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4-30-2015: Sorry for being away so long, I had lost hope in this site and literally just left. I will come on occasionally- but I am no longer looking for anyone but friends. Please understand and respect this.
Hello~ ( Please don't mind the old picture, I'll upload a more recent one when I'm able to )
I see no point in lying, or trying to make up stories-- why would you make up a story if you're choosing to sign up on here to look for something real?? I don't understand such things from people, the truth would come out eventually..
Sorry, I rambled off a bit there ( a habit that I'm trying to get rid of ) To the point, then.
I am 22 years old and a BBW-- I've been working on my weight. I like how I am, however... it would just depend on the person who chooses to train me, I suppose. I'm looking for someone who's had experience in this lifestyle, and would be patient enough to teach me. - I wouldn't say that I'm not looking for Male Doms.... I'm just not too sure/comfortable with the idea of it. I suppose it would just have to depend on the person-- though mainly, I'm looking for a Female Domme. Although, I kind of wish there were a 'pansexual' option on the Sexuality tab.
Honestly, I'm rather new at this; I've always been interesting in the lifestyle of being a submissive, and I've done some research on it-- I've even tried contacting a Mistress before ( not on here, obviously-- another site ) but...I don't think it worked out too well-- however, I'm not willing to give up just yet! Especially about something I feel so strongly about. Not only have I been interested in such a thing, but I've also been drawn to it-- like I was meant to do this, if that doesn't sound weird...I feel as though this is something I can do, and be useful in.
To be even more honest....I have to admit, I'm kind of scared-- I'm not sure if it's because I'm new at this...or I'm scared of being disappointed again. I've heard that being a sub/slave can be hard-- and I know that there are some Dom/Dommes out there that can be very strict...but I'm not sure if I would be ready for harsh treatment. I understand that you serve your Dom/Domme completely and they use you...but...at the same time, I don't want to be used as just some tool-- I'm not an object, not some thing that can be tossed out once it's useless...I'm human ( a bit of a failure at one, but still flesh and bone nontheless ) If I do find the right one, I'll do more than my best to serve them and make them happy....but I don't think I should forsake my own happiness in order to do that.?
I'm gathering what courage I have to make this jump, not only because I feel that it's right, and what I'm meant to do...but to find happiness, to be comfortable and serve my Dom/Domme comfortably, rather than in fear or anxiety. If this seems silly to people, or just childish...you don't HAVE to message me, you don't HAVE to deal with me.?
I just....thought I'd be honest in that department.?
I'm not sure if it's because of my weight, age, or location-- but I've not been able to find a job, which is unfortunate, so I would not be able to provide any financial aid-- but I'm good at other things!
I can cook, I can clean- I've not had TOO many sexual experiences ( perhaps a total of 3-4 times? ) but, from what I've been told after those, I'm rather good with my hands, and I'm very willing to learn what's needed to learn in order to be a good submissive.?
I'm comfortable with my body-- but at the same time, there are moments to which I wish I were thinner...which is why I've been working on my weight! It's been going...alright.
I can be both mature and immature, depending on the situation-- and I have to admit, I've found out that I can be a bit...clingy.
So, please...if you do decide to message me ( if it pleases you ) please have serious intentions...I don't feel like being dragged around anymore just to be abandoned with no word or reason why.?
I'm willing to relocate, if I've found that you're indeed serious-- and you're not some insane murderer luring in people just to cut them up and...well, eat them or something.
Again, I'm a quick learner-- and eager to learn, at that. I would be loyal to my Mistress, and give my trust and will to her, if she would have me. As long as I'm allowed to contact family and friends once in a while ( if I'm not in punishment or something ) then that's fine with me.
Hobbies....hm, well... I play games, read comics ( Marvel, mostly, especially Deadpool~ ) I like to bake sweets and pastries ( my specialty is pecan pie and peanut butter criss crosses ) as well as draw and read regular novels. I'm good with computers; as long as I have the parts, I'm able to build desktops, and set them up, as well as fix common problems-- if it's not too serious, that is. I have high respect for my friends online, and I care for them very much. If it weren't for them, chances are I wouldn't be around.
I've no problem with animals, I myself own a cat-- a Maine Coon mix, and a Leopard Gecko. ( Although, now that I think about it, that's probably not relative... )
I do have soft/hard limits, however....I absolutely WILL NOT do Scat,?Bestiality? Blood Play or Golden Showers of sorts. I'm sorry-- people are welcome to like what they like, and enjoy what they want-- but personally, I'm uncomfortable and disgusted by such things. ( Blood play and cutting and piercing makes me VERY uncomfortable )
I'm pretty sure there are other things I might not like, but until mentioned, I can't think of any at the moment. I'm willing to try new things that are not in my hard limits-- and I may be nervous at first, but I don't think I would mind being nude?
I have nothing against men and I wouldn't mind if there were male slaves/subs.
At the moment, I can't think of anything else to say-- but I'm pretty open minded, and I don't mind any questions asked! ?I check my email every day, and I'm also on Skype everyday, so it's not hard to get in contact with me if needed.
Thank you for your time, and I do hope you consider me worthy of serving you. |