Pretty new to the community and lifestyle.. but I've always been interested in it. Currently in a quasi-D/s relationship but it's not quite what I would have hoped it would be. This is all still pretty intimidating to me and I'm shy and timid about it, but I'm confident it's who I am. Not looking to meet, just talk and maybe online relationship.
8/14/2013 10:42:50 PM

30 Days of Submission questionnaire I found on tumblr. I can never commit to these for long, so I filled it all out at once. Read if you want I guess.



1) Does your submission – either what you practice or what you strive for – have a label? Do you view your submission as Taken in Hand, domestic discipline, top/bottom, dominant/submissive, master/slave, owner/pet, or some other description or combination?

  • I am a submissive. I could be a slave I think. I could try pet. I definitely have a pet/sub personality. 

2) Describe who you might submit to and how. Are you exclusively submissive in marriage or just in the bedroom? Are you submissive only in the context of a scene or in a role or throughout your daily life? Are you submissive to play partners or only in the context of a relationship?

  • I am only submissive in a relationship with someone. With that person, I will be submissive most of the time-even outside the bedroom. However there will be times out of bed that I will not want to submit.

3) How do you know you are submissive or have the potential to be submissive? How do you feel when you express your submission?

  • In every past relationship I've had, (although they were vanilla) I've been the submissive. I do what he wants, when he wants, how he wants, and then ask if he wants more.  Submitting for the most part feels natural and right. When it's rewarded, or at least acknowledged, it makes me feel happy, useful, and accomplished. Most of the time, it's a great feeling.

4) Do you switch into a dominant role at any time? If you are in a domestic discipline relationship, are there things that you maintain control over? Are you a “switch” in BDSM terms? If not, have you ever thought about it or given thought to why it’s not for you?

  • The idea of being a dominant or a switch is very intriguing to me. I've never had an outlet to express it through so I don't know if I would like the act of being dominant as much as I like witnessing it, though.

5) Have you been or are you in a dominant/submissive dynamic relationship or is this new to you? Have you been in more than one D/s relationship? How were they the same? How were they different? What is unique about your relationships in your mind?

  • I am in my first D/s relationship and it is a quasi one at that. I want to be submissive all of the time in many aspects, and my Dom only wants this occasionally. 

6) What do you feel are the roots of your submission? Do you think it has something to do with childhood? Is it a relationship management tool as in the practice of domestic discipline? Is it a sexual thrill or something else?

  • It's probably rooted in childhood, what isn't? But submission gives me a huge thrill, and genuinely just makes me happy. 

7) Do you accept and/or expect discipline or punishments as a part of your submission? How do you feel about it?

  • I both accept and expect both discipline and punishment. I am awful at receiving them though. I tend to cry easily when upset.

8.) Is spanking or corporal punishment a part of your submission? Why or why not?

  • Spanking? Sure. I've only ever been spanked with a bare hand, and once or twice a belt. Corporal punishment? We're going to have to talk about that in more detail. I can take some pain, but the thought of extremes scares me.

9) Do you accept and/or expect structure, rules and limits as a part of your submission? How do you feel about them?

  • I would love rules and limits. They provide clear lines of when punishments are due. I keep pestering my Dom for more rules, but he never has any. 

10) Does any element of BDSM occur as a part of your submissive relationships? How do you feel about BDSM? Is it core to your submission, peripheral or non-existent (other than the submission part)?

  • I love bdsm. Bondage really excites me. And I can handle a fair amount of pain exciting me before it's too much. 

11) Do you include service as a part of your expectations of your submission? How do you define service? What does it mean to you? If not, what is it about the concept of service that is not for you?

  • I'm not sure here what service entails. If it's just pleasing, doing as he asks, and doing what he needs, then yes-that is part of submission to me. 

12) Do you include financial submission within the definition of your own submission and if yes, how does it manifest itself? If no, is there a particular reason why? Are you familiar with the concepts of financial submission? Do you have an opinion about financial submission in general?

  • I'm not too familiar with financial submission. I'm a broke college student that goes from paycheck to paycheck.

13) Is sexual availability, being available to your partner any time he or she wants, part of your submission? Why or why not? Are there limits to this?

  • Sexual availability would be a part of my submission while inside the home, with the limit of my period.

14) Does religion have any bearing on your decision to submit? If not, are you familiar with religious based submission and do you view it as similar to other types of submission or dissimilar?

  • I am not religious and do not believe in or practice and religion. If you do, that's fine, I just don't really want to hear about it a lot.

15) Has your submission evolved over time? If so, how has it evolved for you and if not (or if you are just starting out) how might you see or imagine it evolving in the future?

