from when i was 8 years old till 14 i was abused an sexual abused an I had to run to get away from the prev's in my area. and I traveled alot when i was younger from 15 till i was 29 years old I seened alot of places in my time from az to cal to texas to flodria to nj to britian to michgian.. and michgain was the wrost place I ever been at.. to much crimes an deaths going on for me to live there.. and I am tried of kentucky people since i was 8 years old ... |
but when it comes to me and dating nah it never works because men well lie to much about shit.. from 2006 till 2018 men has told me nothing but lies and the funny thing is I believe the lies in 2006 2007 2008 then 2009 shit when down and i haven't been the same since and nobody will understand my pain from may 2003 till now i have to live with it everyday they don't |
I like to say to people right now I am 33 years old been single since 2008 no sex life at all I have a 9 year old daugther and i am a artist and i love art I am a high christian and don't believe in others ways... I am just me and i tell you str8 up on things if you don't like it will don't fucking bully me over it.. I am the truth talkers and been behind trump for aleast 14 years because of the truth and I don't understand why people is the way they is.. I am into art and video games i love watching movies and more so it is what it is |
i wonder on dating sites people lie about there locations for it is odd they said there from cal new york and others an so one then they message me then say there in lexington or kentucky then they wonder why I have trust issues with people to many fucking liers and the dating site is here |
as I twine of thought i see within of power the silence of thee heart beats within of the sky an thy motions of the wind i see thy cloud of beautiful colors for night the dark skies of wonder of beautiful stars that connect that makes them hole .. a wonderful bright moon with faces of frait has i see of blue pinks and orange in thy sky of stars |
anyways bdsm is for women an submissives and slaves with mental illeness anyways to have someone to teach them that life it worth living to have peace of mind that noone is out to hurt them and to show the person or persons how to love again without getting hurt an to let it go and to teach them how to deal with a mental illenss and to over come them and not till the mental illeness win or take over your body and mind it is for to free your mind of your trouble life dealing with mental illeness ..... for if you have ptsd or autsim or add or despession anixety stress disorder or ocd or any type of mental disorder you don't want someone to bring you down all the time you want someone to bring you up and make you laugh showing you life isn't so bad |
people think mental illness is a joke in fact it is humans bring us down to breaking point to where we can break them in half of the name calling and bullshit so call domantes do and if you have mental illness and think like me lets bring down this bullies of name calling abusing us hurting us lieing on us and stand up and be proud we still living and having killed our self yet bring us up not down the silence shy ones is the ones you have to watch out for I am one of the silence shy type that has had 18 years of abuse put down to the point where i am anti social brang me to the point in my life no longer gives a fuck and haven't been with a man in 8 years because there cock suckers running off at me and i can knock there teeth down there throats i am a bitch because of pricks assholes cunts dick head do i need to go on and plus you so called dom master can't handle a satan's beast only real men can hahahahahaa |
because i open up about my life on here I got called a nutjob well motherfuckers it takes one to know one and half you all want to control someone and do abuse to them bring them down and it seems the nutjobs are you abusers of women thinking women is wrothless don't need to live and if it wasn't for women your motherfuckers wouldn't been born |
it is harder for me to find someone I can trust because I have been done so wrong in the past of abuse being lied to and cheated on from at a young age and my mental disorders make me shy away from people because they don't understand me not one little bit and I don't trust alot of people so it is harder for me to open up and talk to alot so it is why I am want someone to help me get over being shy and open up without abuse or being hurt ... because i am strong from what i have been threw in my life ........ may of 2003 I was put in a coma from abuse an more.. and my life changed i am 100% disable i have brain injury an had a stroke my right leg is smaller then my left leg and i get scared around people from the way I was treated from 2003 till now so I have alot to work on I have my goals I am trying to work on and meet all of my goals |
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