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YourhandMyAss - photo 1
YourhandMyAss - photo 2
YourhandMyAss - photo 3
YourhandMyAss - photo 4
YourhandMyAss - photo 5
YourhandMyAss - photo 6
YourhandMyAss - photo 7
YourhandMyAss - photo 10
YourhandMyAss - photo 12

I have a Daddy Dom and he doesn't wish me to meet with others for play any more, so I've deleted those aspects of my profile. I continue using this profile instead of some other one, because all my friends know me as YHMA. I do not wish to start over and explain to every one who may have known me, I am so and so and this is my new name.

I am in a committed Daddy, little girl relationship.

I am extreamly loyal to him, and I have a strong sense of integrity with in our relationship. Do not think, you can be the exception to that, and that I should * or will* keep secrets from him or do things I know are wrong just cause you want something from me.

.Your excuses and justifications that he'll never know , and plenty of others do it, will not sway me. I'll block and stop all contact any one I find who has ulterior motives other than platonic friendship and comradery.

Daddy will be aware of all friendships I make and maintain, and he may be a part of my friendships with others, IE We may all hang out, all go do something too, since he's a part of my life. I want him to know those I am hanging out with.

Daddy and I are live in. He moved in with me and my family in February.

We live with my parents, I have all the freedom and privacy of any other adult, I come and I go as I need to and do as I wish, and they do not pry into the business of my life, so hopefully this little tidbit doesn't put any one off, and if it does "oh well."

I don't drive, never learned how and with my bad eyesight, and other considerations I don't believe it's wise to be behind a wheel. You'd be doing all the driving and I'd help out with gas, or buying lunch when able to, or we'd split the cost of a cab fair if we wished to go somewhere and James was not going too.

I don't work, however being on SSI I have my own source of money and I am financially stable. I won't leach off any one, and nobody will have to "pay my way". I do not think my career status or not, is any valid reason to base a friendship or not on, However if you have issues with me not working I don't care please just pass me right on up..

I'm in poor shape physically and I am over weight, I also have a back injury that rears its ugly head every now and again, and would like to work on that. So any friends who had a desire in fitness and wanted to go swimming or for walks or other easy for beginners activities would be awesome as well.

You could be very into fitness or out of shape and trying to change that as well. Doesn't matter to me:) If you have issues with fat out of shape people, please just quietly pass me on by. Don't waste my time or yours sending insults or rude messages, they won't faze me and I'll just block you and report you for harassment.

I am a very friendly, bubbly, perky, quirky and out going person, and I am open to meeting new friends of any orientation, and new social experiences . I'm not a very private person as a rule, and I really don't believe in tmi,* to much information unless in extreme cases* and I seek friendships with like minded people, Who they themselves are not very private, and who themselves will not call the tmi card very easily.

I am a switch, Dom to women, Bottom to men, a bottom, will play with any one cause being a bottom is about the situation and the play but a bottom who is dominant in their play desires and I am a baby girl, and I am a cat persona.

I have a Daddy dom, and we're live in 24/7. We've lived together for a year almost 2. We've been together though on an average of 4 years. It is ironic that I say daddy DOM, because I really do not give him the chance to dominate me or control me, I am very bossy and I am always calling the shots, or demanding to or attempting to.

I am a very fun loving and down to earth person and am easily approachable,

who enjoys crafting, photography reading, video games, and being a forum whore lol. I love to be on as many forrums as possible, I enjoy being amongst them and reading them and participating in them, and often get bored with just being on one or two since my mind goes a billion miles a minute and most groups are to slow to keep me fullly interested on a regular basis.

I am currently exploring the thoughts of making my own ageplay clothing, hats and accessories, and stuff, and making my own bdsm toys like customized paddles.

Anyway I am very approachable, and very friendly and I LOVE to chat appropriately of course, for i have a daddy and won't chat about leaving him or playing with you behind his back or trying to convince him he should let me play with you So feel free to come chat me up. And certainly feel free to contribute to any threads I may make, or comment on my comments in said threads.

