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Time for a rewrite...

Im not sure exactly what Im looking for. I figure when I find the right Dominant there will be a click in the chemistry.

I am not looking currently for a 247 type of relationship. I have a primary partner and anyone I choose to play with will have to realize his role in my life comes after my primary and child. I am looking mostly for someone to play with at random times but to not expect me to leave my vanilla husband.

This like everything else in life is a work in progress. I know my late husband and I had a partnership and that is the biggest thing I miss when I think of him. I also know he would want me to find another partner to keep me safe and help me feel fullfilled.

12/2024 I am becoming a fuckdoll or slutdoll. I've been placed on pretty much permanent orgasm denial. If you like to tease a denied girl please message, but be respectful. I'm not into heavy humiliation. I'm a doll but i have feelings.

Age is unimportant. I dont discriminate against older dominants, as long as you are over 21. I prefer older Dominants not younger.

I am not willing to relocate. I am not willing to move and leave my husband andor child. I will not neglect that which is important to me for a simple scene.

1 year post gastric bypass

I have lost approximately 80 pounds from December 2020-May 2022. I had gastric bypass on May 2021.

What have I learned in the first year post gastric bypass:

A bite or two of something is enough for a taste but you don’t need a ton. A single bite or two of something sweet but high in calories is usually enough. I was trained as a small child that anything you take you eat. Learning to stop when full and ask for a box or throw away/give away the remainder has been a huge success.

Shopping in decreasing sizes doesn’t mean you have to purchase every size as you go down. I have gone from a 22/24 sometimes 26 down to a 12-16 depending on the store. I have gotten a lot of my clothes from friends at a clothing exchange. I have at times lost more inches than pounds so when i decide everything is too big I shop then i see a large jump from where i was to where I am. I’ve gone from an old navy xxl at my heaviest to a xl in bodycon dresses to a m in summer dresses. Which was a thrill. However, I don’t shop enough to purchase every size. In Jeans, I usually end up dropping 2 or 3 sizes when i shop since i wear them with a belt until they are insanely big.

Weighing/measuring portions isn’t a bad thing. I actually want to upgrade my food scale to a nicer one. I use this daily. When I pack lunches for work I’m still packing too much. It is a shock to bring home half of what i pack. If i take a large back of something into my desk drawer I have to take a measuring device to portion it out or portion ahead of time. If not I fall into bad habits

The scale isnt the only victory. If i lose inches and clothing fit better that is a win. Being able to take dresses from tunic tops to actually dresses with boots this winter has been fun. Regular knee-high boots not extra extended calf have been a thrill. Being able to handle heels regularly has been amazing.

Going to the gym is fun with the right classes. Spend the extra for the gym with classes you might like. My family spends 86 per month on the YMCA instead of 40 for planet fitness locally. The Y has childcare and all the classes. I go to water aerobics, pure barre and body pump. I have a ton of fun at all 3. Plus as long as I go 12 times a month I get 20 back on membership. If my husband goes 12 times we get 20 back for him as well. SO it bring the Y down close to Planet fitness in cost plus it includes childcare and activities for my daughter as well.

I can keep up with my co-workers who are almost half my age. I feel mentally sharper. I also can physically outdo some of them. I work in a department where we move some boxes of paperwork on a regular basis. As long as i’m not wearing a short skirt and the box isn’t over my head I can lift most.

I have learned it is ok to ask for help with medical concerns. I am an insulin diabetic on a pump. I have had to reach out a few times for my data to be reviewed by my diabetic care team and be adjusted.

My goals for year 2 are to:

I plan to up my time at the Y. I currently go 2 times a week for me and then 2 times a week for my kid to use the pool. I want to get to 3 or 4 times a week for me and 2 times for my kid.

Find someone to be accountable to for
Monitoring the protein i get in daily- i should be getting between 60-90 grams of protein in daily
My time spent at the gym
My food logs

With my current partners consider adding those pieces into my dynamic with them. Not so much as to be babied by them but to know i’m being monitored. To Know i will be asked why i didnt do one of them some specific day. It is like the monitoring with my medications that we do currently.

I want to get under 200 pounds. I have always been a BBW but i want to become closer to hwp. I want to be able to completely shop in straight sizes instead of still flipping between straight sizes and plus.

I want to be able to get tied into more positions. In addition to being a masochist.

I got to play this weekend: here are my thoughts


sacred whore


There is something to be said for the whole concept of the sacred whore. There is a freedom that comes from embracing that persona. There is a peace that can come over the entire body.

