my life. If I have a problem with you I will tell you. I am too blunt to pussy foot around things.
A certain individual I have been talking to here is rather shocked with my mentality. I understand things differently than the majority of people. When it comes to relationships/love, I am rather skilled. This man has been having issues within a complicated relationship he is holding.
I have told him straight up, you are not getting sex from me. I do not share in any instances. What is mine, is mine and no one better touch it or the vengeful side appears. I have a month left in school. I enjoy spending time with you but that is all that will occur.
Okay and maybe a little touching/flirting. I will be the first one to admit I thrive on touch. Ahhhh the pleasure that comes from a simple carress of the fingertips is divine. I don't care if I am being touched (although for some reason very few people can touch me right) or if I am the one touching. If I care for someone, I show it through touch.
I think I confuse him. I don't pressure him for anything more than he can offer. I do not condemn him for his choices. I show him logic where he may have missed it and I offer him compassion where he has had stress. I am one of those true unique giving people.
Do not get excited and believe that you can take advantage of me though. Despite my light nature, I am well balanced. I have a dark side that perhaps no one should bring out. I can heal and I can destory. Unlike most of our population that is mainly one natured, I am dual. I will offer you solace but if you take advantage of my kidness I will destory you in my very next breath.
This tends to keep most people in check as I never lie about who I am. Why should I? I am extremely proud of the woman I am and the woman I am becoming. I am a giver, a healer, a punk, a sophisticated woman, I am rocker, a country girl, an intellect, an air head, a joker, and the serious one. I am simply me. Love me or hate me but either way I am smiling at you. |
The question of the day. Do I wish to server or do I wish to dominate? Both have their positive sides. Which do I really need?
This is the problem when one is constantly evolving. The needs and wants are constantly evolving again. Perhaps I shoulod just surf until something peeks my interest. Yes I do believe I shall do that. |
Note to self: One mustn't laugh at the Masters that try to play the big bad wolf, you will spit soda all over the computer.
*Instert much eye rolling here* Just because you are a Master does not mean I will come crawling to you on my hands and knees the first chance I get. *points to profile* I am labled a switch, loves, this mean I do not scrape, bow, or beg unless you can top me. Oh I can sub, I have done it a couple times and enjoyed the living hell out of it. But I think currently my dom side is coming out to play and she wants someone who is frisky and willing to fight. |
Question. Why do slaves/subs/bottoms go into a sub space? What is the point of this? I never really got it and I don't think I will. Any one care to explain? |
Just one simple message to a dom has me now seeking to write out further my thoughts. The rather annoying deadly thing about being an author, once something peaks your interst and your brain starting rolling it is rather difficult to shut it off.
Something in his profile caught me eye. I think it caught my eye more as it has been a topic I have given much thought to in the past couple of days. Why this is I really do not know but it has. It is the idea of labels.
We give everything a label so it fits in a nice simple box where we can seem to process it easier. However, I am discovering (and no I am not stroking my ego) that I do not fit into a simple box. I am constantly surprising people who think they know me and then I say something off the way so they discover that they actually don't.
I am so many things. I am a geek, a nerd, a anime fan, a rocker, a country girl, a air head, a philosopher, I am dark and I am light. I can be the happiest girl walking around and I cna be the darkest. I can be the most caring, loving self-sacrificing woman you have run into and in the next thirty seconds I can turn into a bitch that could easily start planning a very uncomfortable torture and death.
These days I am seeing myself as more balanced that what I used to be. I am also realizing I am becoming more secure in myself. I am evolving slowly right in front of my own eyes and it is a fascinating process to watch. |
My aggression is picking up each day. I think this is a sign I am not getting what I want. Lately I want to curl around someone and just be idly stroked, petted or I want to pet and stroke. For a while there I was getting constant attention...now I have nothing. Uber grrr. I want to touch and be touched. And damnit it doesn't even have to be bloody sexual. |
So I have been thinking lately. My dominate side is coming out...whoops? Sure I can be a sub to a man but sadly I am not finding that. This brings on my aggression and I want to top and demand.
Currently I want to walk over to a man or a woman, grip them by the hair, make them knee and say MINE. In my current state of mind I could easily have a male slave (which I am not really that big into male slaves) and a female slave. Right now I wish to be a Mistress to a poly household where my slaves are mine and they know how to share. They would know that I loved them all in their own seperate way. And I have no idea what brought this on either. |
Due to extreme klutzy nature I became a blood sacrifice to the concrete gods today. Tripping over uneven roadway equals to me with rather large abrassions on my knee, elbow and hand. Damn my klutzy nature and fragile skin! |
I am sitting here thinking about all the punishment that could possibly be given to me that would really teach me a lesson. Sorry ladies and gentleman, punishing me with physical pain will do nothing but push me into my own little lala and end up having me laugh in your face. Not even humilation will do it for me. No, my own forms of punishment is something only my own little twisted mind could come up with. Damn I am evil. But I would expect the one I serve to know me well enough to be able to punish me properly. |
I am exhausted but instead of sleeping (as any sane or normal person would be doing)I find my self writing. Not a too big of a surprise there as I personally think I write some of my most interesting pieces when I am barely coherent.
What is annoying about being exhausted is my clumsy nature increase a hundred fold. I have been known to be slightly clumsy when I am fully rested but take away that rest and watch out. I run into things, trip over my own feet, drop things and I find it becomes difficult to speak. Hell even writing this I am making the most moronic spelling mistakes. It has me looking back going..."What the hell!"
I guess I should more than likely stop writing and take a nap. I have to be up once more at 9:30pm and play evil, nasty, dominating, section leader (aka I tell the girls on my dorm floor what to do). Yes, even at school I am given positions of power, go figure.