You must be able to show up in public with us, this will not be a bedroom only or discreet only friendship

It would be lovely to make local friends and those close enough to get together regularly, to hang out with, socialize with go to Bdsm events including classes, and things like Folsom street fair with. I don't much care for munches, they tend to be rather boring in my eyes, but I would consider going with friends.

You MUST be drug free. this of course does not apply to any medical prescribed drugs, just illegal drugs and recreational drugs.

I would like to ask no smokers, and and should we become friends anyway if you do please do not smoke while with me or around me or just before coming to meet me.
It's a very offensive habit and frankly one I think stinks. I do not wish to be exposed to.
NO SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESSES or ones that interfere regularly with your life. Serious mental illnesses and ones that interferers with your life regularly are deal breakers. I am sorry to say but numerous past relationships with people who had mental illnesses have burnt me out on being with or around people with serious mental problems. .

You must not be cheating on a spouse or significant other if you want to create a friendship. I have no tolerance for cheaters or liars.

Daddy has a dog, you must like animals, because liking animals is a character trait in people that's important to both Daddy and I, and disliking animals is a deal breaker, pretty much with us both loving animals as we do. Ginger is around 7 She's a Springer Spaniel Collie mix. She takes a while to warm up to strangers, but when she does, she's good to go.

I am a fan of horror movies, if you liked them too it'd be nice, because they're the only type of movie I can't get any one in my family, including Daddy to watch.

Some of my other interests I enjoy are renaissance fairs, no experience with SCA would like to but so far just the fairs. Bdsm events, going out to dinner, trying new alcoholic drinks sometimes while at dinner. Crafting, I do a wide assortment of crafts, Reading, video games, expanding my many collections.

Some of the items I collect are stuffed animals, mainly teddy bears, Books, video games computer games, horse figurines, candles, basically anything that interests me. And of course I have an interest in buying Bdsm toys. One day it'd be nice to have room for some of the bigger items.

I'm interested in all kinds of outdoor activities such as camping, going to the lake, nature walks, ect ect, but currently am not involved in any such activities though I'd very much love to be, I just would like to share those activities with a group of friends, and well right now, there's a severe lack of people to go with. I'm also into photography, and I love to take digital pictures, and I think I have a good eye for what'd be a good photo, and I enjoy that hobby very much. I am an amateur at that hobby, since I don't know things like shutter speed and ISO and stuff, but I've gotten a lot of complements on the pictures and subjects I photograph.

I dislike loud noises, loud music, noise for noises sake,* IE having the radio on just cause you can't stand silence* and I most especially hate being trapped with it i.e. in a car while you're driving or in offices or dining establishments. My ears are very sensitive, and after a short while my head begins to hurt, so please, if you like loud noises crowded busy loud places, or loud music, be aware that I am sensitive to such environments and try to respect that.

So if we're hanging out and I ask you to turn it down or express a need for quiet it's not cause I am rude, or trying to put down any ones tastes in music, IF I ask you to turn it down or if we could turn it off for a bit, it truly is disagreeable to me and most likely is having a negative effect on me.. After a while of being surrounded by noise I can't get away from or have no choice of being subjected to I begin to feel all stressed and up tight and cranky, you know I feel the way a cat who's seen a dog does lol.

I enjoy movies, mostly horror like I stated earlier, but not limited to horror alone. I enjoy comedy, kids movies, and fun easy going movies. I rent all the movies I get from blockbuster, and I have a Que with 900 movies and I am always adding more. I've exceeded the allowed limit and now have turned my attention to building Daddies Netflix account up with more of my choices hehe.

I like going to play parties with Daddy; we try to go to one at least every month. Master's Den is probably one we'll be going to most often. This year's major events I want to go to will be Kink in the Caribbean, in November, happens to be a bit before my birthday to so if we get to go happy birthday me!! SM Odyssey and the Folsom street fair. Eventually I'd like to get to attend the leather Carnival in New Orleans, and I'd like to go to other events such as the Dark Odyssey in Maryland. And any others that we become aware of that interest us, should we be financially and time wise able to go to, will be on the list of must sees.

