Fall seems to have arrived lol least a cool night out so maybe some can get sleep and rest so those who may sweet kinky dreams for those who cant sleep my you find something to keep you busy and be free to enjoy yourselfs toy |
Was a long day but glad its over lol hope i can get some sleep and wake up and find some trouble to get into or least see what i can get going sweet dreams to those going to bed and have fun if your awake toy |
fullmoon and cant sleep been gone for a few weeks like a fool i got convinced to attempt a straing vanilla relationship .
wel let me say this vanilla may help some things taste better and have a great smell but its not what I can live 24/7. I guess i should have followed my first thoughts but was told to try it i would like it well wrong.
To my friends sorry i left so sudden i had to see what would happen and now i know that some things just cant be forced its like trying to put a square peg in a round hole it just wont work.
Have a great day and blessed be toy |
sweet kinky dreams to those who can sleep at night and have fun for those night owls how are just really getting started with there day toy |
odd to have to say some one brought to girls attention she may have spent more time latley on collarme then playing war games on FB as she slipped into talking third party and accidently called her chancellor Master got to watch out for that one i guess once a habit good or bad it can be hard to change have a great day Toy |
Sweet very kinky dreams and may they all come true for you night toy |
Life is always leading us where one may not ever suspect for those who see the lifestlye a game and those who are part of it just pawns to be moved to your bidding go jump in a lake.
I have seen so many who changer a profile or name then try to contact the same people over and over as if there not smart enough figure it out . I live my life as i see fit and will be friends with who i choose the only time that will change is when I give total control over to the one i can trust to see to it that i not abused or taken advantage of no just cause you think your smarter then a old fashioned country girl.
ALSO read profiles fully before you try to change some one or think you know better for them they do.
First and formost if you dont like BBW or SSBBW dont read my profile I am what i am. I was trained more old school and guard then most in todays world so i try show respect to those who show they earned it. If you think just by writing Dom that makes you one well go some where else as thats just modern studity. If you show me your honest and trust worthy and show you earned the tittle Dom or Master then I will state it others wise i will show respect and use the term sir till such time this one knows the truth of who or what you are have a good sunday toy |
The room is cool and dark she kneels head to the floor and waits. knowing she will be rewarded in some form if she shows patience knows she must not fail HIM!! Her body is tight with need that she can not put in words to most. She has dark needs and cravings she accepts that she was meant for others USE and even if they Desire abuse but she has tried so hard to fit in the Vanilla world but does not fit the vanilla mold.
She hears a noise but keeps here head to the floor eyes to lowered she hears a sudden whish and then painful pleasure racks thru the slaves soft body as the whip marks the pale white ass burning deep into the slave letting her know she is to not move but offer herself to HIM and any HE chooses to use this lowly toy in any way they see fit. She feels fire run thru her core knows any who look will see how its body reacts to the kiss of the whip and craves yet more from This lord and Master knowing she is where she belongs naked bound and open for any use or abuse he sees fit to offer it!!! |
family matters have kept girl tied up and away hopefully now things will quiet down and allow her a chance to chat with friends again blessed be toy |
Girl wants to wish everyone a very speical and safe holiday weekend!!! Toy |
Dr are true Sadist I had to have two emergancy surgurys so far this summer as I found my dr ingnored a major infection for over 2 years then found out after i was recovering i got a staff infection and had to be operated on again . Healing but its slow and well not fun. I hope my friends will understand and girl has missed them Blessed be toy |
Girl has been gone for a while during her forced rest she has had a lot of time to look deeply into her needs and what she is and still finds her need to be used and serve is still very strong and can not be resited or she hurts and feels a burning need many mey not understand But true ones will understand why she craves and needs to serve and craves a hard hand on her leading her to where will find her completed and fufilled by if you dont like SSSbbw then move on Medical problems are noit eady but have made it where girl may have to have major surgury in the next few weeks she will keep her friends posted one she see the surgeon on tuesday blessed be and aho! |
sorry girls not been feeling so good last few days will see the terrible horrible dr today hope he gives me some good news just wanted to wish everyone a early wonderful 4th of july weekend have lots of fun blessings toy |
please if girl says hello or answers your notes understand she will not call a person she has not spoken to on her or on yahoo right off the bat that is silly to even expect thank you toy |
Floodings fires and more storms coming who is getting the animals together to start building a arc seems we may need one before the weeks thru more storms to come every day and high humidity |
yet more hoosier storms tonight what next on dont answer it please we may get it toy
why is it so hard for some to read simple english words that state simple facts with out thinking they can change your mind or reasons for saying what one does??