Nothing too much else is going on. I am working now which is nice. It means money, and it lends a little bit of chaos to my life. I thrive on chaos (I know it is weird) but think about the challenges that chaos gives to you. I love and adore a lovely challenge. I think it is about the thrill of pushing myself
I have an extremely bad habit that is pushing myself to the limit. I once worked twenty four hourse straight to see if I could. I worked a third shift position, a first shift position and rode a bike six miles every day to see if I could. Not knowing one's limits is slightly dangerous, okay it is a dangerous thing for someone such as me. I don't hold fear. I look up at a big rock cliff and think "Yep, I can climb that. Might get cut several times and there is a chance I may fall but at least I can say I did it."
I think thats why I want/need a Master. It is nice to have someone pull on my reigns and tell me firmly that no what I am about to do is not a good idea. These actions have only become worse with age now. I walk up to the biggest bads ones on my school (not a safe thing as most kids are from the inner city and have served time), raise an eyebrow and tell them where to stick it. Yeah, I like to push because I can, that and very few people ever push back.
Most of the time I laugh in the faces of those that threaten me. Most I consider prey. Its bloody difficult not to find someone you do not view as prey. And surprisingly I have been playing rather nice on my campus. I haven't really sharpened my claws ones. A rather unknown thing to occur.
Man this is making me sound like a bitch. But even though I do have this side of my. I am also too loving. Too nice. Too giving and accomidating of those I love or consider mine. *Shurgs* Ce la vive, I am realizing I am a lovely little balance....ish. SWEET! |
Ever watch society pass you by, waiting and watching on a baited breath for someone or something to peak your interest? Yeah, that occurs to me often. |
Nerd/Geek moment....these have been know to happen some what to me. I think that this prayer (which in no way is mine) is perfect for many people. How often do we find ourselves overwhelmed by fear. True the strong push pass their fear to face the other side. But occasionally we all need something to help us overcome that fear. Whether it be trust or a little mantra in our head
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain |
Look who is back until Thursday. Thats right...me! |
So this is going to be my last journal entry for a bit. I am going to go home for around two weeks and I am unsure how often I am going to be able to get on. I don't own a computer at home and not to mention I am going to be rather busy spending time with people. Two weeks is a short time to spend with friends and family when you plan to disappear again to school. So if anyone wants to message me or peak my interest. I suggest you do it tonight or be patient and wait until I return to school. Which is not going to be until July 18. |
My eyelids feel like there is sand jammed up in them, fatigue makes me slow and VERY clumsy. I however, can not grab sleep for another 40 minutes. I am dreading the work that will begin for me in thirty minutes. I hate cleaning an entire bathroom that is shared by a dorm because broads are lazy. I am so tired I am not even going to argue with them or worry about it. If I have to clean the entire hallway I will do it just to make sure it gets done and done correctly. So who wants to keep me up for the next forty minutes with conversation? Oh, and has anyone else looked at metal collars? You know the real pretty ones. I will one day have one of those around my neck. |
I am losing my focus these days. Nothing is what I want it to be, not as if I mind that but things feel as if they have...shifted. It feels weird. Any more when I get on this website I am feeling detached. I don't know whats going on. I am having fun talking with people but it doesn't feel the same as when I started. I hope that will eventually change. |
Through time and space, the basic desire is the same. We all wish to be loved, understood and cherished for the people that we are. Having that so close to us is pure agony. How could it not be? We can brush what we so desperately want with our fingertips only to have it pull away suddenly. It causes our breath to catch and a desire to scream out our frustrations to the world.
What is even crueler is when we believe that we have found it and it has disappeared. But can you blame those that shatter into the tiny piece when that goes away? The beauty of being understood, it can cause even the strongest to fall prey. Through understanding there comes so much.
How can you love someone without first understanding and accepting who they are? If you love someone then you do not wish to change them. You pray and hope that they will choose to better themselves but you never purposely try to change them.
And with understanding is there not peace? When someone understands you; they can look at your face and while the world sees nothing wrong, they see the tears glittering behind the mask. Would that not cause you to feel peace?
We all wear masks, in the public, in the home because we fear that people will not accept us for who we really are that they will not understand us. These masks eventually weigh us down, causing us to drag our feet and we no longer know what the mask is and what the truth is. But can’t even masks be a shadow of what the truth really is? What is the truth and what is the mask?
When we figure this out do we discover degrees of peace? Do we then shed the masks or do we finesse them to become something better? Do we strip away everything to become vulnerable? Do we even wish to strip everything away to become vulnerable?
Do we stand before those that we trust, naked, without masks and ask them to take us? Is that the truth behind the true beauty of submission and being a slave. Do we shed everything before those we serve, show them the wounds, the scars, the vulnerability and ask them to understand, accept, and help? Is that the true purpose of a Master/Mistress, to look beyond what a slave presents the world, strip them bare and reshape them?
Do we then respect both sides of the relationship; the slave/sub to have the strength to stand in front of someone and be that vulnerable and the Master/Mistress to have the strength to reshape something that may not have been broken but at least cracked? What is the true beauty of a BDSM relationship? I am sure it is different for everyone but for me, I think I have finally found it. |
Do to boredom and borderline fatigue I am going to randomly rant and write a journal entry, which when I look back will more than likely make no sense. But such is life and if you all can tell I don't really care. YAY!
So I am moving around and feeling those annoying aches and pains that comes from being somewhat delicate (which is sort of odd) and rough housing too much. I will be honest, I don’t mind minor pain, at a young age I learned to breathe through it and go some where else and now I just find it annoying. But as I am rather annoyingly delicate, I bruise rather easily. It shocks many people and then they usually stop messing around with me.
I mean it doesn’t even take much sucking to give me a hickey. Ten seconds and I am more than likely marked, which causes me to have a love/hate relationship. I enjoy knowing I am marked, however, I dislike that the general public can see them and then refer to me as a slut. Not as if I really give two copper pennies what the general public thinks of me. However, my chosen career field also frowns upon it. *Shrugs* Not as if all of this really matter though right now. I am merely addressing the issue because I have bruises from a friend choosing to gnaw on me.
I probably should go to bed but if I fall asleep now I am going to wake up early with nothing to do. Its not as if I can get back on the internet, my room mates like to sleep in rather late during the weekend. I am rather polite when it comes to things such as that. I was raised to respect others even if they do not show the same in return.
