
Your Secret Master

Life is complicated - it doesn't need to be more so.

Or does it?

Perhaps in an entirely different way.

For a long time, you've felt a certain dissastisfaction that was hard to put your finger on.

There's a part of you that wants to be told what to do. And yet rebels at the thought. Maybe its from lack of respect, either internal, or external. Or maybe its from lack of trust. again, internal or external.

Yet there's this certain thing, this itch which yearns to be scratched. Maybe for a day. Maybe for an evening. Maybe for an hour. Maybe longer. Maybe for a lifetime. Maybe in a way that exists only between you, and, the One.

But how would you know? How would you know how it feels? To feel total release?
Of thoughts, and inhibition.
Of concerns, and fear.

Who would be your messenger, your guide, your light, the One who provides clarity, and focus, perspective, presence, and a sense of place and order?

Your Secret Master

Him, all six foot of lean supple beauty, of canine smile, blond hair, deep brown eyes, tinged with green, long limbed, with sculptors hands. Containing a depth of perception, an ancient soul, magical, caring, loving, a healer.

For if you are here, reading this, you are still searching, and not yet finding. Perhaps You have tasted, but are still hungry. You know you are beautiful, yet still seek approval, and reassurance - and that special something. The urge to open, and be filled, to wrap around, and clench, to hold within and conserve, to taste later, dining at will, when the time is full.

And so, you look forward to the contact. And the special evening event, before which you prepare yourself, smoothed, oiled, coiffed, hair-up, of course, singular diamond ear studs, a gold chain choker, a classic little black dress, with nothing underneath, except garter belt and hose, standing precariously on heels just a little too tall, finger and toenails painted crimson - looking forward, to the moments you will shine together - the moments where you will listen, and obey, secure in the knowledge that this is what you desire, so deeply it is in your very fabric... to meet:

Your Secret Master

 Age: 26