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Do As You Will And Harm None!
I'm here for friends only. :) ****************************************** Hard Limit - Honesty
If you are in any type of committed relationship and you are about to ask if I'd like to talk with you... maybe.
First, I applaud your honesty with others here on your marital or committed relationship status. :)

I don't know if I want to speak to you... but you'll know when you answer this:

Does your partner know that they are in a committed relationship with a person whom is here, seeking others?

If they do, then I will be happy to begin a dialogue with you. :)

If you are deceiving them then you are stealing their choices. If that is how you treat those whom already trust you, then "No, I'll pass." :(
****************************************** Okay! So YOU are fair-minded like me... ******************************************
I love intellectual discourse and belly-laughter. I love reading and I love adrenaline-inducing adventures. I love variety in things and diversity in cultures.
I'm lucky. I walk this Earth a very loved woman. I find it easy to see what is uniquely lovable in others. I will probably enjoy you.
I wish each of you every happiness. :)
BDSM = Informed Consent

What distinguishes us from vanilla life is not kinks nor the number of sexual or D/s partners... it's CONSENT.

In BDSM, married / committed people may have multiple partners.  Each participant is fully informed and has freely entered into an agreement on how they will relate.  The dynamics may vary ranging from extensive poly to play partners to online interactions, but they are ALL based on honest and fair treatment of others.

In BDSM, some people perform violent acts... after CONSENT has been granted.  Violent acts performed without consent are criminal, abusive and unrelated to BDSM.

It's not what we do or who we do it with, it's HOW we do it.  

Honestly, openly, fairly and with CONSENT.

There are little rats scurrying at our feet... those who deceive their partners.  What makes a criminal mind?  The desire for getting what we want coupled with an inability to get what we want without violating the rights of others.  THAT is a cheater's mindset.  Those types sense something is going on here, but lack the good character and trustworthiness to participate.  A cheater is not a BDSM person any more than a criminal is a part of vanilla society.  Every community has the lowlifes.  

Newbies should take care to recognize them as predators of the community and not as actual members.

Sex & Politics

I support the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom:

What are they about?  Us!  :)

I think it's a good idea to be informed and to participate.
"NCSF Mission Statement 

The NCSF is committed to creating a political, legal and social environment in the US that advances equal rights for consenting adults who engage in alternative sexual and relationship expressions.

The NCSF aims to advance the rights of, and advocate for consenting adults in the BDSM-Leather-Fetish, Swing, and Polyamory Communities.

We pursue our vision through direct services, education, advocacy, and outreach, in conjunction with our partners, to directly benefit these communities."