So I have ranted a lot, I am looking at this wondering if I should stop ranting. I am not being enlightening at all nor am I delving into some social subject that will peak people’s thoughts and make them think. Nothing really has struck me lately to start analyzing people. I mean sure I do it all the time but its not as if I have discovered anything new. So I believe I will go back to surfing profiles I have already surfed and perhaps think of some intelligent questions to pose to people. |
I have been looking around to at the world around us…again. This time I have been analyzing the thinker, those that look at the world and are constantly asking why. These people think not with their hearts but with their heads. There is nothing wrong with this, if you know how to handle these people. You have to understand that it is not that they do not feel it is that they hide their emotions.
They do not know how to handle them; their emotions seem like an foreign thing. Maybe and perhaps this comes mostly from fear. With intelligence, it can never really come back and bite you in your ass. However, if you allow your emotions to control you, they most often come back to bite you in the ass. They are pure chaos while logic seems like order. To most people the choice is not very hard to make. They will chose order.
The thinker is most often confused by love and its unconditional terms. They are constantly seeking the loop hole or trap that comes with this emotion. A person should never be able to give unconditionally, at least in their eyes. I disagree. I think that a person should give unconditionally to those that they love. Why should you attach fine print and stipulations to the love that you are giving.
And yet within our world we often tell others that we love them and it is usually not the unconditional love. We attach those stipulations to our love demanding so much from the other one we are “loving”. Which is wrong, at least in my eyes. Yes there are many forms of love but I believe you should be able to love openly and give without automatically expecting something in return.
Are we so selfish that we must attach a price to everything? Is it because we fear that if we give and give; we will get nothing in return? Are we afraid that we will become shadows of our former selves because people became to greedy? Does fear run our lives more than we actually give credit for. True we can conquer such fears as heights or spiders but can we truly ever over come our emotional fears?
Happy Midsummer/Summer Siolstice |
I just spent some quality time with me. I was reading over my previous journal entries. It is something I love to do every now and again. I will stroke my ego slightly when I say, I can come up with some rather well thought out thoughts. I was reading over my previous journal entries rather shocked at my thought process. I am rather well written for your typical 22 year old. I could, however, probably be better. Oh and if there are many grammer and spelling msitakes in this journal entry, I apologize. I broke my glasses and I am typing merely from memory. That and I am praying to my gods I do not mess up that badly.
As I was reading over my previous journal entries I found it fascinating watching my thought process change. Even now it is changing from what it used to be. I have been sitting here recently wondering if I really wish to serve any more. No I do not wish to take myself out of the lifestyle altogether, nor am I seeking to be only a Mistress. I guess what I am trying to say is I am mainly focusing on being friends with people. If something more occurs, great. If not then it will not affect me any. Athough I will admit, sometimes I rub my neck wishing for that delicious weight of a collar. I think the idea of being collared is a beautiful one. True many may not see it as that but in my eyes it is a wonderful and beautidul thing. A collar does not have to be a tacky leather thing. It can be a beautiful metal collar, worn twenty four seven like a wedding band, showing your commitment to your Master/Mistress.
All it is such a beautiful idea/dream, being collared to the one Master/Mistress that I would serve for a long period of time. *Shrugs* But right now I am finishing up my schooling. I have two more weeks until summer vacation and then I am home for two weeks without net. Then I am back to school for a seven week internship. From there I can stay in school and take up a second trade or I can come home. I am unsure what I will do but it is looking pretty likely I will go home.
True I am comfortable in this schooling system. I have responsibilty and then again I have none. But I am also excite to get home and really start my life......again. And yet don't we start our lives again every time we step out our front door? Its a brand new opportunity and a new chance. |
I have resisted ranting for the longest time but now I can no longer resist. I do not care who you are husband, wife, best friend, Master, Mistress or relaitive, you do not under any circumstances try to tell me what to do. I have free will and I choose to do what I will.
Under no circumstances is it all right to tell me who I may or may not be friends with. I understand that you may not care for my friends, but you should respect me enough by not trying to make me choose. You may not like what I wear, but you also have free will.
I am who I am and under no circumstances do you have the right to change who I am. If you tell me to do something I will laugh in your face. If you ask me to do something I will consider it.
I am a pretty easy going person. And I can understand that in some cases as being a slave I will have to submit to my Master/Mistress's will but that is becuase I choose to. I was given free will and I will wield it. Try to take it away and you will suffer me wrath. |
Being away at school has had me looking closer at who I am, as I am constantly surrounded by other people. More children than anyone else. They are young, many right out of high school and have not switched gears yet mentally. Or perhaps they do not see anything wrong with their behavior. That has been known to be the case as well.
I am slowly realizing that I very much the mother figure within my group of friends. I offer solace, comfort and good old fashion TLC when they need it. Things like this used to bother me. However, any more I am just rolling with it. Why fight against you nature or curse the gods for not giving what you want at that point of time?
I am sitting here trying to put all my chaotic thoughts in one general direction. Trying to get them to flow where I want them to but of course they refuse to go. Nothing new there. Well such is life. |
So bored. And I am tired. Need sleep and perhaps intelligent conversation. I should be doing some work...but I am ahead of my class. I should be writing but I am tired. Someone should bring me Mt.Dew. |
So I have been analyzing things again...nothing really new in that. When I have lots of spare time on my hands I begin to pull at the strings that connect my life. I begin to question why and I begin to look at the movements around me, as well as myself.
My brother recently told me that I need to start focusing on myself more, that I need to find peace within my self. It was funny when he told me that because that same weekend I was told that all I am looking for is a little bit of happiness.
However, my question is, are we all not looking for some happiness and peace within our lives? But, at least in my eyes, it is a state that we can not constanly be in. I mean yes it is nice to be happy, it is nice to feel at peace. However, how could we treasure or know that peace and happiness without first knowing the chaos and strife that come with life.
I sometimes think I am sick and twisted individual. You give me chaos, pain and strife and I have no trouble accepting that in my life. I see that it a needed part of our life. However, you give me happiness and peace and I am freaking out. I guess it is because once you have it you are afraid that it will come with a heavy price or that you will lose it as quickly as you gain it.
