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updated 8:31 p.m. June 23, 2010
LONDON - Scientists studying swingers (straight couples who regularly swap sexual partners) say they have higher rates of sexually transmitted infections than prostitutes.
(did anyone else see this online story? we can send you the link)
Can SOMEONE explain to us why seemingly intelligent people in this lifestyle, in spite of OVERWHELMING research and subsequent evidence to the contrary, have latched on to the idea that unprotected oral sex - active AND passive - is NOT risky behavior and is somehow safe when it comes to the transmission of the common STDs???
Our position on this next point is non-negotiable. If you have not been recently tested for HIV and all the other nasty STDs, or if you are not willing to run out and get yourself tested, then no activity involving the exchange of ANY body fluids will happen. We can be friends, we can go out and have fun, and we can all take part in NON-sexual scenes and scenarios, but in the absence of PROOF that you are pristine, that will be it. For all of you who spout things that sound like "We ONLY play safe" or "We are absolutely DDF" or "Condoms are mandatory", we have four questions for you -
1) If you KNEW that a potential playmate had active HSV I, would you freely and passionately kiss him or her? 2) If you KNEW that he or she had Gonorrhea, or Syphilis, or Chlamydia, would you perform oral sex on him or her? 3) If you KNEW that he or she had HIV, would you fuck him or her, even WITH a condom? And 4) If the answer to each of these questions is "no", then what the FUCK are you doing, participating in any or all of these activities, NOT knowing?
The logic here is unassailable.
We "walk the talk" on this and our recent lab reports will be open to your close inspection once we become very interested in each other, but we want the same in return. We ALSO answer "no" to all three of those questions, so we want to KNOW about YOUR health. And we are NOT talking about donating blood on the Red Cross drives, or getting your mouth swabbed for a new life insurance policy, or having always passed a physical in the military. All of these things ONLY involve testing for HIV. And we have had no less than seven other members on other sites go out, get tested, and come back with a "Positive" on their reports for one of the OTHER nasty STDs, and each of these members had multiple testimonials from other members on those sites.
YOU do the math and maybe you will understand our intransigence on this. This crap is SCARY!
We KNOW what we want is NOT perfect, but since we still play safer even after knowing our partners are clean, we feel this is the absolute BEST way.
We are a committed couple - a handsome, nicely-built and well-hung Dominant and his sexy, uninhibited, and adventurous submissive - looking to expand ALL of our activities by including HIGH-quality people into our play. She has made the claim that she is his property and will do whatever he says, so his mission now is to make her "walk the talk," so to speak. Therefore, if it's legal, we probably won't close our minds to the possibility of at least trying it TWICE, even if we didn't like it initially (based on the idea that we might have messed something up the first time). He is determined to make all of her deepest, darkest, and most depraved fantasies come true. We're both safe, sane, discreet, impeccably clean and completely drug- and disease-free. In addition, he is vasectomy-safe. We absolutely are in love, so WE ONLY PLAY TOGETHER!
We need you to be drug- and disease-free, safe, sane, discreet, impeccably clean, genuinely attractive, totally adventurous, wonderfully uninhibited and able to carry on an intelligent conversation.
If you're not going to send us a face pic, save all your energy. We're not doing blind dates. We have family members that could comprehend this stuff here if they read it and we both have very sensitive jobs that require discretion. You're NOT going to trump OUR need for secrecy, so if we're sending you our photos (and we will), then we sure as hell expect reciprocation. File away the ridiculous excuses for morons willing to buy into them - we know that only the ugliest people refuse to send photos of themselves, and for obvious reasons. We don't want to be completely superficial, but this IS supposed to be fantasy fulfillment, so we're NOT meeting pitifully lonely men and women who actually WANT to hook up with others who have no need to know what they look like. How pathetic is that, on BOTH ends? Can you spell "desperate"?
We're genuinely eager to hear from genuinely high-quality people.