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Comic book writer, and total ass whore. Seat kisser, and paddle slut.

Nobel Prize Committee: George Costanza.

Gears of War (Ginger Fish),  Cyberpunk 2077 (Johnny Cash),  Arkham Games (Chris Cornell), Left 4 Dead (Kurt Cobain), Dead Til Daylight (Kanye West).

Gotham: Harvey Dent.

Heath Ledger (MI-6 Assassin Services), Nicholas Maynard (French ExSec Bourbon), Cameron Hollopeter (NYU Film School), Andrew Donson (Firaxis Games), Michael Richards (NYPD).
The Matrix:  Cypher.
Venus Terzo (British Navy), Keanu Reeves (Hezbollah), Ben Brown (DEA), Sandra MacDonald (Vatican Sudan), Ivar Hennington (UMass-Amherst ROTC).
Harry Potter:  Voldemort.
Melinda O'Deele (Mutual Commonwealth Insurance), Joshua Moen (Haverhill Corrections), Ellen Page (Los Angeles Sheriffs Department), Gerald Friedman (Mossad Marine Corps), Marie O'Neill (Vatican Army).
007:  Raoul Silva.
Sayed Adnan (DARE), Roland Spencer (Coast Guard), Jenna Silva (Canondroga), William Morgan Jr. (East End Games), Alexandra Gaetano (Coolidge Fund).
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind:  Charles Hirsch Barris.
Michael Giroux (French ExSec Monitoring), Stacey Sahar (Nursing Disabled Chattel), Allison Haimes (North Korean Authorship), Matthew Lennox (Forbes Magazine Schlitz), Adam Luciano (Italian Prostitution Services).
Hail to the Chiefs: James Garfield. 
Boris Yeltsin (National Rifle Association), George W. Bush (Confederate Southern Army), Edward Kennedy (World Bank Angiulo), Barack Obama (North Korean Gender Services), Hunter S. Thompson (Air Force Drug Enforcement Administration).
Grand Theft Auto: Tommy Vercetti.
Richard Kyanka (Gay Rights Iran), George Soros (Grocer's Unions MI-6), Donald J. Trump (Israeli Cocaine Sales), Marilyn Manson (Russian Intelligence Okhrana), Jack Chick (German Intelligence Comcast).
A Perfect Circle: "The Thirteenth Step".

Alex Fleming: The baby monitor.  South Park Studios.

Lloyd Ahlquist: Microsoft Office.  Chas T. Main.
David Charlebois.  The World Wide Web.  The Adult Video Awards.
Kara Williamson: America's Funniest Home Videos.  Fox News. 
Roshay Reddy: The stun gun.  Judge Rotenberg Center.
Daniel Monahan: The drum machine.  Death Row Records.
Jenna Williamson: The terminal process.  MUSH Park.
Cody Keiser: The duct tape wallet.  Tool.
Mathilda Gagnon: The collectible card game.  MoveOn.
Peter Tsaptsaris: The Tamagotchi.  Persel.
Allison Haimes: Arabica blend.  Starbucks Coffee.
Pat Ware: The Quake engine.  The Respite Center. 

"A Link to the Past": Fillmore family, avenging injustices against convicts. "Harley Quinn".

"Castlevania": Garfield family, refusing the common justice of the poor. "General Dave".

"Mario Brothers": Kennedy family, placing the onus of the rich on the wealthy. "Gentle Agnew".

"Parasol Brothers": Rhee family, removing the family from the workplace. "Dave Dan".

"Street Fighter": Bulger family, pulling combat techniques out of grocery stores. "Mathilda the Hun".

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