Do we pay for everything we have in life in one form or another? Is it simply monetary value or perhaps something even more. Is life a constant give and take struggle? |
So after a rather long abscence....more due to things out of my control than anything, I have returned. I am rather happy about this. I have missed being on this site and talking to people.
So I am back in school. I am doing great, of course. I am meeting intresting people on campus. And yet I can still be bored. I missed this part of my life, the entire lifestyle and talking to people about it.
I am surrounded by normal people constantly. Nothing wrong with that but what really had me missing this site more than anything was a conversation I had tonight. There is a young buck on my campus that says he is a Master and I had to explain the lifestyle to a couple of my friends. It had me longing for the good old days of surfing CM.
So basically I have returned. Which means I will be able to communicate with people (although I do not have any messengers (another long story)). Oh and I have to look if I changed my city. I am now offically in Pittsburgh PA! |
Its almost 1am. Do you know where your sanity it? I must certainty do not. I am rather bored and I am multi tasking. Would someone PLEASE harass me. Well someone that can hold intelligent conversation...please and thank you.
Impress me please. Show me that you are not like everyone else. Lets see some originality people. Let me see your own uniqueness.
Well its always nice to know that idiots, users, liars, and cowards are everywhere. So who here can see that my workings with a regular joe worked out GRAND? Yeah, I enjoy being fucked with. I must have a sticker on my forehead that say "Please lie, use and abuse me". If anyone sees me wearing this sticker, please point it out so I can rip the bloody thing off.
Moving on from my random rant. I am going to Pittsburg on April 5th to go back to school. This means a brand new city to play with, well it isn't brand new to me, but I am coming at it with a differently mentality. I am get to spend a month though stuck on my bloody campus. *Shrugs* Not like it will bother me that much.
So I am leaving for Pittsburgh on April 5th. It will be about a month until I get everything settled and allowed to party in the big city.
Okay Ladies and Gents...since I am now here for intellectual discussion only (hopefully I find some) I have decided to pose a question or and idea every day (will probably be more like when I am feeling froggy *smiles*).
So here is my idea/question. I have a regular joe (vanillia I guess is the proper term *rolls eyes*) and he doesn't really care for bondage (personally when we were discussing it last night I think he thought I was talking about tying him up....which I wasn't) and I explained to him a couple scenes. One of them was having him blindfolded.
Now lets look at being blindfolded. As humans we rely mostly on our sense of sight. How often do we base things on our sense of sight and that alone? Now lets take that sense away. Since it is the strongest our other senses leap in trying to overcome.
I want you to sit there right now and close your eyes (I don't care if you are a slave of a Master...I will explain this thought process later on) and imagine your lover is there. Your ears strain to hear your lover, the rustle of their clothes, and their footsteps on the carpet. You try to smell their scent, hoping you can at least sense them close that way. Your body quivers waiting for their touch to come, the feel of their finger tips lightly running down the length of your body, their lips skimming down your neck and their teeth nipping on your ear. Everything is so senstive...so heightened that just the littlest thing can send you over the edge.
Now, who here that read that, didn't find that utterly fascinating? I don't care if you are a slave or if you are a Master. Light bondage such as being blindfolded can be rather fun...for both parties in fact. As A Master/Mistress/Top how often do you experience sensations like that? Try it...you might like it. |
=)) Anyone else notice when reading over the journals of others the general disgust of fake people. I am over here laughing my ass off. I blame it on me sobering up after drinking. I think those that are tired of all the "fakes" should start a club. Lets be honest with one another people. So realize the game they play and others don't. Some play to hurt and others become frightened of what is offered. As all of us are grown adults...some of us mature while others seem to be lacking....we should be able to weed through the children playing the adults. True it gets annoying kicking the children constantly to the curb but still....there are fake people on here, there are idiots on here and there are those that probably should be pushed into a black hole. Remember ladies and gents...you sometimes have to dig/weed through all the bullshit to get the true golden gem. ;) |
Excuse me while I once more beat my head off of a desk. Gods people...read the profile...I am a switch looking to serve. I don't want a slave and besides even if I did I would perfer to have a female slave. Just how I work. *Rolls eyes* People. I am done getting aggrevated at the idiots though.
And now moving on to a more intresting topic, Pride. People these days seem to lack pride whether they be the dominate or the submissive personality. I personally think that no matter your position in the relationship, you should have pride. I do not think that just because you serve you should not have pride.
You should. You should be proud that you are serving someone. You are skilled in your own seperate ways. You anticipate the needs of the one you serve. You make the one you serve happy in ways that no one else could. So no matter what position your Master/Mistress may have you in, submit to them yes, but carry yourself high. No one should be able to strip you of your pride, even if you are serving someone else.
And Master/Mistress, well we all know they have pride. They are shaping someone, bringing the light forth, making someone shine. Ahhh the beauty of shaping a slave, watching them grow. Mmmm *shivers* now that I think is the true delight. Yummy. I think there is nothing more beautiful that taking a slave and molding them into something everyone wants. Now there is something to have lots of pride for.
As you can see, pride can and should be carried by both parties as long as it does not take a twisted turn. Unfortuently many human emotions can become twisted over time. Remember everything is about a delicate balance. It is something that many have difficulties achieving but those that try, well they should be honored. |
*Beats head off of desk several times* GODS! People! Please for the sake of my bloody freaking sanity! Read my profile! Read my journals! Start to understand who I am before you waste your time and mine messaging me. Honestly!
*Beats head off of desk....again* Please for the sake of my sanity ladies and gentleman...be fairly intelligent if you wish to talk to me, don't be a troll, and I am not going to give you sex right off the bat! Gods *randomly kicks things* Thats it....I swear on all the gods and everything I value.....if I do not get intelligent messages you will automatically be tossed on ignore. I am not going to change this rule for anyone. *huffs and wallks away in disgust* |
So I became rather disgusted today, not like that is too particulary hard to achieve these days, as I thought about the annoying pathetic emails that I recieved last night. (Not to mention I am paying a closer eye to me fellow humans and watching their rather sad and pathetic attempts at life) If you can not tell I have become once again highly disgusted and rather jaded with human life....again. A rather surprising thing for a 22 year old to achieve.
