If you are in particular a strongly dominant mistress or perhaps a switch it would be my pleasure to present myself to you. If you would prefer contact to be by webcam at first to ensure I am truly genuine I would of course oblige, I do realise that there are many for whom this is fantasy and I hope you also seek real experience. If so I would perform exactly what you required and how you wanted it and then perhaps I maybe worthy of further consideration. In return I would be a complete sub/slave to my Mistress, catering to her every whim, but please dont ask me to crossdress, sorry it leaves me cold, apart from this one hard limit which I sincerely request be respected I have no others. I am single, where I live is very private and so some activities can take place outdoors. I still work but is is over the internet and location is anywhere and also timezsone independent. Im ther words I am able to spend the time you wish me to serve. Yes I have listed loves, likes, etc, BUT they only reflect previous experiences and in no way represent an expectation. I realise in my profile I have said I want, when in reality it is what you wants that is uppermost. So apologies in advance for using the pronoun I I have not posted a picture here but one will be sent on request, my apologies but I am well known in what is a small community here
 Age: 26
 Brighton, Illinois