  • I am a brand new sub. I can imagine it turning into a very happy life at some point. I can imagine a life with the perfect Dom, can't I?

16) Have you found your submission has changed with different partners/relationships? If you’re involved with partners of both sexes, does your submission relate or change based on gender or does it depend on the person?

  • I am instinctively submissive to males. I have never had an experience with another female, but I would enjoy being submissive, and am curious about being dominant. 

17) What does trust mean to you in the context of submission?

  • Trust is key. If I don't explicitly trust you with my life, then I'm not fully submitting to you. Trust is built, and easily lost. 

18) Very often the stereotype of submission is that the submissive person loses the ability to have an opinion. While that clearly isn’t true except in the absolute rarest of occasions, how does communication factor into your submission and how do you communicate your desires and needs?

  • While this has never happened to me, I imagine I would just ask permission to talk about things. From there, talk should be open and honest and unpunished.

19) How socially connected is your submission? Do you look for others to talk to about your submission for support or networking? Do you go to events or connect through another sort of social grouping either in person or online?

  • I am very shy about my involvement in this lifestyle. I don't really wish to expand that at this time, either. I do enjoy looking around the internet at submissive blogs and websites.

20) Has your submission increased or decreased over time? Have you ever had to renegotiate your submission due to a change in your feelings or circumstance?

  • My need for submission has been constantly increasing since I was a teenager. I haven't had an outlet at all until lately, and now that I've let some out, I just can't imagine letting it all. 

21) Is there a physical position that makes you feel most submissive?

  • I feel submissive on the floor. Any position with my hands restrained. Crouched, kneeling, or sitting in front of him, or between his legs. Cuddling, especially near his crotch.

22) Can you feel submissive without a dominant partner? If so, how does your submission express itself? If not, how do you handle your submission or submissive feelings?

  • I'm not sure how to submit without a partner. I look at the internet and tumblr blogs a lot in my spare time, though.

23) Is there anything about submission (yours or what you see in others) that you question, dislike or repels you? Was there a time you questioned or were resistant to your own submissive feelings?

  • I have many questions, I'm sure. But until I am exposed to it, I'll trudge on doing what I'm doing.

24) What are the emotions that most directly let you access submission? What feelings do they inspire?

  • Love, adoration, wanting, needing to please, happiness, contentedness

25) Are there items, objects or rituals that represent or help you express submission? If not, have you ever thought of adding or being gifted one? Is there a special significance to these objects or rituals?

  • I currently have nothing that would fit this description. However, I am not against the thought of submissive jewelry of sorts.

26) What are the qualities you seek in a dominant partner and why? Are some qualities deal-breakers as in “must” haves or “must not” have?

  • Must: cuddle, hold hands, embrace, pull hair, humiliate. I am verrryyy touchy and cuddly and clingy. :/
  • Must not: genuinely insult (when your cock is in my face excluded)

27) Do you have submissive desires or fantasies that you have yet to be able to explore? Do some of your desires confuse or frighten you? Do they excite you?

  • I imagine meeting my ideal Dom that could teach me and guide me and yet want /me/ not just submissive me. 

28) Has your submission ever let you down? Have you ever been criticized for your submission? Have you ever regretted being or feeling submissive in a moment or in a relationship? Have you ever looked back and realized you made a mistake and how did you handle your submission going forward from that.

  • In my current quasi-D/s relationship, I am sometimes chastised and insulted for wanting to be submissive (mainly because he does not want to be a dominant that often). I want to be submissive the majority of the day, and so far that hasn't been possible.

29) Is pain or humiliation (spankings for example) a part of your submission? What is your relationship to it? Do you embrace it as a part of your submission, tolerate it as necessary or have some other type of relationship with it?

  • I can tolerate spankings, sometimes they are exciting. Humiliation is what drives me wild. Tying me and gagging me, and then just make me sit there and watch movies with you. Simple things, but yet they drive me crazy. 

30) Is your need to submit being met? If not, or if your situation changed, do you think that you could continue in your life and still be happy/content if you were never able to express your submission in the way that feels best to you again? What makes submission special to you?

  • Overall, no, my need is not being met. That's why I joined this site. I want to explore being submissive more, because I feel that one day I could be really happy in a D/s relationship long term, but I used to be scared I'd never find a guy really for me. Not I'm scared I'll never find a guy that connects with normal me, let alone kink me. 


  • If you made it this far and read everything, props to you. I almost quit filling it out at points. If you have read all this and are still interested in getting to know me better, shoot me a message. I'm only interested in online relationships at this point, though.
 Age: 24
  New York