Yes I understand the CM is a BDSM website and I understand that many automatically link sex with it. There is nothing wrong with sex and there are so many forms. I am one of those people that can not have meaningless sex. I can't do it as I see no point nor urge in it. I have to feel a connection with someone and for that to occur I have to actually have an intelligent conversation with that person. Well not one, several would be nice but still.
So what I am trying to say is just because I am on CM and I am seekinng to serve, this does not mean I am going to jump into bed with you. For the love of all that is unholy would you trolls go find others like yourselves and leave me the hell alone.
I guess I am just becoming disgusted with everything right about now. Liars, little boys playing at being men, those that appear and then disappear as quickly as they come, players, cheats, idiots and trolls. I see so much of it I find myself not getting attached to many if any. They all yo yo in and out of my life so quick that I have come to the point where I wonder why it is even worth it.
I guess what I am trying to say is any more this profile is basically to find friends, unless you are serious. I am done being yo yoed and most of you are not as serious as you think. Lie to yourself all you want but I know the truth because I have seen it. |
I am going to write this in simple phrases so everyone can understand this and yes I am slightly cranky. Do not contact me unless you read my profile. No where on it does it say I am looking for a slave. My profile is honest and straight to the point. Open your eyes, use your brain (its why you were given it), process the information and understand that even though I am a switch I am looking for a Master/Mistress. Read people! |
So...I am back. For one horrible annoying month I did not have internet. What happened you may ask? I accidently broke my laptop. I really didn't mean to as my laptop is my baby. That is what occurs however when you are a writer. So I am spending the next few days readding everything to my laptop. It is highly annoying as most of it is important stuff.
Nothing is more annoying than trying to access your second novel only to discover you do not have the proper software. So I will be beating my head against a wall until I get everything fixed. I really do not have the patience for all of this. This will teach me though. Now I am beingn extra careful with my laptop as I did not like having it...not at all.
So I am still searching for a Master, sort of. Its not taken the back burner per say. I guess I am becoming jaded, again. It has been known to occur with me. So I am taking a step back from everything. I am not getting attached to anyone because no one seems to stay around for very long. Not like I have a problem with it. I have long since accepted the fact.
So I think I will spend some time with my head to the ground studying things more until someone catches my intrest. I am not trying to say I am leaving CM because I am not. I am merely going to spend most of my time studying the ins and outs more. |
So I took a nice long hot shower, pampered myself when I got out and yet I still find myself disgusted by the general population of the earth.
Everytime I get on this website I have my fingers crossed that I will get just one intelligent email. A sign that there is intelligent life at least in the state of PA. (Yes its been known to happen as I do have several PA friends from this site) But I am seeking for that one, that Master that will be everything I need.
Some days I get no mail at all and others I am flooded by moronic trolls. I think my profile on this website is pretty cut and dry. No where do I say I am looking for little play things to keep occupied. If I wanted plaything I could have has many as I wanted.....I know...shocker but I shall now return to the topic at hand. How hard is it to get a freaking intelligent conversation going on?
And seriously men...get over your egos...get down off your rocks and stop thinking you are the gods gift to women. Just because I as a woman compliment you or try to start a conversation with you, doesn't mean I am seeking to climb in your bed. I hear that there is this wonderful thing that is called friends and conversation. Apparently everyone has them and they are rather fun and intresting.
I can not tell you how many times I have thought about deleting this profile. I get so disgusted that I think "This is the day, I am going to do it, no more CM." and yet something always constantly holds me back. I guess it is my hope that my patience (which thankfully seems to be never ending when it comes to getting what I want) pays off in the end. |
Hear ye, hear ye oh random strangers that find amusment in my rants/journals and those that I know that keep updated with me....I have some brand new news. I am going back to school. What does that mean you ask?
Well one, less time on CM. Sorry ladies and gents, my schooling comes first. This is extremely important to me and not to mention it offers me a nice little challenge I just can not resist. What can I say? I enjoy a good challenge as it pushes me to excel.
Two, I will be moving *drum roll please* out to Pittsburgh. No this small town girl is not afraid of the big bad city. I was there once all ready and lived there for ten months. Not to mention everytime I went into Squirell Hill I had to go through the ghetto. I really do not have the fear factor most people do.
I am not an adreniline junkie by any means. But if I happen to get myself in a sticky situtation then I do not have any fear that normal people have. I haven't the foggiest reason why. I have stood up to so called "scarey" people head on and didn't back down. I guess I trust me intution.
So back to the topic at hand. I am moving out to the big city, trying like hell to get into college and in the mean time going to Job Corp. I am not going to get into a long drawn out explanation about what the Corp is in my journal. It takes to long.
Oh and a third update, I will be working on my second book while I am away at college. So my time is going to be devoted to school and my book. Well unless you really catch my intrest and lets be honest, only a handful have caught my intrest so far.
I wonder if the people I speak to can feel me circling them, judging them and looking for any weakness. I also wonder if that makes them uncomfortable. I am not called Mindwalker for no reason. I am sorry folks, I will not submit to a Master/Mistress that I feel is not worthy.
I am an alpha. That means that I need another alpha to top me. I mean I guess these Master that I speak to are alphas in their own way but they are not the kind of alpha I am speaking.
And I know I am constantly saying this but I really do need to bitch slap this into some Masters mind...just because you are a Master does not mean I am going to automatically submit to you. Just because I am talking to you that doesn't mean you are my Master. It means you are going through a trial process (which many do not last as they disappear or are not the one I am looking for).