Traveling is a huge interest of mine, and if it's travel for a Bdsm event, and if Daddy can come, well woohoo mores the fun.

Are there any therapists who specialize in and can teach mood alterations, With specific intent and purpose and goal in mind?

t's a beautiful feeling, and usualy I have to be beaten or scene d with to achieve it, but I have accessed it thorough deeply personal intimacies with my Daddy, but I want to be able to learn to do it with out someone to fuel it specifically. I also feel really rejuvenated and full of peace and creativity in this state, and seek to recreate that too.

really like the rejuvination and sense of well being and inner peace that I get after a good spanking or a good emotional connecting with DAddy, and I'd like to seek to create that or learn how to do it, on my own with out external validation or help from someone else. So I was wondering if there were therapists who could teach mind and state alteration techniques and how to do them.
So tranquil and languid. nice word that languidid is.

I am a huge contradiction of orientations.

I am a switch, top to women, Bottom to men, but depending on the man, will top him too. a bottom, will play with any one cause being a bottom is about the situation and the play but a bottom who is dominant in their play desires and I am a baby girl, and I am a cat persona. I also enjoy puppy play too however I don't own any fet gear for it and I won't ever probably. I don't desire to be encumbered and weighed down by dog head masks and dog head paws and butt plug tails ectect.

I am hetero flexible, and I say that because while I will have sex with women and have relationships of a sexual nature, and friendships of a non sexual nature, and would be dominated by a woman,  they're not who I want as long term partners. I want men as life mates and life partners.

I have a Daddy dom, and we're live in 24/7. We've lived together for a year almost 2. We've been together though on an average of 4 years. It is ironic that I say daddy DOM, because I really don't give him any chance to dominate me or control me, I am very bossy and I am always calling the shots, or demanding to or attempting to. I do desire to be submissive and sometimes subservient but my bossy nature presents that.

I am a very fun loving and down to earth person and am easily approachable,

who enjoys crafting, photography reading, video games, and being a forum whore lol. I love to be on as many forrums as possible, I enjoy being amongst them and reading them and participating in them, and often get bored with just being on one or two since my mind goes a billion miles a minute and most groups are to slow to keep me fullly interested on a regular basis.

I am currently exploring the thoughts of making my own ageplay clothing, hats and accessories, and stuff, and making my own bdsm toys like customized paddles.

Anyway I am very approachable, and very friendly and I LOVE to chat appropriately of course, for i have a daddy and won't chat about leaving him or playing with you behind his back or trying to convince him he should let me play with you So feel free to come chat me up. And certainly feel free to contribute to any threads I may make, or comment on my comments in said threads.

I find it really amusing with how almost down right homophobic some guys on here get about other men reading their profiles. I would say to these guys if I cared to waste my breath to grow up, a man reading your  profile doesn't automatically mean they want you or are interested in sex with you, so why get so bent out of shape.

I am a fat women and my Daddy dom is fat, and it is honestly sometimes how well you do or don't present yourself to others that is attractive not the weight. If you don't present yourself well, or look like you haven't washed your hair in days, either that or drowned it in hair gel till it looks greasy, or present with a wah wah poor me attitude, or any kind of bad attitude, even people who don't mind fat chicks are going to go "eww no way no how". And that's because the attitude and how the person presents themselves is very unattractive, more so than being fat. People have given  this advice many times, and some of us fat people, just say the advisors are fat haters or indocterinated by fashion magazines and Holly Wood. Take some care in how you present yourself,  show some of that inner beauty you want people to like you for, and stop blaming Holly wood and people being indoctrinated by society being to blame, and maybe the care and pride you have in yourself will show and you'll find more pople attracted to the "inner beauty"  you claim people should see, over the weight.

