my husband/master died a few years ago and i am new to this site. so i am not sure how to go about this. my family doesn't really know how deep i do go into this life. i would like to go to different fun places and just be myself. i am really starting to wonder if there is someone out there for me. i like to think there is but i have had no luck at all. i am true to the one i am with and i have yet to prove that in the last couple years. if you are out there, i am patiently waiting. i am looking for a ltr. i want to be with a man who will be for just me.
i have to tell everyone that i got genital herpes from a girl when we had a mff. i am dormant now but it is contagious. it is hard for someone to want to be with you when you have an std. but i am hoping there is someone out there that will. anything you want to know just ask. guess that is it for now.