Oh and I am not stupid. Don't try to play me. I play mind games better than you and more often not I win. And man I sound more like a Mistress than a slave. Oh well...such is like. Some parts of my personality I simply can not get rid of. But I know I will make an excellent slave...one day ^_^ |
I have to laugh when it comes to me. I swear to the gods that I have a big neon sign somewhere on me that screams at people. I talk to more intresting people then even my brain can focus on. I swear I could be randomly talking to someone and fin out they are a Master. I swear to the gods every freaking time it happens. Now they may not be the Master for me but I am sure they are a Master for someone out there. Only me. I swear to the gods. Only in my life could things such as this occur. |
Due to much boredom I am once more surfing the site and deciding what chaos I can get into tonight. There is not enough going on to keep my mind active. So I am jamming out to kick ass music and choosing victims for the night (just because they are Masters doesn't mean jack). I wonder who I should harass and talk to this week. Nothing like constantly learning...WOOT! |
I have returned to haunt and annoy the lot of you because we all know thats what I did. What can I say I rock like that. I am sure I will update my journal at a later date with some weird and random rant. |
*Mutters darkly* You know I think some people are idiots when it comes to relationships and what not, or personally I think they just suck period at general social skills. Just because you either compliment someone or try to start a conversation with them does not mean you are trying to get them into your bed. *rolls eyes several times* What ever happened to simply carrying on a conversation with someone (even if they are of the opposite sex) so you can learn?
Does no one realize that you can learn through this lovely thing that is called a conversation? You know its one of those give, take things. Are people that moronic? I mean I am sorry but I am not going to hop into bed with every Tom, Dick, and Harry I find attractive. Can you not compliment someone these days without everyone thinking you are trying to get laid. *huffs in disgust*
Its called manners people. Geeze do you need a bloody instruction manual. I talk to many people and I am sorry but there are very few I am trying to sleep with. I talk, I flirt, I JOKE around. *Mutters* I want to kick half of these people. Jesus H Christ its called being polite and having manners. Idiots...I swear I am surrounded by idiots. I am rather disgusted if you can not tell by my rant.
People, why do I associate with them again? Sometimes I think it would be a lot easier if I just crawled into a hole and ignored the entire lot. Our world is so annoying these days. Stupid old soul wishing for the simpler days. *Grits teeth* I swear. Ahhh I so need to walk away from the computer before I cave into the urge and kick something. |
I find I collect wounded souls. Not a bad thing but it is a part of who I am, I am the healer. I nurture and I care. I counsel. I am the rock that even strangers find themselves leaning on. It is a gift and with every gift it is both a blessing and a curse. |
I was asked a wonderful question today. What makes me a switch? And surprisingly it didn't take that long for me to answer that question. As soon as my fingers struck the keyboard I had it. And my answer is this.
What is a Master/Mistress? A Master/Mistress is the rock in the relationship, the strength that is leaned upon in moments of weakness, the mentor and the teacher. A Master/Mistress molds, shapes and allows those that are under him/her to grow. In many relationship that I hold I am very much that. I am the Mistress, the strength, the rock to everyone elses weakness. I hold others up when many would fall and I allow them to see the lessons right in front of their eyes. This position was taken up not because I wanted to but because I have had to and it has merely stayed there. I yearn to find someone I can lean on and be submissive to because being the strength all the times occasionally causes me to fall and break when no one is around.
And it is very true. I am many people's strength. I am the one that everyone comes to when they need someone to lean on. Most days I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders and sometimes when that becomes to much, I hide away and shatter. Then I am forced once more to pick up the many pieces that is me and put them all together again. Many days I neglect my needs and my wants for others. I put many others first.
I know that when I find my Master he will make sure that all though I am there to serve his wants and needs, that I will also not be neglected in any shape nor form.
The other day I was in tears due to some family issues and I scared my sister. She told me that I was always so strong and I always took care of others that it was scary to see me cry. And I told her that "Even the strongest fall" and that is very true. Even those that nuture, protect, and allow others to grow occasionally fall. We are but human and we all fall prey to our emotions occasionally.
Some are fortunate enough that they have someone else to protect them when they fall. Unfortuently for me I have not yet found that person to shelter me. I am extremely particular in this event because when I fall, I fall hard. And I sort of have a weird outlook on it all.
Yes, I desire for my Master to shelter me, protect me and keep me safe when I fall. However, at the same time the Alpha in me, the strength, does not want to allow another to carry my burdens because I view it as unfair. My burdens should be mine alone because I know what it is like to carry others. I do not want to hurt someone with my burdens. I have carried their weight for so long that it no longer bothers me. I worry that who I share my life with will not. I am not sure I got the point across but this is how I feel. |
I have been thinking a lot lately (even worse now since I am drinking) about what I am truly seeking. The more Master and slave I talk to the more it striked me about what I am desiring.
I have been on CM for maybe a couple weeks now and I have come to a realization about what I am seeking. Most on this website seem to be seeking one thing, sexual bondage, which isn't bad it is merely not for me. If I wanted sexual bondage I could go seek that anywhere. I mean having kinky sex is not THAT difficult to achieve.
What I seek is mental bondage. I wish to serve my Master heart, body, mind and soul. I am not worried about my body, my body is something that is easy to bind. My mind, heart and soul is something that is all together different. Those will take one hell of a man to dominate. And sadly I am not focusing like I am supposed to or should be doing because I am drinking. I think I will come back to this topic at a later date without alcohol in my system. |
Why is no one up a this insane hour to speak to me as boredom sets in? |
Every now and then I have a nice little agressive side that comes out to play and I can't put her away. Right now I just feel like rolling my eyes, cornering most of these men on this site and say "Prove your dominance, let me see it." Okay I know that not every Master can dominate every slave out there but come on men.
I guess I am just getting disgusted. I am surfering through this website as I do every now and then and I am going through my normal, "No, too old; no, not intelligent enough; no, not attracted to; no, into things I am not; no, not dominate enough(and yes I can tell through a profile); no, too young." And some days I feel like beating my head off the walls.
Where the bloody hell is the Master I am seeking? And does no one read profiles any more? I swear I constantly get the "What are you into?" emails. Which of course have me replying "Read my profile its all there." I mean if someone catches your eye, please spend at least five minutes of your "precious" time and read their profile. I swear to the gods it will not kill you nor make you stupid.