And no BDSM is not one true thing to every one. It's different to each and every person. While it may be solely mental to you, it's not going to be solely mental to me. BDSM and kink is very sexual to me, it's my sexuality it permeates my personal relationships, an and if someone does not attract me physically as well as mentally I won't engage in bdsm with them I won't date them I won't fuck them. Why should I?

I am so tired of fat people who don't do a thing to take care of themselves or their bodies whining about shouldn't you look beyond looks and find the inner beauty of someone.

I want to say honey there is no inner beauty when you present yourself poorly and whine and complain about how people not liking your looks is because holly wood brain washed every one into thinking thin is the only way to go. NO it's not, it's because you present a fug ugly picture, looking like you have not bathed in days your hairs so greasy, and then when people gently point out better presentation of ones self may lead to more acceptance from others you spew out how it's every body elses fault.

Daddy anbd I are both fat, and aside from a few people who have nothing better to do than make fun of others, we're always told how cute our pictures are and how cute I am, so I am proof not every one is brain washed into thinking only skinny is cute, now why can't people who don't take care in their presentations and attitudes  realize it's them and not hollywood.

We have wheels again! The deal with my neighbor over his toyota 4 runner is complete! DAddy wanted to take it for a joy ride yesterday, but I said no  because it don't have insurance yet, but hopefully after work today he'll be able to get it insured an then we can joy ride!!! WOOT WOOT for joy riding, and the ability to do so!
Money and lack of it issues, have gotten me feeling kind of blah depressed and like we're sinking and any time we gain a bit of ground another wave washes us back into the abyss of no money or not enough money.
quoted from little wonder with permission, because I liked it.

I don't give references and I don't listen to any. I use my own rationale, braincells and intuition to decide for myself.

I saw 
post this today, and I thought it absolutely rocked, so with her permission, here it is in my journal.

It doesn't bother me that dominants may not find me attractive because i will not allow them to be more in control (ie ordering my dinner, etc). most are probably terrified of my aggressive, stubborn, independent and opinionated nature too. what matters most to me is that my personality attracted the right dominant for me.

I am making some back packs to give to the homeless. Would any one
be willing to send me quilted blankets, big tarps and those resealable giant ziplock storage bags to include in the packs,
since this being winter the warmth will be needed?

They shouldn't be crochet or knit or anything because being homeless
they won't be washing their items and won't be taking very good care
of it likely, I mean yeah they take care of it, but not in the ways
knit and crochet would be. Fleece or Flannel or cotton would
probably be best.

I am including in the box, a camping clothing hanging line or some
rope, and probably a nice huge piece of canvas you can get in
hardware stores that's tough plastic and crinkles. so that way if
they're in an area where they can tie up a rope, they can sling
their stuff over it to make a tent.

I appologive ahead of time if this offends any one.

In return I will help you with any project I can do, and afford to
ship. You name it I'll tell you if I can do it.

I am also making back packs for the children's recieving home, The
women's shelter, and many other needy places, and can also use donations for those purposes too.

submission, for ME, is only found  really, when I find  myself in the presence of someone more dominant than myself. Basically if you will it's inspirational submission. If you inspire that in me you'll eventually get mu submission, if you don't, I'll be about as submissive as a steam roller, and a wet cat put together.
I was looking for the container of sugar and my dad* not ageplay* was in the kitchen and I said where's the sugar, daddy and he asked in a rather baffled  why a re you asking me how would I know tone, where's the sugar Daddy? and I replied yes, you know Sugar....... Daddy as in the sugar that should be under the counter. Perhaps for a moment he thought I was asking about Sugar Daddies.

It was a really funny moment, and priceless to boot how an innocent question could come off in such a way:P
Daddy and i had been talkng about having our two giraffs get married, since I bought geraldine for giraffe to have a gf, well this week at the kinky conferance he snuck them into his bag and had them married this week. I came into the room on Friday and there they were the two lovebirds their witness slap shot and my dinosaur spike, who was the preacher.  I walked in and saw them and bust out laughing and daddy says oh look they eloped, I laughed and said yeah they stowed away too* since I didn't know they were coming*  So our babies are now married, and they had their honey moon at the double tree inn in sanjose. I also took them about the hotel with a friend an took their pictures at the hotel lobby and then above the fireplace, and at spencers and reading the menue.

