
triskelia - photo 1

la humildad y el orgullo no estan reñidos

i know He's there, close by. i know He's looking for total dependence, blind trust, unquestioning love, complete faith in Him. i know my body is no longer what it used to be. i know i'm married and am restricted, but that doesn't worry Him - there are other things more important and He knows how to get them - He knows the way and how to lead me

i don't travel and i will NOT answer mails from anybody who wants on-line relationships or thinks i can go to them
please don't waste your time or energy
(suelo participar diariamente en la sala de chat #Sumision de irc-hipano)

soy inglesa pero llevo muchos años viviendo en este pais. estoy casada con un vainilla que no sabe nada de mi condicion, y tenemos un hijo.
el verdadero Amo sabe por instinto lo que necesita una esclava para poder encadenarla a su voluntad, y sabe que el cuerpo es solo uno de los eslabones del triskel alma/mente/cuerpo.
creo firmemente en la buena educacion, el respeto y la tolerancia que nos enseñan los Protocolos y Credos establecidos para engrandecer este fascinante mundo de la D/s.

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la humildad y el orgullo no estan reñidos

la esclava del Triskel

5/1/2016 10:10:20 AM
Oh dear! i finally took the test ..........

100% Submissive
98% Rope Bunny
97% Slave
90% Degradee
66% Masochist
65% Primal (Prey)
47% Pet
42% Non-monogamist
40% Experimentalist
30% Girl/Boy
29% Brat
26% Vanilla
13% Exhibitionist
6% Voyeur
3% Rigger
1% Dominant
1% Degrader
1% Primal (Hunter)
0% Sadist
0% Master/Mistress
0% Brat Tamer
0% Daddy/Mommy
0% Owner
0% Switch
0% Ageplayer
See my results online at
3/17/2016 11:53:50 AM
not all the fakes are subs - some who advertise themselves as Doms disappear as son as a real encounter is mentioned.
12/20/2013 4:26:47 PM

qué lástima, qué lástima de promesas rotas

12/16/2013 3:11:05 AM


A Submissive Bill of Rights


You have the right to be treated with respect. Not only do you have this right, you have the right to demand it. Being submissive does not make you a doormat or less of a person than anyone else. The word “submissive” describes your nature and in no way diminishes you as a human being. You have the right to respect yourself as well.
You have the right to be proud of what you are. Being a submissive is nothing that should ever bring you shame or feelings of reproach. Your submissive nature is a gift and should always be a source of pride and happiness.
You have the right to feel safe. Being a submissive should not make you feel afraid, insecure or threatened. Submission is not about living on the edge or flirting with fear. In any situation you should feel safe or there can never be true surrender.
You have the right to your emotions and feelings. Your emotions and feelings come from you and they are just as valid as anyone else’s. You have a right to them. Those feelings, whether positive or negative, make you who you are and suppressing them will only bring unhappiness later.
You have the right to express your negative feelings. Being submissive does not make you an that no longer has negative thoughts or concerns.Your concerns are real and you have every right to express them. If something doesn’t feel right, bothers you, makes you feel bad or you just plain don’t like something, say so. Failing to express your negative feelings could give the mistaken impression that you are pleased or satisfied with something that is not pleasurable or agreeable.
You have the right to say NO. Being submissive does not take away your right to have dislikes or negative feelings about things. If something is happening or about to happen that you feel strongly opposed to, it’s your duty to speak up. Remember, failing to communicate the word NO is the same as saying YES.
You have the right to expect happiness in life. Being submissive is not tantamount to being miserable, suffering or a life of despair. Your submission should bring you joy, peace and fulfillment. If it doesn’t, then something is wrong.
You have the right to have input in a relationship. You are an active partner in any relationship you enter and have every right to contribute to it. You are submissive, not passive. A relationship that doesn’t include your needs, thoughts, hopes and desires is not one you should be in to begin with. This applies to friendships, partnerships and D/s relationships.
You have the right to belong. Being submissive greatly involves the feeling of belonging. Many submissives have expressed that it was in discovering their submissive nature that they felt as through they “belonged” for the first time in their lives. You belong to the lifestyle and will eventually belong to the One. It’s in that relationship you should find the final fulfillment of “belonging” at last.
You have the right to be loved and to love. Anyone who tells you that love doesn’t fit into a D/s relationship has never experienced the fulfillment of all it truly can be. Submissives are by nature loving and needing of love and have every right to expect this to be a part of their lives. It takes love to bring your submission into full bloom, so don’t settle for less.
You have the right to be healthy. Health involves your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Any relationship, D/s or otherwise, that causes you to suffer physically, mentally or emotionally, beyond your limits, is abuse. There is no place for abusive behavior in a D/s relationship and it’s up to you to make sure those lines are not crossed. Being a submissive does not give anyone the right to harm or injure you in any way. The D/s community will stand behind you if you should encounter such a situation but you are the one who has to make them aware before they can help.
You have the right to practice safe sex. Not only is this a right, it’s a duty to yourself and others you may come into contact with at a later date. Sexually transmitted diseases have reached epidemic proportions and must be a concern to any sexually active person. Safe Sex is something you have the right to insist upon and protecting yourself should never be discouraged by anyone who really has your best interests at heart.