My profile says it all. It is a piece of who I am, so if you think my picture is cute, READ THE BLOODY PROFILE! *Rolls eyes once more*
And why is it so hard to find a cultured man in PA? Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the rednecks (I grew up in redneck territory and am one slightly) but I am also cultured. Well okay so I am sort of young and have not experienced everything I wish to but still. Come on men a little culture will not harm you in the tinest bit. |
I have just read a very intresting journal entry...well it was more than one but they still had the basic idea, the "Alpha". I must say I agreed with many of the points that he made about the alpha female as I am one.
I was once told that I should be training to be a Mistress instead of a slave, that I did not have the proper slave attitude. Which I do not believe is necessarily true. I am what you can consider as an Alpha. As I am an Alpha I will not submit to just any man that claims he is a dom.
There is a certain presences that have to be there. A certain vibe. Most of the times I pace around them, look them up and down and discover no they are not strong enough to dominate me. I know there are men that are out there that can dominate me. I have met just a small handful.
Most men though I can raise my eyebrow and laugh in their face when they try to dominate me. You know sometimes it sort of does suck being as strong as I am, it makes finding a Master twice as difficult compared to most slaves or those seeking to be dominated. |
It seems that during Christmas every wishes to have someone to share the holidays with. Personally I am laying here at a ridiculous hour because I like to push myself and rolling my eyes. Why during the holidays? Personally Christmas is another day in my eyes...excpet one where I am given gifts for merely being alive...yay I guess. Can anyone tell that Christmas is not my fav time of year? Its not because I am jaded...that is far from the case. I am a rather happy person. I merely do not understand all the hype about this bloody holiday. Sure I enjoyed it when I was younger but that was due to family....now said family is estranged. I still get to see them but truly I think that this time should be more for the children than for anyone else.
You should not just shower those you love with gifts on one bloody day. Personally I used to shower my loved ones with random gifts all the time. I saw a movie I knew they wanted...I would pick it up....send random cards and what have you not. Sure this is can be a time for celbrating family and what have you not but also its a time to rejoice in the things that you have.
I am noticing that some on this website focus on merely the bad and some what annoying things in their life. Well we are all unfortuently given those annoying periods in our lives where we just want to throw a tantrum and act like a child but we can't. Why? Because we are supposed to know that these annoying points in our life offer us important learning lessons. |
In no way is this poem mine. However, I thought this poem is fit for Collar Me on Christmas Eve.
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the domain, Not a subbie was stirring, (they were tied down with chains) The shackles were hung by the chimney with care, And the St. Andrews cross stood empty and bare.
The subbies were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of floggers danced in their heads; The Dom in his leather, and I in my slave cap, Had just settled down after getting our whacks.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I crept from the bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew very quickly. Tripped over some handcuffs and cursed soft and thickly.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow Gave the luster of mid-day to objects below, When, what to my sleep-crusted eyes should unfurl, But a miniature sleigh, pulled by eight pony girls,
With a Dominant driver, so forbidding and stern, I knew in a moment I'd a great deal to learn. More rapid than eagles his pony girls came, And he whipped them, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now, Dashslave! now, Danceslave! now, Pranceslave and Switch! On, Subbie! On Slavegirl! On, Slavepet and Bitch! To the top of the porch! To the training room wall! And I'll redden your bottoms, should one of you fall!
As terrified tears before the cat-o-nine flow, When they meet with an obstacle, gather courage and go, So up to the house-top the pony girls flew, With the sleigh full of sex toys, and the Dominant too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof The prancing and pawing of pony girl boots. As I drew in my head with a sense of forbode, In through the front door the Dominant strode.
He was dressed all in black, from his head to his feet, And his clothes were all studded, leathered and neat. A bundle of sex toys he had flung on his back, And he looked very menacing opening his pack.
His eyes, they were hard with a definite glower His countenance cold, and I quite felt his power. His sternly set mouth bespoke no reprieve, For the unlucky subbie who caused him to grieve.
The goatee he sported lent a devilish air As did the slight spatter of gray in his hair. He had strong pectorals and a muscular torso. That hardened and flexed and gave force to each blow.
He was lean, stern and fit, quite the Dom of my dreams, And I wanted to serve him, so went down on my knees. He looked down upon me, with a turn of his head, He made my soul tremble while my heart filled with dread;
He spoke not a word, but put me to straight to work, He watched me in silence, idly tapping his quirt. "Heel me," he commanded, the lone words he would say, And he stalked out the door as I rushed to obey.
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team cracked the whip, Pulled me 'cross his knee, where i hung scared and limp. And he whispered to me, "I shall teach you a lesson. Happy Christmas, new slave; tonight we shall session." |
You can go through many of these profiles and jouranls and see almost a common thing with most people, the dislike of those that are "fake". Not as if you can blame people for this dislike neither. Time is something that is important and not to be wasted lightly. However, is it really wasted on a "fake" person?
We all must learn as we walk through life. How do we learn? We learn through our mistakes. Without trial and error how can we ever understand what is occuring? How can we know a person is "fake" or not without first having an experience with a "fake" person? And true it can be an ego crusher and we feel like the biggest idiot on the face of the planet but we also know what to look for the next time.
Even though I am fondly called "Mindwalker" and I read people extremely well for someone my age, I have had my fair encounter of "fake" people. And like everyone else I was severly burned. Prehaps it is because I allowed my emotions to become involved but I learned my lesson. And I will admit it was a blow to my pride but now I know what to look for. Not to mention it was one of those firm bitch slaps to listen to what my intution was telling me.
We all are lead astray at one point or another. It occurs no matter how we wish to deny it. Sometimes we don't listen to our instincts like we should and thats when Fate steps in and gives us one hell of a bitch slap. Its a firm lesson we do not wish to learn but it is important to learn.
I talk to a handful of Masters a week and I can read each and every single one of them. I don't play games. I can tell whether I will be able to serve them in sometimes one simple conversation. Sadly, most Masters fall short of what I need. Not saying that they are bad Masters, thats not the case at all. They are simply not the Masters I am looking for.