And on the way ome today we stopped in at Denny's  and he let our penguin come in an daddy even let me make the penguin tell the waitress what we wanted. I said the penguin and I, will have country fried chicken and ice tea.

I really hope my friend comes through and remembers to email me those pictures.
If people doing it want bdsm to be all about sex and nothing more, then it's their right to say that for *them* it's all about sex. for them, it's NOT two seperate things.

I don't know why so many people squack about what bdsm and kink is and isn't, and try to generalize it for every one, because you can never speak for every one, you can only speak for yourself, and perhaps any one you own or are in a relationship with.

Some people want their relationships to be all about sex, and that's fine. That doesn't make them any less Dominant, or any less whatever  tittle they choose, it just means THEY, not you, define for themselves what bdsm and kinkyness is about.

For me kinky stuff  IS all about the sex/sexual/sensua  aspect, I couldn't give one rats ass about protocal or TPE or Master slave Or domme slave, or any of those catch frases that people use to try to define what it is we do with. For me it's all about the sexual/sentual thrill of my partner beating me an spanking me an flogging me and damned strait I'm going to become aroused and damned strait I am going to be getting off during our activities. We might even fuck, and for us, that IS what we're doin it for. The sex. sexual/ sensual aspect.
 I find it ironic how when you state FOR ME and ME personally people will still say you said they were wrong. or a ct like you did. Like in alt the topic of submission and D/s relationships came up and I said for me and me personally D.s means he's the boss I listen, And I am not interested in those kinds of relationships. an then of course came the flood of wow then I guess I'm not sub huh good thing you defined what submission is for me  and that being submissive does not always mean you listen 100 percent and obey blah blah blah.  I clearly said FOR ME PERSONALLY and all the mouthy girls in chat started piping up as if I'd said D/s is I dom you listen an do as I say for every one lol. It's kind of amusing really.
I set up a sewing lesson in may! I used to sew my own clothing and take sewing lessons when I was a little kid, and I have become interested in doing so again, so I set up an appointment! We're going to go over the basics this first time, how to do buttons, and zippers ect ect, an then next time I'll do my first project with this instructor! I have tons of patterns I never used, some for doll clothes and some for baby clothing, so maybe I'll riffle through my things and find one of them to bring!

Maybe after I finish highschool, I'll even look into sewing at the vocational schools if any offer the classes.  I want a job eventually that wil combine the three bigest passions I have, crafts, and that includes sewing, animals elderyly and children. For a while, I and the director at the volunteer department of theSPCA were talking about the teen program that the SPCA could sell to raise money. Maybe it'll be worth while to try again, either that or go to the independant rescue group I know of, and some others and pitch the idea.  The SPCa always has doggie adoption days, and I could make doggie collar covers and bandanna's and blankets an pillows an bones an stuff an they can raffle em off, or sell them outright.

And then Tuesday the 29th I go to talk to the school counsoler about my schooling an where I need to be an stuff, and to getPE credits rolled into elective credits!
My two fav forrum posts today come from DiurnalVampire

Did I miss another "THE ONE TWUE WAY" installment?

You way doesnt work for me.
Your definitions dont work for me.
I will continue to do it my way, and if you dont like it... my suggestion is dont do it my way.
I dont plan on doing it your way, so it should work out well for everyone involved.

And the other one was from colouredin

A relationship is whatever you label it at the end of the day, doing a list of things doesnt make you anything, its what name you personally attach to it.
My neighbor is such a hypocrit, she heard one argument between me and my Daddy cause we were hollaring at each other in the yard then she has the gall to say well it's not healthy for my children to hear you shouting at each other when SHE screams and yells and cusses at her kids on a regular basis and her husband threatens to beat them and kick their little asses when they do something wrong. and he's mad.

