I have dabbled with the alternative and am looking to further my experiences. I am eager to find out more regarding this aspect of my life. I find myself fascinated with the prospect of controlling another and experimenting with different aspects of this lifestyle, such as, knife play and needles. I am not actively searching for partners at the moment, just looking and learning.
9/30/2005 1:43:11 AM
What you percieve as true is not necessarily so!  It is nothing more than your interpretation, and therefore, your truth. Reality is subjective!

2/5/2005 7:47:20 PM
There is the 'then' and then there is the 'now'.  Go figure!  I am coming to some understanding , which inevitably leads to more questions, and so the story go's.  Have met some nice people in the chat rooms and have conversed with a few others through the message system, but have yet to talk really honestly with another about the lifestyle.  Well, heres looking you in the eye and pulling out the whip...what a nice guy I is! 
2/2/2005 7:50:06 PM

Cry havoc!

Finding that the seasons are confused and following an order that doesn't mesh with what is acceptable common knowledge.  Then again, a lot of what goes on these day's seems to conflict with peoples accepteed common knowns.  Take for instance the need to socialise with other 'beings', be they two or fourlegged (or for that matter one legged).  It seems to me that a primary urge that we have in our make up, is the need to find others like us, or our perceptions of us, to feel connected to something that is outside of what we consider ourselves. Having said the above i will leave it open for thought!

1/27/2005 10:09:58 PM
Hello to all,

I have met a few interesting people since signing up for the membership.  I find it fas7ci7nat7ing listening to subs and slaves and the expectations they have of Dom's.

I also find that the honesty and emotional nakedness that subs and slaves expose themselves to inspiring.  The exchange of power from one to another is something we all do on a fundamental level, but the total relinquishing of it is amazing.

Well, feel free to drop me a message to correct my insight if you find that you are not in agreement with it.  Otherwise, feel free to agree, I do with me all the time!
 Age: 99
 Canada, Canada