Some times one wonders if life was ever so simple and easy or is it all just a test?
enough deep thoughs have a great week and may you find the one or ones you seek blessings toy |
why is it so hard for some to read simple english words that state simple facts with out thinking they can change your mind or reasons for saying what one does??
Some times one wonders if life was ever so simple and easy or is it all just a test?
enough deep thoughs have a great week and may you find the one or ones you seek blessings toy |
Wanting to wish everyone a safe fatherday weekend and dont let the heat get to you to much toy |
Storms storms go away i am tired of them already!!
a few words on why i use a wheel chair now and my health issues:
I suffer from accute primary lyphemia that cause my feet legs and lower body to swell with lyph fluids for starters then have arthristis of the joints in my ankles knees and lower spine.
then was found to have a blood clot disorder that runs in my family and have one that has not disolved in my left leg for two years now but if moves will go to my heart or lung or last brain and would kill me.
They then diagnost me with fibro myalgia so i know what its like to be limited to what i can do and cant do but have learned to go on living!!!
i not going to give up on life so why should i give up on hopes of finding a owner who can accept me the way i am good and bad blessings Toy |
lol been a long weekend and forgot to log off last time i was on collarme my on my the things boy switches and slaves even come to one like me for lol.
Took harley out with the wheel chair friday and saturday and got around town a bit he and topaz the standard poodle like mommys new wheels.
Sorry to been gone so long but had family committments all weekend blessings and have a great time Toy |
lol been a long weekend and forgot to log off last time i was on collarme my on my the things boy swiches and slaves even come to one like me for lol.
Took harley out with the wheel chair friday and saturday and got around town a bit he and topaz the standard poodle like mommys new wheels.
Sorry to been gone so long but had family committments all weekend blessings and have a great time Toy |
life has a way of reminding us of the simple pleasures at time stop and smell a fresh opened flower to watch a baby bird take flight enjoy every moment blessings toy |
Girls been thinking on life and whats important for a good life and what one should not waste:
Time is fleeting it passes before one knows what will you have to show for your life will you leave even a mark on the world or will you become just another name that some one used to know?
Did you give up on seeking what you want and need and settle for less then you deserve?
What would be your answer?
girls answers:
2 wonderful daughters who will pass my values and teachings on.
2 dogs that everyone around our town know and adore
Those are two perment marks i have made that may go on to do something great!
I have tried to live my life honeslty and stand my my friends and hope if i passed on they would rember me in good ways.
Girls not give up and settled for less she knows and trys to help others find there way on this path
so she hopes least people will rember who she was and what she was when she passes on blessings toy |
took the wheel chair out tested the ramp went to the little league park then over to the big park did a lap with my sister and my daughters standard poodle and came on home safely got up the ramp then watched my 19 year old nephew try to bring it in the door and make a total fool of himself and hit my door lol not its back in the house and i can enjoy a nice evening least i feel usefull again.
Sweet kinky dreams to everyone toy |
Ramps finally done lol but now the guys got come back one more time to stablize the small ramp to my front door he built and not sure when he will make it back but least we can push it back in place if it moves out of place when bringing the chair in so can get out more.
