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I'm updating my profile. In the meantime, I like to be efficient so let's pretend that you wrote that one line message then sent it to me - once it arrived I deleted it without bothering to read it and blocked your profile. It'll save us both a lot of time. Edited to add: If you sent me a dick pic - I laughed, then deleted the message and blocked you. Full Disclosure: I am the Femme Half of a Domme/Dom couple. I'm happily married and I'm happily Poly.
Public Service Announcement: Having a tiny dick doesn't make you a HERMAPHRODITE. Having a tiny dick makes you inadequate. No Hate Mail - I just had a traumatic message exchange where I had to actually explain that simple concept.
Did I mention how important is it to use sites like TinEye to verify that the vixen of your dreams, the amateur porn love puppy 3 holed wonder, with no self esteem who will submit to YOU and only to YOU and who will do your bidding is not a 45 year old flabby shut in living in his mother's basement dreaming of a life where he can be the girl he just knows is trapped inside but can't get out because mama makes him wash his dirty mind with hymns and his dirty body and hands with chlorine...   

I wonder how effective it would be to have CollarSpace come up with a "Seeking: Mental Masturbation and Living a Lie" option.  Would the trolls and shut-ins use it or is the lie just as important as the wanking?   
If you appear on my Favorites List... don't take it personally. I use the list as a bookmarking tool. Don't email me complaining that I haven't written. I usually don't. And I don't do Friends on here - you won't be the exception.

I had an exchange with a local "girl" who appeared to live less than 30 minutes away from me - and that's taking Atlanta traffic into account.  


This "girl" was full of information about the local scene up to and including talking about people that I actually know, good friends of mine actually.   So I respond with... "Wow! Small world - I can't wait to ask **** all about you and I plan to give her shit because I can't begin to imagine why she'd fail to mention YOU when I asked her LAST NIGHT about why I should venture back out into the local scene." 


LMAO... was I surprised to find that the lowlife, scum sucking, mouth breather pulled the profile?  No, no I was not.   


I really am disappointed by the lack of initiative shown by the lying, mental masturbating trolls on this site.   I am actually missing the "send me travel money" Asshat McDouchebags - they at least made an effort to create interesting back stories.   





The number of mental masturbating losers on this site shouldn't surprise me - and in reality it doesn't. What does surprise me is the number of mental masturbating losers who actually send me messages - me of the fetish for Voice Verification. I will no longer be responding to messages from anyone who doesn't provide a means to voice verify in their message to me.
If you find your little dick getting hard at the thought of offering me presents and decide to send me a message offering me any variant of the "let me buy your affections" messages I get with alarming regularity let me save you the time it'll take to type the message and ejaculate on your keyboard by offering your some suggestions: ? MacBook Pro - Retina Display?15" ? Meade 10"LX90 - it's a telescope Louboutin Bandita Boot in 9B Canon EOS 60DA - Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM For the more serious mental mastubators amongst you and you know who you are... Your messages begin with "Successful in Business but Submissive in Private and I want to spoil you" - Spoiling me ain't cheap here are some suggestions: ? Canon EOS 1D X Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM Canon EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II USM (Super Telephoto) Meade LX800- Make sure it has the Go-To Mount for Astrophotography?

For the record -  twat shots are just as tacky and trashy as cock shots. 

I don't do Friends on here. I don't do Chat on here. Don't ask - you will not be the exception.

I admit that I am incredibly jaded and cynical. ? That said, I installed the extension on my browser and even I was shocked at the number of "fake" pictures on here. ?? - it's free and they offer browser plugins for most browsers.

Don't you people have real ?lives? ? Does mental masturbating douch-baggery make up for your lack of social skills? ??



I am going to devote the entire month of April to WANTON ACTS OF CRUELTY.  I was going to design and then cultivate an herb garden before I realized that I want to hear someone scream out their safe word at least once a week.  



If you appear on my Favorites List... don't take it personally.   I use the list as a bookmarking tool.   Don't email me complaining that I haven't written.  I usually don't.

This season the color of happiness for me is M.A.C. Red.   I've decided that every shade of red lipstick tells a story and for this season M.A.C. Red says:  "Yes, I am and yes, I do."  

Don't send me Chat Requests.  If you don't know me I am not going to want to chat with you.  And if you do know me, you have my contact information.  

If you consider yourself "Worthless" I'm not going to be interested in you.?? I have a fully developed sense of self and even better I'm an elitist.??


I haven't any need nor the desire to build myself up by associating with a creature who has no sense of her own worth.??

If you are unwilling or incapable of voice verifying - don't waste my time. Seriously.
? I don't do "Friends" on here.?? Don't send requests - I reject them all. ? If you turn up on my favorites list - don't take it personally.? I use the Favorites feature to bookmark profiles I will read later ?
I am done with Summer - the season, not the stripper. Done with heat, humidity, long days, and totally done with only being able to ride my bike at dawn or after dusk like I belong to a gang of Vampire Bikers.

Seriously... to those who think that sending pictures of your genitalia is a great ice breaker have you considered exactly what it says about you? 


Picture of your genitalia = "The very best thing I can say about myself is that I shave my privates."


Which always makes me think... Maybe if you spent less time shaving and exfoliating and more time reading you'd know exactly how horrifying it is to open a message only to find a giant TWAT.

For the record:

  • I don't do "Friends" on here.   Don't send requests - I reject them all.
  • If you turn up on my favorites list - don't take it personally.  I use the Favorites feature to bookmark profiles I will read later