Sex is sex, of course, but when you have the chance to really look at what it is to hit subspace or to fly the reality of the sacred whore comes into play. Subspace/Domspace in my view of them can be a form of meditation. A uniting with the divine. The chance to receive new messages or bits of knowledge from beyond. I think that might, just may be the reason why people enjoy it. The body is built to want to interact with the divine, the universe. The bits and pieces that can be acquired from the universe allows us to correct/chart our paths.

I'm sure there are vanilla girls who hit the same sort of "space" from vanilla sex. It is simply I think the way and the reason humans have been able to procreate for kabillions of years.

The kinky people, the tools enable us to reach the divine as easy or easier than the vanilla population. It becomes an addiction to many. Always chasing the next high. I think its why we as a community look at individuals without partners as needing a partner sometimes. Its why some communities are hard as singles to become a part of. There is always that bit missing. It may be wired into us.

The question could then becomes could the whole sacred whore be gentic?

It's been 2 years, since I played. I e stayed active here mostly to keep in touch with friends I've meet. I'm now interested in finding a playpartner. Here are the very basics. I am seeking a poly person who is ok being a secondary partner. I am married and have a small child so sometimes I will have to cancel. I need to have someone where I am not mom but just me. Help me not loose myself please.
It is time for another rant... first off please dont take it personally if I cannot respond immediately. I have a bad habit of leaving my laptop or ipad connected to CM while I am at work. IF we start chatting and I am at work realize that I may not get to tell you that I will be right back. Also I work a TON so if we have been texting and I get quiet it is probably because I have eiher fallen asleep from exhaustion or I am running errands in the litle bit of free time I have between shifts. Yes, I work ALOT. I cannot remember my last pay check that did not have a boatload of over time. I will NOT support a grown man. I believe that You shouldn't havev to support me nor should I have to support you. I do though, believe that if we have agreed on more than just a play partner relationship, in public you need to treat me like a pincess. In private it is a different story. There are times that i do push the limits, and test the rules. i don't see issues with that. I move slow for a reason. I don't want to get hurt and I don't want you to get hurt. So, if you are local to me currently and are interested in getting together to play please let me know. I am looking for a playpartner where we can have fun but where I can also submit completely. Lets see what we can make happen!!
It is time for another rant... first off please dont take it personally if I cannot respond immediately. I have a bad habit of leaving my laptop or ipad connected to CM while I am at work. IF we start chatting and I am at work realize that I may not get to tell you that I will be right back. Also I work a TON so if we have been texting and I get quiet it is probably because I have eiher fallen asleep from exhaustion or I am running errands in the litle bit of free time I have between shifts. Yes, I work ALOT. I cannot remember my last pay check that did not have a boatload of over time. I will NOT support a grown man. I believe that You shouldn't havev to support me nor should I have to support you. I do though, believe that if we have agreed on more than just a play partner relationship, in public you need to treat me like a pincess. In private it is a different story. There are times that i do push the limits, and test the rules. i don't see issues with that. I move slow for a reason. I don't want to get hurt and I don't want you to get hurt. So, if you are local to me currently and are interested in getting together to play please let me know. I am looking for a playpartner where we can have fun but where I can also submit completely. Lets see what we can make happen!!

Thank you for everyone who has written in the last week or so. I am very impressed with the emails, I do try to respond as I receive them but life sometimes gets in the way. 


I just also ask that you be patient with me as I try to figure out what it is I'm looking for. I am not sure and I know that once I know it will be a good thing. I do know that I need someone who wants me around. I don't do well just being a dirty little secret or ignored.


I also am working on making healthier choices for myself. I need someone who is willing to enable me to make those choice or hold me accountable until I learn to read my body holding me accountable. 


Just a few thoughts as life goes on...

I'm still working on edits to my profile. Yes, I purposely took down my pictures. I want to find a good man who will want me as is, and will help me get healthier. I need to learn how to trust.

Ok... I got rid of the re-bound. I'm working very hard on going slow overall. I don't want a crazy ride where I look at the Dom and say, ok, where have we been?? I want to do this maturely and calmly...


now, in reality... I'm locally single. I'm hoping to find a playpartner. Let's see what happens.


Starting to explore a bit, also dealing with more and more mental land mines. I will be reworking this profile in the next few days. If you write to me and I don't respond just realize I am doing soul searching and not as much online.

