
Hi there, welcome to my page, who knows what brought you here but you have found it. This page has needed updating for some while and it will probably need updating again long before I get to it. I want to give you some kind of impression of me if you don't know me, or maybe a little insight if you have met me. I want to give you the honest impression, which is going to be tough, but I'll try. I wouldn't normally start this way, but let me tell you very briefly how I see myself. I'm reasonably smart, can be witty and cutting, handsome, I'm very friendly, and easy to get along with. I'm non-judgmental, my friends can be from every walk of life or any social circle. Well that is what ideally comes across anyhow, in fact I'm shy. I know lots of people say that but I have serious social anxiety struggles, and a resistance to admitting that. These are all things I can be when comfortable with someone, but I had never quite figured out how I really make myself comfortable with others. There are very few people around which I can be completely myself, and it's not that I am consciously holding anything back, rather like I just lose any of those above qualities. The other big part of it is that I seem to have trouble keeping up relationships. I can be too withdrawn sometimes. I started getting more personally involved with the local bdsm community a handful of years ago, though what felt like far to late for me, mostly to try and make friends, I figured it would be a place where I felt more comfortable. To explain, I've always been very passionate and um focused on my sexuality. All young boys are pretty focused on that, but I've always had the feeling that I wanted it to be part of my social circles and a real part of my life beyond the bedroom door so to speak. Maybe I just feel the need to shed the general oppression and "hush-hush" attitude concerning sex that is so prevalent. In any-case you can add to those feelings becoming very kinky pretty young, making me very disillusioned with the vanilla take on sexuality. I'm tempted to go into details on specific fetishes, but those can change so much that it would be outdated pretty fast anyways. I'm sure from the lists and whatever photo's I'm liking you can figure out what is in my mind at a given time. I'll just say that I like experiencing new things, with new people, more than I like one or two specific things. One thing I'm struggling with is that it all seems less clear these days, what I want I mean. I'm listed here as "Switch" and "Queer" because my sexuality is so often changing and evolving and I love all genders; to hell with labels and the gender binary. I should just finish off by saying I am mated, my wife is alternately my sub, baby, master, pet, bitch, etc and always my unicorn. We change roles lots of play lots of games, we are super close and have known each other a long time. That said, it's complicated, I guess if you want to know more about that, and our boundaries, you should ask. Geez I really feel like I'm flailing on the end of this bio, it's not long but it's a real struggle for me to write. I'm going to leave it here for now, just say that it's not complete but you're probably better off just saying hello at this point. "I build my white picket fence around the now, with a commanding view of the soon to be" - The Tick.