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Married (now divorced) to an older "couch potato" which leaves me to create my own way in "private life" as long as I use discretion. I am not a picture collector nor do I contribute to those who do (so don't ask), I value my anonymity and intend to keep it that way. I can say that I am attractive and keep myself in good shape. I am a blonde, 36 b/c x 24 x 36, 124 lb. Most of my private activity is usually away from home, somewhere where I can let my hair down and not worry about being recognized as the slut I am. I will write more later once I have gathered my thoughts. Time has moved on and the "couch potato" is gone and the divorce is final. That leaves me with my two preteen daughters, the elder, now 13, is already dating a 16 yo black boy and the younger, 11, has decided on her own fetish which is pleasing certain male mature (elderly) neighbors. One, not so, big, happy family.
Home is up for sale and the girls are schooling in the UK.  They find the change of pace there much to their liking.  I am looking forward to be free of property that has been hanging round my neck like a millstone.  When we return to the US we will be free to choose where we go and we  hope to travel around the US during the summer break to see what is the most attractive place for us.
Been off for a while, recuperating and getting my mind back in focus.  I am now ready to resume where I left off, serving my betters in the only way I know how.  I don't seem to have too many friends left so I shall have to set about making new ones.  Guys, if you think I am a push-over, think again, I don't want to see penis pictures no matter what size and, ladies, keep your legs crossed.
Otherwise, I am open to suggestions, not interested in telephone sex or cyber domination.  I am looking forward to some friendly discussions, risque stories and such and the hope that we could meet during my travels in Europe and the US>
8/13/2015 - Sad news, I miscarried last night and now in hospital recovering.  My friend and mistress has taken over my page for the time being.
I am quite amazed that there are so many people who honestly believe offers of torture, depravity, brandings and beatings are an attractive introduction to a relationship.  Please, you people out there, I like to enjoy life, enjoy the pleasures of my body and the physical intimacy of two or more people of whatever sex.  I appreciate the sanity of some of the proposals but not those from the lunatic fringe.
With my inhibitions almost non-existent, I can now refer to myself as a total slut.  I have a Master, at least at weekends, who directs me and my activities which include, servicing his friends, selling myself in the evenings and participating in the most demeaning, base activities one can think of.  I have become the very thing that I abhorred when I first slid into this life.  No regrets though - I feel liberated.
In my travels so far, I find it interesting that a woman who cohabits with different men is regarded as a slut.  If she cohabits with black men she is a whore / ho or even a bitch.  Man remains the eternal stud.  Chauvinisim and racism rule.  I am not complaining though. 
I have made four appointments with Collarspace contacts and none have turned out showing any resemblance to what they say they were.  I chatted with three to find there was little intelligence or even a spark of personality.  Needless to say, it did not take long for me to make a parting of the ways.  The fourth was supposed to be a woman and I found a man turned up - I didn't even give him the time of day. 
So far I am not impressed !!!

Well, just a couple of days here so far and I have been invited into prostitution, numerous scenarios of torture and, as yet, little show of imagination.

I am not here looking for some wierdo to slap the s**t out of me or go out looking for tricks to line someone else's pockets.  I seek fun, amusement, wining and dining - something any normal person would want.  Treat me right and who knows what sort of animal I will become  !!!