Sometimes I wonder what it is we're expected to say in these drned little profile boxes. I mean, how can one person describe themselves in any accurate manner? We're really just showing the side we want people to see- Setting up a image of who we want to be, whether or not it's really who we are. It's like a job interview only you're applying for attention.

"If only he'd notice me-."

"Why won't anyone ever reply to my messages?"

"Is my profile not good enough?"

Peh. I'll be blunt. I'm a switch who prefers to sub most days. I'm here mainly for friends right now. I just want someone to talk to, someone to enjoy the company of (and no, not that kind of company ^^), and someone who I can really get to know- beyond the words we type in these boxes. We can see what comes of that first.

Oh, one last note- please don't call me mistress/give me orders/etc without invitation or respond with one liners. I'd appreciate it.
9/18/2009 9:12:44 PM
Pet Peeve #2

People who insist on pictures before even giving you consideration.

You do know how that sounds right?

If all you care about is appearance then it really doesn't matter, you're not the one for me. In fact, you shouldn't be the one for anyone. I'd say you should haul your ass to a therapist and figure out what all of that's about before you go off dating in the first place.

Relationships are not based on surface value-  at least not lasting ones.

(And for the record I'm not against pictures. I just think you should get to know someone a bit before demanding them.)
8/25/2009 1:27:37 PM
Pet Peeve #1

Sometimes punks want to ruin it for everyone else.

Let me be incredibly blunt here-

Don't bug me by requesting casual sex. It only pisses me off and I will respond in a manner fitting. No, I don't feel the need to be nice about it. You've insulted me by

1. not reading my profile
2. propositioning a stranger
3. assuming I would personally be interested

Friends only does not mean "random hookup."