Alot of awesome things have been happening very fast for me lately. I am learning to rely more on friends and mentors. I am not seeking anyone more than friends. I am not going to  meeting with anyone else.

I also am seriously dating someone within the local scene and I am giving up all other partners at this time to allow the relationship to develop. If you are looking for more than friendship pass me over.



I have accepted protection of a local BDSM household. I will be sending any requests through my protectors before I respond.



Here is the deal, I think I am now ready... I am going to SLOWLY begin seeing people again. I am not looking for Mr. Right, or Mr. RightNow. I'm just looking for men who happen to be dominat and who will treat me like a princess. Now, if you can do that please email me. If you can't don't bother.


Also relocation is possible, but it won't be immedately. Also you need to be ready to travel to me and meet me in my own neck of the woods or a neutral location.



I am away until August 22nd. I will respond to messages after that point unless you are very special. I am attending blackbeat and computer time won't be a top priority.



Here is the new deal... I've been making changes again for the good. I have started very casually to date. It is what Matthew would have wanted. 


I also have gotten rid of a protector who went psycho in a bad "i control everything" sort of way.


I realize that I am a princess at least by day, so I need a man who can treat me as such. I'm not interested in a man who can't understand that. In the bedroom I need to be able to surrender. 


I expect to be treated like a princess, doors opened all that stuff. I don't expect to be treated like chewed gum left on  sidewalk.


I've just gotten a new job where I HAVE to be dominant at work. Don't let that fool you while I transition after work. I need someone who is secure enough in his masculinity to help me surrender to him and transition in to the "traditional" behavior for me as a female. 


I am not sure what sort of play I'm into at the moment. Anyone in my mind who has been around for a while can understand that play is a continuum and right now I don't think I'm so much into the impact end of it as much as the mental end. 


I also need someone near by, or willing to be in constant communication with me. I'm not interested in only a few hi's or how are you's every couple of days.



I am even more complicated now.. I need someone who can either keep up or get the hell out of the way!!


So, who's interested??

I've been thinking.. Which is a slightly dangerous situation. I've been thinking about who I am, and what I am. I know what I must be, but I also know what I need. 


When I am ready to belong to someone again, I know I need someone who will cherish me as a princess but will also allow me to be shared or loaned. I enjoy being a slut.


I hope this isn't a problem.

Today, I've been told that I'm arrogant!! I love it! Frankly, I am what and who I am. I am a brat, I am a pain in the ass, I am a total and complete bitch at times. I also am loyal, and trustworthy, and I can be a total and completely good girl.

I'm not looking to please everyone, I am looking to be true to myself. That sometimes will include pleasing someone and sometimes will mean telling you to fuck off...

Just some pearly words. Also if you're looking for a single girl and contact me, don't expect a nice response. I respond to all messages. If you can't read why should I WANT to serve you?? If you lack basic skills... what is the point???


Life has gotten more crazy. I am up to about 40 hours a week at work and 15 hours at school in the classroom. Those people who have written thank you for being patient.

I am trying to figure out something that may or may not be good for me to figure out....
Today I accepted a chat request from a dom who pretty much wants girls to drop everything and have a relationship without time put in...

HELLO!!! I know for me this is not how I work. If you just want an ass to beat let me know and for a price I'll hook ya up... If you want a LTR-- realize you must put time into it.

I also will be checking profiles from now on-- if your profile just says that you want a submissive or slave woman don't bother unless you can really give me some info on YOU at first. I'm not into games and frankly why should I be??

OK... "Dom-a-be"s.... please listen up I only want to say this once.... Don't be upset and send me a message of don't be rude and don't respond to me...

IF you can't use to find where I live, you probably don't have the with-it-ness to handle me.

Don't expect me to drop everything to respond to an email. I have a life and I may or may not be sitting at the keyboard.

Get over yourself and get a life. Unless I have some sort of relationship with you, you will get a response when I get to it. You do not know how many messages I have gotten at the same time.

I am going to BR!! I'll be one of the friendly neighborhood DM's... If you're going please say hi to me atleast. I know I'll be sporting the beautiful orange vest while I'm there!!
I know everyone has their own likes or dislikes... however I am not a tiny girl. I am a size 16/18. I'm proud to be such. I'm not intrested in wasting my time or yours.
I am currently seeking very seriously a munch group that is somewhere between Corning and Binghamton. If ANYONE knows of such a group please contact me.

I am going through withdrawl of the conversations that i used to have with my old munch group.