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i am owned by SirTim2u, Proudly. wish i could find someone to castrate me. make me a Real Bytch Sadly, I am no longer owned. My master and friend, died 12/30/11. Now i must start all over again, carry with me all that Sir Tim has taught me R.I.P. Sir Tim Your slave for life, hurtboi Today i have accepted that i will no longer be a man, not that i ever was much of one. But with the female hormones an other things that i was made to do, and now continue after my Masters passing, my little boi clitty, and my once large balls and sac, all have srunken to where i was wishen the ball and sac was not even there. Maybe someday i will find a new master who will remove that last bit of manhood that i still carry. OH HAPPY DAYS!! Sir left me his 'tens' unit. Now i can do to me what he use to do to me, and more. SOme how it just is not as much "fun" doing it to yourself. i need a 24/7, master to serve. Without the person or persons to serve, well life is not much anymore. i stay busy with doing little things for the lady of the house, but she knows little if anything of my needs, not that what i want is important. Someday....... Why no 1 wants to come take me to serve, I am sorry, i am worthless............ Many view, but few reall want someone who wants/ needs the change in life that is required 24/7. If i am made to dress and act and be woman, with the proper meds. i will become the trans slave someone is looking for. Happy birthday "Sir Tim" Today Sir would of been 69 yrs. old. R.I.P. SIR March 1, 2012 Friday i order more female hormones, due to be here in about ten days. i really want to take me to the fullest extent of feminization that the hormones will take me. But alas, as long as i still have the balls small as they might be, i think my body will always be in conflict with itself. 04/05/12
Cross the North Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard labor.If you cross the Iranian border illegally you are detained indefinitely.If you cross the Afghan border illegally, you get shot.If you cross the Saudi Arabian border illegally you will be jailed.If you cross the Chinese border illegally you may never be heard from again.If you cross the Venezuelan border illegally you will be branded a spy and your fate will be sealed.If you cross the Mexican border illegally you will be jailed for two years.If you cross the Cuban border illegally you will be thrown into political prison to rot.If you cross the United States border illegally you get:1 - A job2 - A driver's license3 - A Social Security card4 - Welfare5 - Food stamps6 - Credit cards7 - Subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house8 - Free education9 - Free health care10 - A lobbyist in Washington11 - Billions of dollars in public documents printed in your language12 - Millions of servicemen and women who are willing to – and do – die for your right to the ways and means of our constitution13 - And the right to carry the flag of your country - the one you walked out on – while you call America racist and protest that you don't get enough respect.IF YOU AGREE, COPY AND RE-POST THIS!
Why is it that those who are looking for female sex, keep viewing my profile? Now i know my wants and needs to be feminine are great, but that does not happen "over night", or for that matter for two years which is how long i have been on female hormones. Yes my body has changed and my breasts are growing, body hair getting finer, but i still have my balls, and until those are removed i will still be sexed as a male, much to my dismay. Someday someone will take me and do what needs to be done, and in return i will be there slut slave for life. That is me now. Is there anyone that will complete my feminization? i know that my process takes a long time, and chemical castration is making my balls mush, but it's still there. Someday i will find a way to safely remove all that still shows i am male. Anyone with any ideas as to how to do this i would be ever so greatfull.
11/29/2013 11:43:54 AM

                       Now that i am living by myself again , it is time for me to start back with my feminizing , that is to start back with my monthly hormone shots and to start dressing as i feel i am inside. If only i could find someone to castrate me my life would be so much easier.


3/14/2012 10:57:19 AM

                          i have been kept in chastity devises since i have been here at Sir's house, though with the hormones i take, my boi clitty and balls have decreased in size, and clitty rarely stiffens anymore, just the way a gurls clitty should be. 

3/14/2012 10:50:01 AM

                          It is time to move on. i need to complete my feminization so that my service to a new Master/Mistress would be something that would keep my focus on the one/s that own me, and never again have to worry about my gender related issues.

                          i service both men and women willingly, anyway ordered. i handle pain that most would cry to stop, not to say i have never been beaten to tears, rather i accept pain as a gift from those that own me.

1/12/2012 5:20:25 AM

                     My Master and friend, Sir Tim, has died, 12/30/11.  i miss him greatly and  wish i had just one more day with him. One more day to serve, talk, and be at my Masters side.




                                R.I.P.  Sir Tim

                   Forever your servant,


 Age: 27
 Los angeles, California