Been playing WoW alot lately, hit me up on Zul'jin, Erzilie level 80 Troll Shaman

Your goal should be just out of reach, but not out of sight -Denis Waitley and Reni L. Witt

When we subject ourselves to outragously high goals, standards that only the superhuman can attain, we set ourselves up for failure.

We may actually reach that goal, but what we expend in making it ruins the victory. When we are obsessed with achievement, we are single-minded. And with that comes the abandonment of our values, a loss of self and a breach of trust with those we love.

Goals that make us stretch can make us healthy. Goals that put us on the rack are ridiculous and cost us our lives.


One day at a time, one step at a time, one realistic goal at a time.
2/13/2009 10:33:36 AM
Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of thier own mind.  -Franklin D. Roosevelt.

We don't wake up with the house on fire.  But we act like it.  We are frantic. We are busy. We're prisoners of the time card, the time clock, the expressways, the slow elevators, the busy telephones, the relentless, towering In Box.

When we stop believing the world is trying to do us in--that this is our lot in life,  that fate dealt us too many cards--and when we start being accountable for our feelings, thoughts and actions we break that cycle that held us prisoner.  A person who takes the time to think and know thier own mind will never be held against thier true will.


Today I will think about the possibilities of life, not my self-imposed limitations.
2/10/2009 1:48:07 PM

The two hardest things in life are failure and success - Unknown

Sometimes its hard to discern which is which.  Yes, thats flippant, but what we commonly call failure can lead to what we commonly call success.

We need to stop thinking in absolutes.  Is there absolute failure, absolute success?  Is there only black and white?  I don't think that is the healthy way to view our performance in anything we do.

My friend Harvey, when asked where he placed in the New York marathon, answered, "First place." "First place!" exclaimed our mutual friend incredously.  Harvey said, "Just running and finishing the race, in my mind, brought me in first."

Our lives and our work are an interrelated chain of events and performances. As we live a life, a mosaic is created.  There are modulations in color, in line, in texture, nuance in coincidence of edge and perspective.  There is no absolute failure, no absolute success.


If i live my lfie one day at a time, I can often have a fulfilling, and pleasing day.  If i race against an imaginary clock, for an imaginary prize, toward an imaginary end zone, I will never be fulfilled.

2/10/2009 9:37:27 AM

We are confronted with Insurmountable opportunities -POGO

We all know people (if this doesn't describe us) who, when presented with a multipage menu in a restaurant, have an impossible time making a choice about what to order.

People who do too much see a menu like this everyday. We tend to see opportunities everywhere.  We want to hit all the bases, and in doing so, do we rarely hit them.

When we're confronted with choices, we can't make one.  We make four, or five or twelve.  in our disease we are confronted by choice.  We want it, and need it all.


I endanger my well-being when I am unfocused.  When there exists a plethora of possibilities I overindulge.  Today I'll prioritize my opportunities, and tackle only the most important ones, and do the same tomorrow.