As a switch I will not submit to just anyone. Sadly *much muttering* it takes one hell of a man to top me. I know it can be done as it has been done before. Now I am just waiting for it to occur once more and it to be lasting. |
So I have reworked my profile yet again. I just can not get it to be the way that I want it. Its rather frustrating. I know that I will eventually peek the intrest of someone who will request that we speak further. But sometimes I feel as if the right Master/Mistress is out there but is some how skipping over me every time. Maybe if a reworked my likes. However, I like and enjoy many things so that makes my profile rather long. Which is annoying. I did though, check what I liked in the bedroom. Mmmmm but I want something more than sex. I want companionship and something long lasting. Mmm what shall I do. I think I shall rework things....yet again. |
I am finding myself missing my old Master the more I talk to others. There was something about him, his very being that had me submitting to him. The other Masters that I am speaking to joke around with me to much. I look at them as friends or companions. There is none that I want to kneel in front of and ask what they would like me to do. None have that attitude of automatic submission from me. Its a pity to.
I desire to be a slave. I know within that I will make a wonderful slave once I find that one Master. So far I have no been lucky. Le sigh.
On a side note, I started talking to a pretty little gem of a slave. She is gorgeous in more ways then one. I would LOVE to train her. Even though I have had no formal training as a Mistress, I found myself planning what lessons I would teach the little gem. Whoever will be gifted with her submission will truly be lucky. She will make a beautiful slave. |
By the way people...if you view my profile and think I will take a hint, you have another thing coming. I rarely check out who has viewed my profile. If you want to speak to me...send me a message....I always answer unless I find them offensive (well even those I answer but usually slightly hostile) |
So I am putting off working. Very naughty me....I tend to do that often though. YAY. Lets not call it putting off as much as of taking a nice little break and currently surfing collarme. And I really can not help it, I do enjoy it so.
You know I appeared once in the chatrooms to see what it was like and then I was done. Personally I think it is more intresting to surf around and read others profiles. There really is some fascinating things on these profiles. And I really can't help it when my intrest is peeked.
I still have not found a Master or a Mistress. Not a surprise there but I have collected a large group of intresting people that I speak to. And I really do enjoy speaking to people. Through one simple communication you can read people, at least I can. And there are so many different people out there with a variety of likes, wants, desire and personality.
Well back to work I go. |
Every slave, sub, Master and Mistress is unique in their own way. Each person has their own little thing that makes them different than the person before them. But perhaps some of us have more quirks than others, perhaps some of us need to be treated like the true jewel we are.
Anything worth treasuring needs to be handled with care. Under neglect a gift will wilt and fade before your eyes. Perhaps some do not realize this. When a slave submits to his or her Master they are giving a gift. Its a gift that can not be found any where else but within this lifestyle because the world around us refuses to acknowledge it.
When things do not fit within the normal confines of our society the world tends to hide their head or declare it unfit or odd. Where else but in this lifestyle can you find something as beautiful as submission? It is not mere submission but something so much more. The sign of ultimate trust and adoration.
Unfortunately you can not get some people to understand it. For some reason perhaps they can not wrap their mind around something such as this. And unfortunately when you try to describe it your words fall short. Not by your own fault but perhaps by the lacking of the English language itself.
Some view submission as a dirty word, something done by those that are some how lesser. A slave or a submissive person is not weaker but in fact have their own sort of different strength. They have the strength to meet their Masters need. Again I am finding the English language lacking in what I am trying to describe.
Sometimes we just need to feel. We constantly want to ask the question why? Why are you doing this? Perhaps so we may be reassured that it is occurring for a good reason. And yet I think that sometimes we have to show trust in our partner. I for one do not enter a relationship lightly. There is always a reason, always a purpose even if I do not see it at the time. And yes despite what the outside world likes to think the slave and Master dynamic is very much a relationship. True a unique one but a relationship all the same.
And I think that sometimes perhaps some forget that. Within every relationship work must be involved. How can a Master properly please his slave without first knowing what his slave needs? Communication is so important or the relationship fails so early in the beginning. And sometimes out of fear we keep our mouths shut and our tongue firmly behind our lips.
And yet I think a slave should even have their right to tell their Master when they are upset. Why should a slave pussy foot around an issue. These are one of the times I think a slave should be vocal despite perhaps displeasing ones Master. If the slave is upset how can a slave care for his or her Master properly. They end up feeling neglected and eventually fade before the eyes.
Within the relationship both parties, slave and Master, are extremely important. One can not exist without the other. A slave reflects on what kind of Master they have and a Master nurtures their slave and allows them to grow. Its very much like a green house. The Master the green house and the slave a rose. At least I like to think of myself as a rose, something delicate, strong and will prick if not handled right. |
I am currently wondering if I can be trained. I am wondering if that inner dominance I have can be caged enough for me to submit 24/7. We all have our doubts don't we? I just worry about displeasing my Master more than anything. |
Apparently every Tom, Dick, and Harry expects you to submit to them if they consider themselves a Master. I mean honestly...I do not agree with that what so ever. It takes a speical person to have me to submit. And I am sorry but I am not going to submit to someone that has not earned the gift or right for my submission |
I got asked a very intresting question today that has caused me to sit back and ponder for a couple hours. What makes me think that I will make a good slave? Lets me honest, sometimes I really don't come off with the most docile slave attitude. And it will be one hell of a Master or Mistress to have me submit to them. I do have a wicked tongue that I don't think twice on using when it comes to those I don't respect. So far I have found and talked to a handful of Masters that I respect. I have also run into those that have gotten the sharper edge of my tongue. I guess this is what occurs when you are a swtich. |
Well I have only had this profile for one day and I have all ready been lectured about my profile being bare and nothing really on it. (Which I am sure people will get over...eventually). And I have been hit on by one idiot Dom that tried to act big and bad....which of course earned him a firm tongue lashing. I have a feeling this website is going to hold such fun for me and some new intresting information. |
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