I told her so too, I said oh bull We have one argument outside, and you say it's unhealthy for them to hear but we hear you screaming and yelling, at them  you scream and cuss at them weekly and mike threatens to beat them when they make him mad. And I don't think that's healthy for them either.

She got real mad and said it's her right as a mom to yell at her kids and Mike is in his right to threaten to beat them when they've done wrong . She says when I am mature enough to have kids then I'd know that.
Well I am mature enough to know it's not ok to scream and cuss at your children, and I certaintly would not abide my husband telling them he'd kick their asses if they didn't get in the house when they were in the wrong.
Cthuluh is resting quite happily now after the wire's been removed. Daddy moved it about and manipulated it and unfortunatly it poked a small hole in his back by his wing  an came out that way,  but it's very very small, the hole won't even faze Cthuluh nor should it cause any probs, and the stupid pesky wire is gone.
We need a stuffed toy dr. Daddy's Cthulhu plush had a brace in his wings and it came dislodged and is poking holes in his tiny little body an I can't really help the poor toy.
h I vetowed marigold lane apartments, the manager  was very un professional, and she kept empty units unlocked, and she allowed us to go up there with out her, and didn't ask for any proof of id like all reputable places do, she knew we were coming but yet the apartment was dirty, when I commented about it she just said I know, it hasn't been cleaned yet. the stairs were kind of steep and the upstairs landing was so tiny you'd never be able to move furniture in easily.

 there were some nice duplexes quite reasonable but by the time you added in the 3 time amount of income rule we don't qualify. we only make 2100 and a 3 times rule means we need to make 3100 before taxes.

 that three times rule is really fucking us up cause I could of looked at 5 duplexes by now, which is what I really want, and rent was reasonable 800 to 900 but the 3 time rule makes it impossible to find any duplexes.

Certain apartments have that rule too, which for a duplex or a rental home is understandable, but come on apartments with a 3 time rule had better sing to me and clean itself and help with cooking  to be worth 31 hundred to live there. I saw one apartment it was a thoughsand dollars for a 1 bed one bath, at 800 square feet made my eyes bug out.
I was looking at duplexes and stuff and even though they were very reasonable in rent they want you to have a 2 to 3 time the amount of income and that means 31 hundred an we don't qualify.soI decided with Daddy's approval to try out for a apartment we saw a couple weeks ago but the manager wasn't there, it's 800 or so a month, it's extreamly far below the  standards I had/have, but the woman is willing to make us a deal on the dogs 500 for both them, not each of them, and last I heard her say no application fee. so what I finally decided to do was check this place out on the inside, and then put in an application if the inside was anywhere near acceptable or decent for what they charged sign a 12 month lease, and use this place to build up rental history and save up the bigbucks for a more upscale place. then in a year's itme who knows, maybe together we will make the 31 hundredd mark. And then we can commense looking again.

hehe ok, now I know I shouldn't feed trolley types, but I was talking to someone who seemed pretty polite then later on he's like what size are your breasts and I said 48 DD and he's like wow that's hot, and I said well big breasts are not as glamourous as they are painted to be, and I said but I bet you don't want to hear all the unsexy sides of big breasts, he said sure you can tell me anything so I said ok first they get in the way of everything, then when you're not wearing a bra they hang down and cause profuse sweating, then if you're not careful nasty heat sores develope, and finding bra's can be a pain.

he said oh, are they fun for sex? I said well they limit how well doggie style sex works cause they get crushed, and that hurts a lot, and his reply was so no then? I said nope not fun for sex. He says what about Titty fucking, I said well now I really don't see the fun in titty fucking, it's not like I get anything out of it.


I guess those were not the answers he was looking for lol.

the thought about moving can be pretty daunting. First there's finding the right place, then you look around and realize how much stuff you have, and you'll have to sort it all and pack it all and then un pack it all again later.
Daddy and I are drawing ever closer to his move in with me date, and we're hot on the trail of a few places to potential live. So lets hope all continues to go as smoothly as possible:)
it's all about attitude, confidence and the way you conduct yourself - you don't have to drag your knuckles along the ground or have more chest hair than King Kong to be a Dom. 