Author: Author Unknown


Source The Iron Gate


12/13/2012 3:37:13 PM

apart from serving the Person who owns her, the main reason and purpose of a true slave is to try to make everybody else feel better.

if i have just made you smile, even just slightly .................................... thank you

4/9/2012 11:40:31 AM

if you think i'm going to meet with you without getting to know you first --- forget  it

7/23/2011 4:36:26 AM

a friend is someone who has our confidence and affection. i am not a trophy stuck on your list. forget it

7/12/2011 4:47:12 AM

if you think i could be an extra activity on your package holiday in the south of spain ----- forget it

5/31/2011 4:02:06 AM

a ver si lo pongo claro - parece que no se entiende algo - NO viajo, NO busco sesiones para divertirme, NO soy  una fulanita facil. si no entiende la D/s pura, si no sabe la diferencia entre una esclava y una sumisa - busque a otra para "fun and games"


4/3/2011 1:53:28 AM

i don't need insulting mail from 24 year old girls who think they know what all this is about. forget it

3/28/2011 8:40:50 AM

if you think a photo of your penis or of family-friendly underpants is going to attract me  ........... just forget it

3/21/2011 6:33:27 AM

i don't understand people looking for contacts and they can't be bothered to put on their profile where they are - and then they complain nobody gets in touch with them ....




no comprendo a los que buscan contactos pero no ponen en su perfil donde están - y luego no entienden porque nadie los contacta

12/9/2010 11:01:49 AM
if your profile pic is you in the nude and you think i will be desperate to meet you in an hour's time --- just forget it
7/2/2010 3:23:10 AM
if you think you're going to get a freebee holiday  in the south of spain -----forget it
6/29/2010 11:53:47 AM
ridiculous messages from people in ghana wanting to be my new partner or a wonderful friendship will be reported as spam
6/9/2010 11:40:03 AM
sooner or later, lies are uncovered.

tarde o temprano las mentiras se descubren
4/18/2010 4:13:26 AM


4/6/2010 4:14:05 AM
NOTE. all messages from ghana or egypt wan ting me to be their real slave will be reported by me as spam, and those with nude photos reported as obscene.
3/24/2010 2:54:28 AM
so ridiculous - somebody with whom i have never had contact putting me on their friends list. i suppose they just want people to think they're lucky - well don't bother
que ridiculo, alguien con qien nunca he tenido contacto poniendome en su lista de amistades. supongo que quieren que los dems piensen  que tienen suerte. pues no se molesten
2/18/2010 3:41:00 AM
even aftermy last entry people still write to me with impossible "requests". why is it so difficult to read and understand what i have written???????????
2/8/2010 1:10:46 AM
how big do the letters have to be for people to read them?

i do NOT travel
i do NOT want on-line only relationships
i will NOT give you any money
i will NOT leave my  husband for you
i am
NOT looking for a subbie

 Age: 24
 Canton, Michigan