You have your dreams and I have mine. Yes I really want to become a live piggy. I seek someone who will train me and give me some attention.
This has been a hidden desire for many years. I want to become a real pig. I have spoken to a Veterinarian and a Plastic Surgeon, They both said that it can be done. It may take time for healing and some long surgery but it can happen. :) I can't wait till I awake in the Barn that will be my new place that I will live. As told to me I asked to wipe my mind clean. I asked to think like a pig. Well I found someone who will do that for me. Lots of good people here on CS. I also asked the surgeon to use my cock to make me a Vagina for the males use of me. If you have questions please ask them. I have waited my whole life to do what I have always wanted to do. Hopefully it can happen by all the good people here and all the people that want to help. piggy