Nice beautiful day out today so hope every one enjoys it and can find what they seek blessings toy |
Nice sunny Sunday with nothing to do till a friend picks me and my eldest daughter to go to his place where hes worked all day to make home made barbacue sauce and ribs. Lol whats wrong with this picture lol but will be nice.
Girl hopes everyone is enjoying the day and will find the special one or ones they are searching for blessings toy |
Rainy day in Indiana so whats one to do for fun? To all Males who post pictures of there male parts and naked ass on first contact with girl you will be deleted and ignored.
If you can not get a women with out showing what you feel is your best asset why would girl consider you?
A submissive or slave have to trust and respect the one they serve and if you cant put two words together how will they gain knowledge of YOU to where they would even think to trust or respect YOU to give themselfs over to your keeping and needs.
To many game players who see the lifestyle as a game not a real way of life have hurt us all who are true to the Lifestyle blessings toy |
been a long week thankfully some friends helped girl not loose herself in the past one she met she hopes is safe and just had computer trouble, If one really cares they least tell some one there feelings has changed.
Nephew had some troubles yesterday but thankfully its over and a friend helped girl feel better. Still need the hand rails put on the ramp not sure when they will get back to do them its supposed to storm here later today.
Girl hopes that each one can find what they seek a treasure for there keeping blessings toy |
The builders arrived at the door at 8am got almost done with the wheel chair ramp they have left is the hand rails on both sides they did not get to get them done so will be back to do them maybe tommorrow or when they can but least try it out if its dry tommorrow.
Thanks to all who served in our armed forces in the past and present and may we always rember why they fought blessings toy |
Race was good the day was very hot and sweaty and is over thankfully now to rember the troops we have and those who have passed on to allow us our freedoms have a great memorial day toy |
Frustrated they talked as my ramp would be built this weekend stayed home most the day and no one showed up or called.
I worry some one will try and still the wood and stuff laying in my yard if they dont build it this weekend.
LOl least I can find good friends around here to talk with blessings and a great holiday weekend toy |
Frustrated they talked as my ramp would be built this weekend stayed home most the day and no one showed up or called.
I worry some one will try and still the wood and stuff laying in my yard if they dont build it this weekend.
LOl least I can find good friends around here to talk with blessings and a great holiday weekend toy |
Ever run across some one you have know before and thing change and click and you cant control your feelings or emotions and have to hurt others you care about but you know that you are set on anew path and changed what you planned!
Girl is being honest she seeks friends to talk to now but may be tied up for a b it blessings and enjoy the holiday weekend |
The heat has been rough and girl has has to spend much time trying to keep cool and dry some times such things are not easy but one must do there best.
Enjoy this wonderful day and may one have a great holiday weekend toy |
Woke to a beautiful sunny day and seek for today to be special and one of a king blessings to all may they find what or the one they seek blessings toy |
Some times you can win for trying have now spent two hours to get my computer back up right after it locked up hope it works right now thanks and blessing toy |
Some days girl feels even the small things go wrong and make her wonder if things will ever improve been waiting on a wheel chair ramp to be built so i can do more as walking long distance are not allowed and i have waited since November of last year still no ramp people have came measured said it will get built then nothing.
I would like to be more active and live a good life like everyone else but some days feels bad hope for better days blessing to all toy |
Some days girl feels even the small things go wrong and make her wonder if things will ever improve been waiting on a wheel chair ramp to be built so i can do more as walking long distance are not allowed and i have waited since november of last year still no ramp people have came measured said it will get built then nothing.
I would like to be moractive and live a good life like everyone else but some days feels bad hope tommorrows a better day blessing to all toy |
Life is a never ending circle with in another we go from one point to the other and then start all over.
Life can bring us many suprises one least expects them when they may pop up one just has to be prepared and see what path it will lead one on.
Hopefully all will have a wonderful week and find that special one or ones they seek blessings Sadisttoy |
nothing like spring storms in indiana lost internet cable and phone most the afternoon and night last night finally have them back!!!! |
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