(said by venusinblue)

This is a quote I have permission from a lovely lady at collar me to include in my profile, and it just mirrors something in me so well about how domination does not have to be an utter brute show of force to be domination. And how when played off so casually public domination can be done with out drawing negative attention, or "scandalizing the vanilla's"

He has, on certain occasions, instructed me to do something very subtle such as go to the restroom and remove my bra, or unbutton several (more than I would ever feel comfortable unbuttoning) buttons down the front of my dress and remain that way for the duration of our time in a particular establishment. In any of these situations, he does absolutely nothing to "call attention" to us or our dynamic, but I suddenly feel as though every eye in the place is on me and my "exposure", suddenly feel every wisp of air resulting from someone walking by our table, suddenly get caught up in that heady, perfumy, thick-aired kind of divine space without him so much as lifting a finger. In reality, I would guess that nobody in the room but us has a clue what has happened. In my opinion, this type of dominance not only carries with it a certain degree of dignity and class but reflects a particularly attractive quality that is not dissimilar to what most people call "confidence". He does not have to show anyone that I am his. We both know I am his and through his subtle exercise of control over me in public, without anyone else having to be the wiser, he manages to reinforce this truism while giving me a little exhibitionistic buzz to boot.

My opinion is that in these types of scenarios, when carefully and masterfully executed, public exertion of dominance can be sublime

Went to Master's Den with Daddy, had an awsome time.

For some reason the little floggers we have,  hurt me in a non sexy way if I'm warmed up or slightly horny. They shouldn't they're not that stingy* ok they feel freaking stingy* and they're small.

Same with Daddies hands if I am not warmed up or horny it's almost impossible for him to spank me.

Fortunatly for both of us, I got both warmed up and horny and he was able to flog me extreamly hard and spank me pretty hard, harder than he's ever been able to, and my ass glowed that night:)

also got to play with a sexy woman's breasts chewing them nibbling them spanking her. Happy birthdy early to me lol.
Went to Master's Den with Daddy, had an awsome time.

For some reason the little floggers we have,  hurt me in a non sexy way if I'm warmed up or slightly horny. They shouldn't they're not that stingy* ok they feel freaking stingy* and they're small.

Same with Daddies hands if I am not warmed up or horny it's almost impossible for him to spank me.

Fortunatly for both of us, I got both warmed up and horny and he was able to flog me extreamly hard and spank me pretty hard, harder than he's ever been able to, and my ass glowed that night:)

also got to play with a sexy woman's breasts chewing them nibbling them spanking her. Happy birthdy early to me lol.
Went to Master's Den with Daddy, had an awsome time.

For some reason the little floggers we have,  hurt me in a non sexy way if I'm warmed up or slightly horny. They shouldn't they're not that stingy* ok they feel freaking stingy* and they're small.

Same with Daddies hands if I am not warmed up or horny it's almost impossible for him to spank me.

Fortunatly for both of us, I got both warmed up and horny and he was able to flog me extreamly hard and spank me pretty hard, harder than he's ever been able to, and my ass glowed that night:)

also got to play with a sexy woman's breasts chewing them nibbling them spanking her. Happy birthdy early to me lol.
Went to Master's Den with Daddy, had an awsome time.

For some reason the little floggers we have,  hurt me in a non sexy way if I'm warmed up or slightly horny. They shouldn't they're not that stingy* ok they feel freaking stingy* and they're small.

Same with Daddies hands if I am not warmed up or horny it's almost impossible for him to spank me.

Fortunatly for both of us, I got both warmed up and horny and he was able to flog me extreamly hard and spank me pretty hard, harder than he's ever been able to, and my ass glowed that night:)

also got to play with a sexy woman's breasts chewing them nibbling them spanking her. Happy birthdy early to me lol.
Chat requests don't seem to work for me, if you want to get my attention, email me on here.
If you want a picture send one of yourself when you request mine.
So many fantasies so little opertunities*sigh*