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Educated, playful and cuddly woman (29y) looking for a man (yes, man comes first, Dom/ Sub comes second !) who assumes control.

Even though I have little experience with bdsm (but not new to the lifestyle) and don't yet know what I want, I would (currently) say:
power taken off me, rules, submission,?bondage, letting myself fall, alternation between hard and soft.
Since I'm not a natural sub (rather dominant at times) I can only allow myself to submit when I feel safe and cared for. Lately I'm not only interested in submitting but also in exploring my dominant side. And very important: since I love my life and being independent, I'm not one for 24/7 slavery but am very interested in DD.

A D/s relationship for me not only consists of play with submission and dominance. Seeing the other as a partner, caring for each other, sharing interests, trust, conversations, friendship/ love are equally important.

If you understand and agree to the above (or have any questions) please don't hesitate to write. ? ? Und ja, ich spreche fliessend Deutsch (wenn auch mit leicht schwaebischem Dialekt).

P.S.: I don't want to sound rude... but... I'm looking for a partner/ friend / teacher and not a Daddy.

Browsing through some profiles I'm again amazed about the crudeness of some people. What if you mum could read this?!

Dear all,

currently I have other priorities than writing/ answering messages or meeting with men. Sorry for any inconveniences.


Hallo zusammen,

momentan sind die SZ oder CM nicht hoch in meiner Prioritaetenliste und daher bin ich nur selten online und beantworte messages nur sporadisch. Nicht aergern ;-)

Back in Germany (for now)

HELLLLLLO Shenzhen :-)

Am currently back in Europe and will be moving to Shenzhen later this summer. Am grateful for any tips (living, food, fun...) regarding Shenzhen :-)

Back in Beijing :-)

And still not interested in any kind of relationship but always open to meeting like-minded people for a drink and conversations ;-)

I decided to quit Collarme for now until the rest of my life is more quiet. Thanks for everything! CU, Torimi

FYI: I like to get to know people (in RL). But otherwise I'm currently not looking for a partner!

Thanks for all the nice comments. As much as the inmaturety of most men my age annoys me... I'm NOT interested in men 15 years my age. I'm NOT looking for a Dady. Seriously!!!
Why are all the interesting men so much older than me???
I start to think that I'm too old for my age...
I learned something!
Well... I try to learn something new every day but let's just say I learned something VERY important during the last months:

   1. Someone can always say he is dom/ caring/ intelligent blabla. The real character will, however, show in stressful situations.
   2. If you call yourself a Dom PLEASE act like one! Otherwise, how should I ever act like a sub?!
   3. There are decisions you can't solve by thinking but only by feeling and just doing.
   4. Whatever you expect from your friends/ partners/ people around you, YOU have to live up to, first.
   5. Talking and trust are the most important factors in a relationship.

          And last but not least:
   6. Only the strong ones can show their weaknesses!

Why do feelings make a relationship so difficult?
Why do people have to think so much when it comes to feelings?
Why can't one just be happy and not bother about the "days after days after tomorrow"?

Life sometimes sucks!

Just to clear things up:
I love my life, I love to be independent, I love being free, I love my job.
Thus I currently don't want to relocate nor be in 24/7.

Another point: My agelimit is based on the experience that too big differences in age only result in disappointment and hurt. So please respect this range.


Okay... first have to find out how this site works... anyway. Nice to be here.

Have a wonderful Christmas and great holidays!